Attention Ricebot

What is your location?
What is your sexual orientation?

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your fathers ass
very gay

Give me the real answer for location. I'll cure your lesbianism if you're a girl.

Holy shit, tripfagging DOES work! Time to get a trip!
Also she doesn't want to contact anyone, she just wants orbiters because she's actually a roastie whore.

>not gay
>like thicc bbw grills

Ricebot is a nigger LARPing as an asian guy.

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ricebot = ricebottle
he spams like 3-4 stupid threads once who gets on Jow Forums and attention seeks.
sage, hide, and report

ricebot and ricebottle aren't the same person

Yes they are. I can simply based on how they post. Hell you might even be the little faggot.

Let's get to the bottom line of this

>New Jersey
>Straight but like traps so idk


>all these dummies itt not reading subject

No it's not
ricebot is a girl
Ricebot aka Ricebottle and is an asian american guy
They have the same trip though.

I'm going to need proof on that.

ricebot is Indigo

this. the tripcode leaked yesterday

I creampied ricebot as we were laughing at you.


Indigo/ricebot's tripcode is #trevor btw

Neither of these posters are me.

Ricebot posted in a previous thread (she) had her hymen broken over a doorknob. A way to confirm is posting her pussy with time stamp.

that is hot if true

also don't do this pls, the #trevor trip is a 30-day autoban and posting a GIF with '=0;' as the 15th through 17th bytes is a 7-day autoban.

i know better than to post any part of my body on Jow Forums of all places user

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Hey , this sounds like a great idea.
Bumping for .

yeah um this isn't happening...

It's raping time, rice.

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i thought i kind of wanted this until i didn't. turns out wanting rough sex with your boyfriend with a safe word and getting banged by a junkie mugger in an alleyway aren't the same.

rape, degrading sex acts, humiliation etc. all big greenflags though

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new england straight but would fuck a qt trap

Don't worry, just fucking with you. We cool.
If you are indeed a girl, or the same poster for fuck's sake, the hell are you doing here?

im you orgiela

A nonliberal fag

weeeel... comfy threads are great, stories threads are great, just filter out "gf application", "woman hate", "loli", "gay" and everything is fine. everyone has good advice here, i like meditation threads a lot. i'm lonely to tell the truth

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That's me . I happened to be lurking the same thread and I read it and found it kinda cute.
Okay, what's your damage?

You think it be like that but it don't.

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ricebot stole my trip i will never forgive her

ah. well. basically the same story that everyone will tell you... damaged goods yada yada yada.
i'm probably damaged from lurking on 4his site too long anyway, i'm getting old

seriously though i can confirm grills who browse this board are to be some of the most sociopathic, cruel, and generally mentally damaged in society. but robots/men are also manipulating. the very few women I've talked to from Jow Forums were sweet, humble, damaged. not perfect, but they all showed their true selves. with men you can chat for years without seeing their true intentions, in my experience anyway. i'm not a good person at all

ok it was my trips for 2 years before you used it fight me fgt

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Oh. I haven't met anyone from here irl. I don't believe in being a representative of a particular sex or community so I'll just say all people are equally shit. I'm not immune to propaganda either. Nor am I a good person.
I'm off then.

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farewell then sir i wish you luck. at least we have one thing we can agree on

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