Life of an incel documentary! Probably accurate to 99% of people here
Life of an incel documentary! Probably accurate to 99% of people here
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Juggernaut law: when a girl has flaws more she seems "attainable" so she will be more popular with men.
when you are trying to score with a low quality yet fuckable girl, just know every guy and their brother tried with her.
i was at a restaurant today and this loud bitch at the bar was going on and on about how she has to move in but luckily she had 14 offers to help her move from thirsty guys. this cunt was literally a 4/10 maybe even a 3/10. the cunty alcoholic smoker single mother type. and she had 14 guys on tap willing to give her everything.
>tfw good looking but a loser
where do i find qt female incels?
>comments are all people talking about him being an incel in order to make themselves look better for their facebook groups and reddit
>basically using the video for their own desires
>they then wonder why people choose not to be a part of their shitty backstabbing mainstream
I didn't think you could find a group of brainlets worse than twitch chat and yet I'm astounded.
So many real issues in the world and vice does a documentary about young sad virgins in the first world instead
Dont worry user,you are probably average looking at best,hell maybe even below average
Maybe it's just normies. They love to pick apart shit they see on media because they are fucking losers and have no lives but sit around near their tv or computers all day. Sounds a lot like incels to me
Yeah they should do more documentaries about Africa and Pakiland and how we should be donating more to charities to aid them
>when he shows his friends
i immediately thought of pic related.
no use in making an excuse like that. Incels is a kike lead term and whoever uses it is a dick nosed shlomo
>tfw bad looking but daily get laid
Well of course it's the common method of dissasociating yourself as much as possible from a topic because you don't want to be seen as a loser.
The irony is these people will simultaneously criticize others for focussing on sex while at the same time doing whatever it takes to attain it by trying to act like they're above others
I think its pathetic they hang around the video long enough to make a comment on it. I think you're a better person if you watch and leave or just ignore the video entirely
how ? What do you do to get laid. I dont even know where to go where I live to meet anyone
Opportunity user. Some people are given more than others. Life isn't fair.
They describe incels as if they're some weird breed of animal. We're not even human to normies anymore.
have bunch discord fags conspired to post this video at all hours?
why am i an incel
very funny meme there user
Joey is distinctly unrelatable to everyone he meets
Because you are weird, because women just sense something is not right with you for mating at an instinctual level probably, maybe you are very ugly too? A lot of the time women has like an incel sensor within them, emotional IQ is higher in women, they can smell autism.
im okay looking. can be outgoing but when i'm interested in a female i get a bit awkward
they only care about looks, look at them obsess over this guy
A facial 5/10 so hes a mentalcel not an incel
This guy like a 6/10 how does he not have a gf
true,r9k is filled with failed normies so this is quite accurate.
>reddit tier normal nigger fag snowflake outcasts
i can't fit any more buzzwords to describe the faggots in that video
I'm not one to call everyone I dislike a shill but come the fuck on. This video has been posted with almost identical wording across multiple boards for days now. Ignore shill threads.
>having video chats with friends online and all that gay shit
>having any friends at all
>being able to have VIDEO chats with other people
>having other people to talk to
Jow Forums isn't incel central, we may be losers but those guys are straight up fedora tier virgins like in those /b/ cringe threads a decade ago
i want Joey to be my bf he's too handsome to be an incel
Joey is the cutest boy i've ever seen on r9k
That incel was pretty articulate. Reminded me of Edward Snowden.
Does he have a YouTube channel? He could be successful.
he seems to have made one to comment on the video. Honestly watching him chat over the years is similar to following a youtube channel just with more drug use.
>tfw my name is Joey too
>all those virtue-signalling roastie commenters
every time
No I make opportunities. You're only a victim if you choose to be.
No. Robots are shallow. Women aren't nearly as bad.
>This guy's dangerous! He's going to be a school shooter!
The fact that he hasn't hurt anyone doesn't even register to them. They fear a man who's too afraid to even leave his room more than gangbangers, tweakers, and whatever the fuck else.
The normie fears the UNKNOWN.
The normie knows the gangbangers. The normie knows where the gangbangers dwell, and avoid those areas.
The normie fears the incel, because the incel is unpredictable.
The normie fears the quiet incel just like animals fear the quiet. Because the quiet always precedes an attack. The quiet means that the predators are lurking, scheming, waiting for a chance to attack.
The normie is an animal.
It gets even more hilarious when you see them talk about wanting to kill all incels. It's such a laughably animalistic response.
Vice actually does a ton of documentaries about wars n shit
actaully some of the vice goes into the shithole documentaries were pretty cool
>Good looking
Did your mom tell you that?
every part of this video is fucking priceless, seems like a parody
You mean fembots? They lurk here sometimes. They're extra rare though. Femcels don't exist though.
This is triggering me because I can tell she's judging them so hard and not actually trying to understand why they're like this. No, her silence and lack of confrontation is not her trying to understand
More like 60% of the people here.
What is there to understand? Incels are angry bitter entitled manchildren.
He's a whiny bitch. That's all.
I talked to him and he talked about being so hopeless and poor >uses Apple probably payed by mommy
i don't feel she is judgy but for me that type of thing is hard to read.
>What you think she means when she says 'I love awkward nerdy guys' v reality.
Women have life on easy mode, what did you expect? They are first class citizen, men merely second except for the top 10%.
How they fucking got to that stage
What, the insensitive language and jokes?
Aight, guys. Over snapchat Joey said he was going to kill himself, and then unadded me. Anyone know if he's ok?
Read the article. There's even more rude shit they say about him
Joey is like a 7/10
he's online in his chat right now
Whyd that faggot unadd me reeeeeeeee
what the fuck is wrong with people? These dumb fucks think that youtube is some kind of freakshow or something when they're most likely fat hairy pieces of shit drooling all over their computers
who is she to judge? Shes some goofy looking dumb fucking cunt. How is she any better? Shes a fucking pathetic hypocritical, mean spirited scumbag
Since this vid came out we have had this thread a million times
Stop posting this unoriginal shit
Latin women
>took risks and fought to be here
>big boobies and tittles
>want many kids
>hard working
White women
>get boob jobs and ass implants to make up for lack of goods
>seek alimony
>have to go out drinking at least once a week
I've made my choice. Also I'm a salaried engineer. Enjoy your pig and your burger king job.
you mean in the comments? I'm talk about the reporter?
can he get me elles number before he croakes?
why would anyone bother with a cunt like that
>This is triggering me because I can tell she's judging them so hard and not actually trying to understand why they're like this.
Imagine if she interviewed a hermit who was a convicted rapist with multiple aggravated assaults. Someone who put a person into a vegetable state for a year with his own bare hands. Would she still be judgemental and condescending in her way of communication or would she temper it for the sake of the person interviewed?
That's what I hate about these people. Incels are terrible and the worst of society, but if you have a history of cracking skulls over the slightest disrespect, they change their tone.
i think she kinda cute, I wish she interviewed me.
in what moment is she judging incel guy, i'm not good a reading people please send screencaps
>Incels are terrible and the worst of society
why do people exaggerate with this shit? These people mind their own business. Fucking gangs and cartels and niggers are worse. Stop fucking doing this SJW idiots.
You can't even guess anything about 99% of people here since 99% of people here are lurkers, not posters.
You can't presume out of ignorance.
Google "the argument from ignorance" and "prosecutors fallacy" and then feel bad about how inherently stupid you are.
she has this smug condescending face on the whole time. It's incredibly cringy because you can sense the tension with her judging everything. Off camera she is probably a typical psycho bitch feminist piece of garbage
>why do people exaggerate with this shit? These people mind their own business.
Because everything negative must be exaggerated for clicks. If they said incels are just people who keep to themselves, no one would care.
Years of isolation resulting in severe cabin fever
We never were to begin with
That only goes to show you how pathetic men really are, you're not doing a great job selling them over women.
Why are you guys so obsessed with sex
Men are sex crazed horny animals.
They should all be chemically castrated for societys sake
but user, l'm not
I just want more terrorist attacks
shit is exciting
>its a 6/10
>access to drugs
>has group of friends he talks often
>comfortable talking at the camera and being the spokeman for the movement of weird virgins
>has own apartment
I wish it was accurate.
This guy could easily get a gf if he wanted.
what position do you hold in VICE? how much are they paying you to spread VICE's stupid little "incel documentary" all over the boards? fuck off
>has own apartment
That is paid by mommy and daddy
what's it like being a bitter incel lmao
That's the point. Females do not need to "be sold". They have intrinsic value no matter how ugly, fat, autistic, worthless otherwise they are. by the sheer virtue of being female they are already elevated to first class citizenship and life on easy mode.
>high IQ
pick one
Here ya go.
Originally, obviously
The fact that he has his own aparment remain. That alone gives him more chance with women than your average virgin here that still lives on his mother's basement
ugly women dont live life on easy mode dumbass. Thats only reserved for pretty Stacys.
Ugly girls get guys to buy them shut too.
we want what we can never have
True, but in this case emotional intelligence is different from standard (actual) intelligence
wow ur mad
He's probably a literal faggot.
maybe its pretty sweet if your mommy and daddy pays for everything
Yeah,but he has legit psych issues
yeah i dont know abou this
He's told me last night he wanted to an hero ever since the vice vid came out and he seemed to be in a bipolar type of mood. Hope that he doesn't and learns how to be happy and stable.
A-user, the cunt in your pic is latina...
>retarded roasties don't want to settle for anything less than Chad
>omg us fembots right girls! Such femcels! Womyn have it sooooooooooooooo hard :((((
Kindly off yourself cunt. You already get pampered more than toddlers and still complain.
thats a shame. must be from the drugs. hes gotta get his shit together