Tfw NEETs are humanity's last hope

>tfw NEETs are humanity's last hope.

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>tfw NEETs are humanity's last hope.


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Our world economy is a rat race for things we don't need. Womyn, cars, stupid shit.

A NEET is someone who has found their place outside the rat race. Outside the cave. In the true sunlight of their mothers basement.

I just want to an hero. I find no pleasure in killing time or working. will literally pay someone to kill me.

Why can't you do it yourself? Too scared?

Or maybe you don't really want to die.

In a world gone completely mad, only NEETs have the strength and courage to stand up and say "Enough is enough!".

humanity would already be lost if that were the case

>Outside the cave. In the true sunlight of their mothers basement.

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A NEET is a lazy shithead who is too incompetent to fit in the real world so he comes up with pseudo-intellectual excuses to rationalize his failures. You're not special or above anyone, you're just a failure.

We will crash this system with no survivors. Then NEETs will leave their bunkers and build spaceships to colonize the universe.

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Finally get home from work wagie?

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>haha I'll post a smug meme frog and bring no arguments, that'll show him!
NEETs are the most pathetic parasites on the planet. You're no better than single mothers and niggers.

>A NEET is a lazy shithead who is too incompetent to fit in the real world so he comes up with pseudo-intellectual excuses to rationalize his failures.
And you're such a success, huh?
Just like all the other itty bitty little wagies just clinking and clanking like cogs in a pointless, stressful machine.
Good on you. Maybe a roastie will notice you when she needs a beta provider and someone to raise her bastard spwan.

NEETs are a symptom of a sick society. Healthy societies don't produce NEETs.

Shouldn't you be resting right now wagie? Early bird gets the worm after all! Shlomo's new yacht wont buy itself!

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This song resonates with on a deep level. This is what it means to be a NEET. This is what Nietzsche meant with no-doing as a way of yes-saying.

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t.burger flipper

>wagie is so used to his slavery that he's actually defending it by thinking anyone who isn't a wagie is a failure

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please leave him alone, as a fellow wagecuck /constructionfag/ i will apologize on his behalf for his behavior

mr shekelstein can be rough on us wagies some time but we only take our suffering out on you guys because believe it or not you're all we have to come home to in our sad strenuous lives

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>please leave him alone, as a fellow wagecuck /constructionfag/ i will apologize on his behalf for his behavior
>mr shekelstein can be rough on us wagies some time but we only take our suffering out on you guys because believe it or not you're all we have to come home to in our sad strenuous lives
Sure, we'll leave you alone, as long as you don't mess with us.
>has to take his angry out on NEETs who want to escape from wagecuckery because they know how shitty it is
this stirs pity in me for the poor wageboys.

If NEETs have it so good why are they always considering suicide?

anytime a wagie messes with you, you should feel honored user.
that means he spent what little free time he had that day to trade memes with you before he had to go back to sleep and re-enter hell tomorrow

Who said anything about being a wagie? That's the problem with you NEET fucks. Anything requiring any effort is slavery to you. God forbid someone out there has a fulfilling job they enjoy. And of course you have to throw in random roastie memes that are completely irrelevant and is just you projecting.
>anyone who isn't a wagie is a failure
No one said this, you projecting faggot. You retard NEETs are failures for being useless and bragging about being a burden to people. Go out and do something.

>being honoured that a wageslave tried to take his anger out on me the way shekelburg does on him when the wagie isn't working hard enough for him
do wagies also feel honoured when noseburg tells them to slave away harder for him?

the only feeling it stirs in me is how pathetic wagies are, not honour.

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>I-I ENJOY slaving away for Goldberg!

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>muh Jews
>all work is slavery
Not only are NEETs worthless leeches, they're brainlet black & white thinkers too.

>Anything requiring any effort is slavery to you.
Wrong, a NEET can do whatever he wants, even if it requires effort because he enjoys doing it because it's not work for him. He isn't stressing over it because his livelihood doesn't depend on it and he can relax while doing it.
A NEET can plant trees, flowers, etc, make a garden and tend to it all day, which requires quite some effort with shovels and tools especially under a scorching sun, or he can play videogames all day.
Either way he is relaxing and not under pressure/stress the way wagies are, and it doesn't drain his soul as work does to a wagie.
>a fulfilling job they enjoy.
Such as?
Jobs aren't exactly fun.
Heck, a portion of NEETs don't even want jobs because most jobs stress you out, and to mentioned NEETs, aren't worth the effort for a couple of shekels.
>And of course you have to throw in random roastie memes that are completely irrelevant and is just you projecting.
Roasties like to gravitate to busy wagecucks because they can do whatever they want behind the wagecuck's back, while having themselves and whatever kids they already have be supported by said wagecuck.
NEETs see this and couldn't care less about roasties, but enjoy bringing it up when wagies make fun of them for being NEET because it makes the wagies even more irritant and fearful that their wageslavery is in even more vain than it already is.
>You retard NEETs are failures for being useless and bragging about being a burden to people.
>not being a useful tool to shekelstein and the people who degrade you, i.e roasties and chad's spawn, is considered being a failure and a burden
>pointing this out as a NEET is considered "bragging" about being NEET
Behold the mind of the common wageslave.
>Go out and do something.
I already did, I planted a small garden, now I watered my garden.
Might go for a bike ride later, seeing as I'm not too tired to enjoy it.

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How's that stockholm syndrome working out for you?

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>Not only are NEETs worthless leeches, they're brainlet black & white thinkers too.
Yeah you wagies suuuure are intelligent too, huh?
If you're so smart, why are you slaving away?
You won't be able to enjoy your money when you're too tired and your life force is flushed down the toile- I mean your job.

unironically based

wagies getting ragie is the cherry on top of my sundae desu

>contribute to society
this really doesnt pull anymore in 2018, unless your a commie

>Not only are NEETs worthless leeches, they're brainlet black & white thinkers too.
>being this deep into your slavery
wow I'm actually impressed.
good job, you're really proving your "worth" and that you're not a "leech" by draining your soul voluntarily to have a higher-up profit off of you.

NEETs are the most powerful race on Earth.

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Keep telling yourself that. Whatever keeps you working hard wagie.

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Sounds like the beginning of an anime. Fund it.

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huamanities last hope

Neets are neat

I like how your post implictly admits your genetic line ends with you. Good

>*epic music*
>In a world, that's slaving away
>*metal clanking, whirring*
>1 group will resist
>1 group will be defiant
>1 group will be free
>*helicopters flying, search lights looking for escaped people*
>They will be the agents of freedom...
>They will be the partisans who escape what some may call hell itself
>*news anchor: "We have only one hope left!"*
>They will be the ONLY
>*woman screaming*
>*men crying for help*
>*everything goes quiet*
>*music starts back up again*
>*music crescendos*
Coming to a theater near you, this Friday.

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>I like how your post implictly admits your genetic line ends with you. Good
>implying my genetic line won't secretly continue in the womb of the wife of some oblivious wagecuck
You think I'm going to let this free time and semen go to waste?

This is unironically one of my favorite posts of all time.

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>tfw wagies free time from slaving is spent getting enraged by the humble NEET
Silly wagebitches.... time is money as your boss always says...