>ywn be a white guy with light eyes and good hair
Ywn be a white guy with light eyes and good hair
Good hair usually lasts until 25 for most. Then you have to shave it bald. I would kind of like to be a mutt for a week, or maybe full-on black guy. I can't say I would like to be an east Asian, Indian or Australian abo
No one will pity you, stand up boy. You have to be strong.
You can always be an honorary aryan
he looks like a coon in that pic
malcolm why you gotta always be so angry
Whites killed the wrong black leader.
At least blacks get laid. Asians are the biggest minority (in the US), they barely occupy management, and no one except other Asians (especially crazy traditionalist bitches) want to fuck them. Shit sucks.
It fucking sucks, man. It's like being a vampire without the super powers.
all least you get to fuck all the white wimmins
I always get a laugh out of how whoever made this image did some hardcore cherrypicking to get and then show those responses.
White women are more racist than white men
t. asian woman consinneur
>At least blacks get laid
Okay let's rule out crack house residents, what other black person gets laid?
white girls are the biggest race mixers. i see white women with all kinds where i am at. white men are mostly hiding it. pretty much everyone is racist if their race is under threat, only those who have deluded themselves to think we're all the same. its simple tribalism. multiculturalism is cancer.
>6'0 basketball players
>rappers with actual money
so basically no one
Look at dating site statistics. Asians are considered the least desirable group by far.
Malcolm X wasn't killed by white people dumbass lol
Not too niggers
Okay so your from Jow Forumseurasiantiger.
It all makes sense now...
he never said they did.
Dumb motherfucker
Go back to where you came from, ricedick.
>malcolm x
>a 6'4" drug dealer chad that fucked white women in his prime
>literally cucked his wholesome black gf for a white bopper right in front of her
that's about as far as i got in the autobiography
>Later became a rights leader
He turned out ok but ended up dying
>tfw you will never secure the existence of white people and a future for white children
Why bother?
The thing is though, being totally unable to differentiate between a nigerian near-genius type and some violent hoodrat is characteristic of the least likeable type of white ppl out there. I mean, i can understand why huwyte ppl reacted as forcefully as they did against anti-white groups, but eventually you gotta grow up a bit senpai. If its so bad to live in America, or will be soon, you can always emigrate. Its a shame though, the US has been such a beautiful place for so long.
White guy with blond hair here. Neither of those things makes you inherently more interesting or a decent human being, so who cares lmao
go to /soc/ and get a girlfriend? looks are 99% of the deal.
I'm going to post it in this thread cause I know black anons are here.
i come from a state with little black population and whenever I'm near a black person I cant seem to act like I normally do. I'm fine around hispanics and asians but for some reason I get nervous I'll do or say something offensive to them.
How do I stop doing this?
This. The racism police shit drives hatred and fear of blacks big time.
not him, but just because you are white with blond hair does not mean you look good.
pol get mad when i told them i'm italian with brown eyes and my gf is a tall polish girl with blue ones.
Don't give a shit.
>pol get mad when i told them i'm italian with brown eyes and my gf is a tall polish girl with blue ones.
They're just bitter and jealous. Italians are white in my eyes, more power to you.
only my feet are white
Bro just move to Sweden and fuck all the white guilt plagued traps and women