Live at the end of a road

>live at the end of a road
>people keep using my driveway to turn around
>put up some signs
>"No trespassing" "All trespassing will be reported" etc.
>even put up a CCTV camera
>people still keep using my driveway to turn around

Can I legaly put spikes or something in my driveway? How do I make them stop?

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shoot their tires, you fucking pussy

paint a wall in front of your driveway so it looks like a real path, but instead it's a brick wall and as they speed toward it they'll die like in a cartoon.

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yeah, get some caltrops

does it count as private property?

Yeah, get some kind of physical barrier. That would trigger my anxiety everytime a car pulled up my driveway. Sounds absolutely terrible.

well it's MY property

then you can do what you like

a mans home is his castle

yes, spikes are legal if it's your property

or you can ofc just stop being an over sensitive autist

lmao replace a part of the road with a fucking mote and a drawbridge

Build a gate or fence around your driveway

Put some cones up

put up some vending machines so they'll stop and buy drinks. You can profit off them.

If it's legally your property and you live in America then yeah do what u want.

Make a cardboard cutout of a big scary ghost and they'll be too frightened to come near it.

You want to contact a lawyer about that. Some states have laws against booby traps of any kind and it's just too hard for an anonymous board to call the shots.

Don't be a selfish fucker and let them turn around?

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why not a gate or a no outlet/dead end sign?

just shoot trespassers op
the butthurt will be immense

how about they don't drive into a deadend which is clearly stated by a roadsign at the entrance?

why do you give a shit? Is it hurting you?

people make mistakes dumb shit

and it still doesn't effect you in any way

either do this or put spikes up and get a sign saying
Making it extra funny if someone fucks their tires up

>put spikes or something in my driveway
but then you will just have people with blown out tires stuck in your driveway

>let them turn, takes 1 minute max
>blow the tires of strangers instead
>takes about 15 minutes to change their tire or more

Autistic shit.

The best way to stop them without having to deal with some legal bullshit is to put a gate up. Alternatively, a mote with a drawbridge.

spikes doesn't just instantly blow up your tires like a balloon, it takes a while to notice a leaking or even flat tire

mmake your pproperty for hhunting : )

This. What kind of filthy peasant doesn't have a mote and drawbridge, or a cadre of loyal housecarls to keep intruders off his fief? OP probably plays consoles like the pleb he is LOL listen to him complaining about his poor man problems

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