Tyrone9cm is 9" tall
Tyrone9cm is 9" tall
He never liked this site anyway. Wouldn't be surprised.
this is the guy calling everyone a "cac" and is all "blick power".
He's nine inches tall?
I miss Kent so much. I want to do a rap mixtape dedicated to him but I can't rap :(
I don't think it's really kent, but the dude has issues. He hates all white robots so I can't even consider him a robot.
I hope he's just a summerfag.
>thinking you can shame me with posts
Lmao don't be ridiculous I know what I post. If you tards can say a bunch of shit and not consider it racist why get buttblasted when I do the same. I don't hate white people, I've posted my pic before with a white ex. Also op is the gay porn spammer Nik upset I easily recognized his posting style yet again, I have no idea who that little nerd is in the pic but go ahead and knock yourselves out I want this 100 replies by the time I come back
> has white ex
> doesn't like white boys perving on black women
fuck off hypocrite. You aren't a robot either.
> doesn't know kent
like I said, I respect black robots and you aren't one of them. Kent is blackbot god.
>delusional gay porn spammer gibberish
Be mad at yourself for being too autistic to change your posting style, not at me for instantly recognizing your specific brand of autism
>respecting bots
>respecting blackbots
>thinking your respect matters
Can't relate cacazoid
That's ok. you won't be posting by september since school is back in session.
I've been on 4ch since 2007 newfag
oh shit you can recognize posting style? Who am I? I always like it when people recognize who I am.
I only pay attention to the anons that consistently YOU me and I notice them when they think I'm not watching, that's when they rage and make threads like these because I accurately noticed them
I have two suspicions about you tho
Yet you don't know kent.
I don't really give anyone in particular (you)s.
What are the suspicions? I have a few characters I play, and one identity that is my real life.
> not the Tyrone guy
As much as I want to say it's just an annoyance the racism on here does get to you it's never turned me racist against others but it has pushed me to insulting people here. I guess the only way I got passed it was by remembering that for every racist robot of any race there's always a non-racist one of every race which is why I choose not be an asshole and blanket others and insult them.
Have a good day user.
I'll take your word for it sucks for you. I have only noticed your retarded posts for the last month though.
desu your posting style resembles something a newfag who just heard about Jow Forums and raids sounds like. Just saying. Also,
> namefag
still a piece of shit attention whore on an anonymous board.
Shut up nigger, go nig somewhere else
Do you avatar fag
This past month is the most I've posted outside of biz since 2010
>assmad gay porn spammer
See how easy, something particularly retarded about the way you type Nik now go post some penises somewhere lmao
Is it true Kent sudokud? I saw a thread a while back but didn't think it was real.
I hope not. that was a pretty cool robot. I wish I could lend him some of my height.
Do you even know what that word means? It means posting the same thing across multiple boards. Not dumping a bunch of images into a pic dump thread designed for the purpose of dumping pics. Damn you are imbecilic. maybe you have been on this site too long.
>Do you avatar fag
lelllll this thread though
Don't know anything about that. I'm talking about you hijacking a perfectly good black girl thread.
There is good satire and bad satire. This guy is bad and boring since its not relevant to board culture
I'll name some good satirists on the board right now:
Zealot the vampire larping tripfag
The guy who posts pic related
The guy pretending to be a discord fembot
and there are others
Suck a dick dumb shit
You are probably the sissy porn spammer and then type your name in when you want to larp as Tyrone. Virgins have posting girls on here for years with stupid >tfw no gf green texts before you came along. How do girls equate with gay porn spam? Yeah trannies and traps have been around here too. A lot of hopeless virgins here looking for a fantasy and funny greentext.
>avatar fag
>thinks he has taste
Your I wanna die spam posts are so clever hurr
you forgot to turn Tyrone9nm on.
The fresco spammer is my favorite satirist though since he is bringing back old-school [s4s] style forcing with a modern twist. Also the fake ricebot can be pretty funny but that one's been done before I'll admit
fresco spammer has been here i while i feel since he's basing his gimmick on the teehee/flaming leonardo era of Jow Forums
I think the guy who spams that image is parodying either underage posters or just "I wanna die" animeposters, I'm not sure exactly.
Oh and I forgot the guys who post in the fembot feels threads they can be pretty topical and on point with their gimmick.
Anyone else I'm forgetting? I feel like parody threads are kind of underappreciated on Jow Forums right now.
Fembot OC is pretty funny - almost as laughable as the idea of a fembot.
Is that the guy who posts porn of interracial gay porn?
How do you know his name
Indeed, they're cutting and on-point though. I don't see the reason for parodying the tyrone stereotype on Jow Forums as far as I know it's never really been a hot topic. Help me understand your act, user
I dont think you know what that word means
ironic shitposting is not still shitposting
But when we were slaves and got hung for fun back in Jim crow we were either BLACK or WHITE. There was no octaroon, quadroon, mutt, etc. Now you want to make up all of these fake labels to get black folk to fight each other.
You people really are just less intelligent jews. I hope a Somali gang rapes you to death for posting this.
If it's done correctly though I must say.
Fresco = funny shitpost
Self-aware guy avatarfagging = funny shitpost
"Fembots" who want chad = funny shitpost
Tyrone = not funny or clever, pointless. annoying - BUT if you can keep up the gimmick until like December I will consider you stressing the gimmick to an annoying level to be funny and you can enter the good shitposters list
>Still wants me to argue with a man that spams gay dude nudes for leisure
Sure. That would sure show black supremacy.
I wasnt even implying that but by how defensive you got you actually proved the point that it is indeed shitposting.
My point is that roleplaying is not satire
It's him he follows me around threads assmad and making moronic takes of my name
I know his name because a couple of weeks ago he got drunk and made a thread trying to find a Shemale that lurks r9k, in the thread he said his name so the trans would know it was him. I was one of the people who saw and laughed at him now he hates me
Ok that makes sense. I'm sorry for getting defensive user, I understand where you are coming from. Shitposting is a hard topic to discuss seriously, but I disagree with you on the level that I do feel that some of these roleplays may constitute satire on some level, especially when viewed from outside. I enjoy them anyway, I know a lot of other people don't.
>annoyed after few weeks
>not good or clever
Pick 1 only
you absolute Niger, what if you are Asian? what you are mixed? You understand nothing about genetics and i hate your black supremacist views, i hope you burn and die with your racist believes.
No such thing.
t. falseflagging black trap spammer
>gay porn Nik telling blacks what is and isn't black
Typical Americac entitlement
why are you gay for the black trap spammer? has his shit really fucked with your head this much?
t. black incel
im pretty sure that's when those labels were invented
Good grief you just dropped the already shitty quality of this board to all new lows. Give it a rest already. Posting pictures on an imageboard will not threaten your manhood or race.
>black trap porn in the catalog
H-he's coming!
all black bois will be turned into sissy slave girls for white cock
white girl here btw
forgot to mention that.
>>gay porn Nik telling blacks what is and isn't black
I have no idea what you are talking about and i hope you choke on the feces you spew with your Nigger mouth. Stop being a black supremacist and maybe your kind will be less hated by everyone. Also you nigger were never slave you have had more privileges than 90% of the world if you live in america. You pathetic weak niggers might have done something with your life if you were good for anything other than raping and killing.
They exist. don't ignore reality to fit your narrative.
Uh oh once he starts triple posting you know his ass blown apart and the penis pics are incoming
As long as I get black pussy i don't care what you do.
>gay porn
>quintuple posting
The true power of the americac
Man your image library is quite vast.
these are the current MLB champions
black people suck at baseball
I get why all races hate blacks now, you guys are insufferable,
where exactly is the gay porn in this thread you paranoid ass nog?
Nah some are good. But the bad ones are bottom of the barrel bad.
They are bad at anything that involves more thinking than running and trowing things.
i confess. i was gay all along
Of course, it's always the bad apples that get showcased, but for fuck sake they are some bad looking apples.
They were in the catalog. Guy must be on a bathroom break, this thread will be flooded soon just wait.
Makes sense, you are basically begging for people to post gay shit. I would recommend you go to/r/ instead of doing it here tho.
I find black tranny porn so hot and I really want to be sissified by a big hairy white master. I can't help it. My boipussy is ovulating.
This board is about to get nuked. I can tell it. Fuck maybe this whole website.
How? How do you know and why would it be?
Okay I take this back you are are actually very based OP.
It's gone to shit and gookmoot hasn't given a shit so he doesn't even have it moderated any more.
>Nik nervous breakdown rambling to himself
I'm not the best name/trip currently??
I farted a lot of cum out yesterday. i loved it.
my ass is a sissy hole for hot hung slave masters
I mean you post/ask for the other guy to post, a bunhc of gay shit so no you aren't.
I did not ask him or want it. Fuck off cac. I'm not gay. DL =/= gay.
LMAO now every doubter go back and read my posts and see I told the truth in every post, included multiple layers of comedy and puppet stringed this mongoloid from the start poked Nik's insecurities and he came out of hiding butthole inflamed and chimping out.
Don't ever doubt me again and don't ever say I'm not the best posting right now.
Don't listen to him. I'm a gay little ass queen slut.
White woman with large boobies here, you're fucking based Tyrone. He cute!
It takes a level or skill to see anonymous, know who it is, get him to reveal himself after he tried to hide and deflect for an hour
yeah and also i like when men put their cocks and creamy loads in my hole too. i'm not gay and i'm not the black trap spammers alter ego
inside tip:
heres the black trap spammers first post.
his name is Jason and he is not the only one fyi
lol Tyrone is retarded.
He was wrong about literally everything. he thinks the black trap spammer made this thread lmfao
sorry but i only get fucked by white men
I mean, even if tyrone is not posting the "traps" he is baiting the other guy into posting them. So he enjoys these posts to some level. Which is fuckign gay.
82 judge for to see for
>Nik samefagging
I already won again little man, maybe the next thread you'll finally be get a win on me
He doesn't enjoy the content of the posts he enjoys the guy getting assblasted enough to post them
what'd you win exactly my guy? more black tranny porn? you have no evidence or proof of who made this thread. i will bet you my life it wasnt the black trap spammer
t. buttblasted nigger/ obese nigger lover
only a faggot would want to see his own race get fucked up the ass by other men. Tyrone is clearly gay.