One chance at life

>one chance at life
>born in a small town

wtf was the point. wtf was the point god. even when I try to escape it just gets ripped away from me because gods following me around cursing. I get money something goes wrong and it gets ripped away. I find a way out it gets crushed. I finally make a bunch of money I get arrested and put on probation for being black.

every person I see on a city has like a crowd of friends, parties, girls. not even ultra normies or anything literally EVERYONE. I went my whole life without being able to go to a concert or amusement park or do anything fun. even if there is anything fun here its for the cousin club only.

I finally got old enough to leave and go on my own and god has just been following me around for years taking every opprountity away from me. i dont fucking get it i wish god would FUCK OFF.

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it gets bett-

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fuck off im not even trying to leave anymore im just complaining about how its impossible like everyone else here. im one of you now.

Oh it's this thread again, I was thinking about it
the other day.
How come you haven't uploaded in a while? How's it going op?

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ive given up im just going to smoke k2 and spice until i hae a seizure and die from it. i've done everything and i just keep getting denied every chance i get. im not even asking them to transfer my shit i know it'll be another embarrassing and crushing no. there's no point. all they have to do is say no and they will. no one cares about my life except god who just follows me around cursing me.

Not really a problem, though it is a tease when your town has over 50k people yet is off the grid for any even and you have to travel to fucking Hull to do anything, who even then are usually a step behind Leeds.

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that's pretty sad
i hope you feel better soon
Do you live in Russia by any chance?

no but this place is nicknamed Siberia a lot. i just want to die so bad

Canada? Lappland?

Small town life is cosy af. Cheap rent, don't have to worry about diversity etc.

My point exactly.
Just become neet; doing what you love; peering out of the window of your wooden house to see the snow outside; golden lights; feeling like you're in the middle of nowhere.
>tfw britbong surrounded by dunecoons and unbearable weather
Why don't you like this op.

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yeah fuck you guys i dont want to be neet and sit around all day its fucking forced on me with gods evil rape of my life. i fucking hate god im so fucking miserable

woah no need to get so salty
I was genuinely asking what you don't like about that.

Start a pop-punk band, friend

Where are you from my niggylit

no friends. no people. nowhere to go. freezing cold almost all year. house is broken down and shitty. no girls. nothing to do. no bus train taxi uber or anything. i have to drive 7 hours just to go to a real city which isn't possible. nothing to do but get high then just get arrested for doing that and cant even do that anymore. its literally being born in a jail cell.

wait no jail has more people and shit to do.

I think you meant to say
>Midwest Math Rock Emo band

Hhahahahahhha what the fuck

Do you live in this small depressing town OP?
I do. My name is heather.

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What are you trying to escape from? I am now based in a big city and I am thinking of ways to get back to countryside because I enjoy the environment so much more. You can be a chef but once you get back home and eat home food it hits you hard brother. It helps that a big garden and a pack of dogs are always waiting for me, it's so hard to go back to the concrete blocks filled with crowds of background noise.

Ah I see, I guess you can only appreciate places like that when you're not forced into them.
Unless you're in an ex-soviet country, then the buildings are fucking ugly and not comfy at all.

>he doesn't live in monmouth uk

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Damn OP you need to eat some mushrooms and chill.

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i used to live in the city but then i had to move to the country side and i actually like it better here. the city is too loud and busy. i cant imagine living back there

when i got sick of it i would just move to the suburbs im not going back to the country ever. its too sad.

hey Jow Forums My name is heather. Rate me.
Would you pump your hot loads inside my butt?

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>tfw LEO in big fucking city of +8 million (not counting illegals)
>move to small town of 20k
>Small crime
>Most people I bring to jail are DUIs, outstanding warrants, driving w/out license/registration/insurance/no lights on, speeding, or weed (it's still illegal here)
>So bored out of my fucking mind I miss the high pace city crime
>Already turned in my 2 weeks notice
>3 shifts to go

Why does it feel so slow? I want to go back now.

Stay focused user

Life can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you lose sight of your goal, it'll become even more impossible.

Create a tangible action plan for how you're going to be able to provide for yourself in a big city and keep to it even with bullshit comes through.

And honestly, I skimmed that sceencap of all your previous posts and you sound underage and/or retarded.

Moving to a new place is relatively simple...but it's not easy. Do some research.

Where do you live now and where are you trying to go?

i keep trying everything and just keep getting no or my dreams crushed. there's nothing i can even put my effort into. im meant to either just lay in bed or get a job in live in some shit small town forever until i die. im just not doing that

not when god strikes you down and then you get put on probation for a long ass time for barely doing anything. there is no leaving. not for me. good things only happen to other people but not me. i just need to accept that this is my life. eternal suffering. the sooner i accept it the sooner i can just sleep forever and give up.

Funny enough, I'm black as well. Assuming you even analyzed the situation in the most objective way, it's not impossible to make a change. Clearly, your struggles are significantly psychological/mental. Wait out the probation and build up your skills/income in as productive a way as possible until then. It'll give you purpose and confidence in the meantime. Life rolls along.

However, you didn't answer my question at all. I was going to have a quick convo with you to try and help but you just keep whining. The only people that change are those that want to. You don't want progression in your life and you probably take comfort in blaming >God and >circumstances for your failures. You're a fucking bitch.

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man by the time this shit is over with ill be old. its just impossible there's no point. god just gave me an impossible life and a curse for no reason. thanks for the advice

if they dont let me go then there's nothing i can do and they wont let me go because my suffering just benefits them somehow and i'd actually be happy if i left and the world wont let me be happy for some reason. just cursed

whats the best type of gun to kill myself with? a shotgun right? what size of shotgun is the best?

Ok move to the city and get raped by the Jews when paying the rent on your box room. Then spend your day dodging acid throwing niggers and liberal faggots.

i dont even get that option its impossible to even have a shitty life im meant to just do nothing i was born to suffer

Heh I live in in a city in the UK with 100k people but it's really boring and depressing and feels like no one lives here. Every Forum I look at online people talk about how lonely and depressing it is.

The sad thing is that I'd prefer to live in a small town since you're surrounded by nature however in this place you're surrounded by shitty buildings and lifeless people.

I'd rather live where you live in OP in the woods or what not although I guess the cold might take some getting used to.

How's life like in a small area user? Do you buy your own
meat and food or produce it yourself? How's the internet? How important is money to your survival?


thats not a big city I want to live in la Miami atlanta or nyc

Are you that same retard who got the DUI and couldn't move?
>born in small shitty town in economically depressed half of state
>went away to college
>moved further away after college
>can now go anywhere I want and do anything I want

>probation for being black

I dont mind doing probation its just I want to serve out my sentence in the city im so fucking miserable here

I grew up in a small town

left, got a PhD, and now all I want is to go back
city life sucks, neighbours suck, pollution sucks, and seeing the endless urban sprawl and chain restaurants being built over marshlands and forests makes me want to kill myself.

fuck you
Small towns don't suck, you fucking suck
you'd suck no matter where you grew up cause you're a fucking loser

it just sucks because you're an ugly freak and no one would accept you except some tight knit community thats forced to you fucking virgin freak

Lmao this one is going in my subreddit folder