Is this true? Doctors make only as much as high school teachers? What a waste of life, holy shit.
Is this true? Doctors make only as much as high school teachers? What a waste of life, holy shit
Only in America, where everything is utterly fucked.
This is slightly deceptive. Your cash flows as a doctor are far better once you're getting paid.
>Two different denominators but comparing the same measurable point
Really made me think
>haha you wasted you're life by trying to help or advance medicine lmao
Pharmacologists have done infinitely more than any recent physicians
yeah, so? what's your point? nobody should go into medicine because you don't think anybody is going a good enough job of it?
I forgot all about the rest of the picture when they said an apple a day. Where the fuck do you live where apples only cost 3 cents each?
3 x 8 = 24 so about one quarter for an apple per day.
>3 cents more an hour
Thats 24 cents a day my man
Yeah I realized after I posted. Still, I rarely see apples that low unless there is some massive sale.
Nobody cares holy shit this has nothing to do with how much a fucking apple costs
Picture is tricky but it illustrates a good point. Opportunity cost is very real factor two. I went into nursing. It was two years to get my degree, a smidge over $10k, started first job at 24/hr but actual rate is about $31/hr when you consider all the extras and bonuses. 3 days a week is full time so you can pick up a second job easily and do anywhere from two to 18 extra shifts and really bring in money. Invest in ETFs and crypto and you are on the happy side of compounding. 8-10% from your ETFs, crypto is a crapshoot but put a couple hundred each week on whatever feels right. The rat race ain't hard, just gotta play it smart. Some of the docs I talk to make it sound horrible. Only a couple seem to actually enjoy it. Same goes for nursing tho, so fair enuff.
>Look mom, a spastic on a spastic board!
Who the fuck would have fucking thunk it.
You can be an RN with a two year degree? I thought you could only be a nursing assistant with an associates degree.
It depends on the individual. The chart is deceptive, because the person who made it created a 2 strawmans of the doctor and school teacher, and assumed their career path, instead of looking at national statistics of the average/median doctor and teacher. I know teachers with say bachelors degree in chemistry or history, than a masters in education.
Also you waste a lot of your time in work. Some people are workaholics and actually like working. So it's best to choose something that you like or tolerate better than other jobs. I would rather be a software developer than a history teacher or McDonald's clerk even if I get paid more.
Assistant is like 3 weeks, and many states don't even need to be certified. CNA vs PCA, same gig. Then you have LPN, which is a licensed job, have to sit for boards but only 1 year of school. RN is associates, diploma, or bachelors typically, 2, 3, or 4 years respectively. The two year programs tend to be a little harder with tests and more clinical hours, but you pay less for it and start earning money sooner. You can do another year online while working full time easily to get the bachelor's. I finish in December, payed about $15k and no loans. Considering that I work full time it just makes sense to go two year then one year route because I also get work experience.
>keeping people alive is nothing lmao
fucking retard.
Yeah because everything is about the money dirtbag. Not helping people....
Many people think doctors are money hungry garbage human beings. You can help people in other ways without spending 15 years just to start
>6k hours on bachelors degree
Hahaha faggots.
T. Highschool teacher
>I would rather be a software developer than a history teacher or McDonald's clerk even if I get paid more.
>he thinks that "software developers" aren't just codemonkeys
True, but he just said he'd prefer to work with software development rather than something else because it's something he enjoys doing even though it's basically white collar work for low-IQ people
Well, I know I don't do anything exceptional. I didn't want to go through the meat grinder that is acedemia to do research and stuff. I just want a comfy life. It's not my fault that some of the software "engineers" don't know what a derivative or integral is. Nobody gives a shit in the private sector that I know math proofs and things like Fourier Transforms.
if your a generalist yeah you would make crap money, but if you enter a specialized medicine you could make millions more.
This. I have friends in the medical field, and they all openly mock family practice/general practice doctors for choosing the "burger flipping of being a doctor"