Why do you come here?
I'm curious about it. Are you tired of chasing chads and find yourself happier shitposting and talking to robots here?
everyone gets lonely
Femanons, you should read my name and give me an answer :)
im a lonely pathetic loser and i wanna vent thats why
true. I guess that is a good reason
I don't if you vent, if you want to talk my contact is manko#3816
They come here for attention. It is indeed that simple. Jow Forums is actually much easier than /soc/ in regards to farming attention.
I enjoy talking to anons because there is less pressure. If I stuff up convos.. I don't feel as bad. I also like hearing good stories from people. I am not very brave IRL..
you're a mentally ill boy though nasu, please don't larp its making it hard to find real xx fembots on Jow Forums
But how can you possibly know s/he's not a fembot if this is an anonymous imageboard user? Do you have a magic seeing eye that can see through the illusion of the net?
What a fucking faggot, lol. So obvious and thirsty
I come here to check on whether it's gone back to the 2010-2014 Jow Forums, and the answer is always no.
I also check to see if anybody's still posting my shitty OC.
>haha xD I called someone a faggot
and here I was thinking this site was 18+
Namefags are almost exclusively contactfags, so people eventually find out after talking.
fucking pathetic. I'm happy knowing no female will respond or ever like you as long as you are an orbiter. Get a life nigger.
They enjoy the abuse and can't turn away from the truth about women often spoken here.
>no female will respond
I'm already talking to some, but thx for the bump nigger
I just like to browse here when I am bored.
Plus guys here are smart and funny. I fucking need a robot boyfriend.
Someone said I belong here because I'm an autist. I mostly just like the vocaroo threads.
Post contact then you dumb slut :3
Ah okay. I still don't see much of a problem with that, but that's fair enough I suppose.
I always sage dumbass.
>I'm already talking to some
Because I relate even though I couldn't be a true robot
probably just larping dude
I'm fine with that but saying you were born a girl is bad
No, YOU post contact.
Shit I fucked up the spoiler tag there so you know im not larping.
Fuck you nigger every time I do that shit there are a million anons calling me out for being a douche
Fine tho pl4nt#0392 if I get doxxed its on me
nothing in that link proves mtf, user
I've been on this site almost ten years. I've taken major steps to improve myself, unlike most of you. However, I still have nothing in common with normies. The only interesting English speakers in the world post on Jow Forums, everyone else is an NPC. Don't be flattered, though, because the vast majority of you losers are uninteresting as well. Maybe one in ten is worth talking to.
Jow Forums has shaped my life, for good and bad. Jow Forums and /lit/ for example, but in negative ways, well, Notes from Underground resonated with me quite a bit, Dostoyevsky is my favorite author and I've read most of his work. Normies won't understand such feelings. I still feel brotherhood with you miserable wretches because, while I may be successful and attractive on the outside, I'm still the same miserable wretch on the inside. I haven't had a happy life and I've suffered immensely. My parents were neglectful and emotionally abusive, for example, which I only admit while anonymous because I don't want pity from these shit for brains normalscum.
I'm extremely introverted and don't want friends. Anonymous shitposting satisfies my social needs. Also I have turned down several Chads already, I don't want them, they won't be able to understand me, they have pretty faces and bodies but their heads are empty, I may as well fuck a dakimakura.
tl;dr I had a shitty life and I'm still bitter about it, only people who can relate are found here. Call it a larp if you want, you always do, I don't care.
>no filter
>can yell into the vastness of the internet without having any of the posts I made linked to me
am i really that ugly :( buhh
yep girl much yep.
I like Notes, I've been reading Crime and Punishment and I'm not loving it desu.
they get ez attention from thirsty loyal dogs
if you lost about 50 lbs and your shit attitude you would be smoking hot
ok add me desu
that seems extremely underweight user, I just wanna lose like 15lbs max
you're 5'9"? no wonder people say you're a man. that's unnatural laddie
at that height tho, i'd recommend dropping to around 120 lbs.
So uh, I was this guy - Just wanted to apologize if I made you feel self-conscious. I didn't even bother looking at the link. I just took the guys word cause I'm an idiot. Sorry about that.
(Also your weight is fine, and I don't think you're ugly either.)
shut up, waste of quints you fuck. Women should be tall and men should be small
have no friends even online
Nice quints
also, 5'9 is average around here? and 120 lbs is still very underweight by about 10lbs for that height
I've posted here since 2009. I'm here forever.
thank u user its ok =)
she's not ugly. just too damn tall.
>advising a girl to lose weight
>wasted quints
nah senpai
thank you. i am very particular and most people think i like them too skinny. feel free to ignore.
where is 5'9" average? That's tall even for Scandinavia.
we can be friends if you want, im actually genuinely interested
That's because you're a plebian. C&P is his best work.
I guess I should say how D writes, there's a lot of fluff and crap and setup, but the brilliant moments are so brilliant they make the whole doorstopper worth it. I hated Demons at first but about halfway through it started getting absolutely brilliant.
it's a little over average I guess? I live with 2 girls that are like 6 foot. I don't feel particularly out of place at my height.
Glad to hear it. Have a nice day user.
Too tall? Tall women are great though. (So long as they're not giantess level.)
I've been on Jow Forums since high school and I'm close to 30 so it's a habit and I come here mostly when I'm bored and lonely. I frequented /a/ the most but I liked the memes and greentext here when I found this board a couple years back. It's really went to shit since then but it's like a better /b/. I am 99% of the time happier posting here than being out in the real world, however I do not talk to robots 1 on 1, or I don't try to anymore. I've given up on making friends with anons. I might try being friends with other femanons but the only ones I've talked to turned out to be larpers and trannies.
>. I've given up on making friends with anons.
that is sad, what were the things that turned you off the most? from the ones that you had a 1 on 1 with.
Gib amazon gf please
>(So long as they're not giantess level.)
bad taste
There comes a point where things have gone too far user. A 200 foot tall giantess would squash you if she tripped over something. Also the expenses for food would be so costly.
A girl trying to make friends on a site full of lonely men, but just friends and nothing more. Sounds stupid doesn't it? It never works out.
It doesn't sound stupid at all though. It makes pretty good sense all things considered.
>A girl trying to make friends on a site full of lonely men
I think is also the fact that they want to have a bigger connection with someone, more then just saying hi and going on vc or playing games
Men don't want to be friends with women, accept it.
someone in new zealand pls be my gf
>other femanons but the only ones I've talked to turned out to be larpers and trannies.
now do you understand our frustrations? the ones of us hoping to make a meaningful connection here?
are you trying to go all tsundere on us you dumb cunt
C&P is his best? My friend said it's Brothers Karamazov.
> the ones of us hoping to make a meaningful connection here?
if the person I'm getting a contact from doesn't want to show me a pic on the first day with timestamp I just block. It's not the first thing I ask for, I talk with them a bit, 80% have sent me a pic when I ask.
There are to many larpers and I don't want to waste more then a minute with one
paraphrase for a non-weeb please
I'm also introverted that is why I go out and try to make friends here and not irl, I feel that I can be more open about everything.
I won't call it larp. I understand if you don't want to add me I will post here my contact anyways marsa#9369
I have, but then you have guys like who will try to make you think it's fine
Yes, I understand that feeling. I appreciate meaningful connections. I don't have many friends at all, probably just one or two, so when I find something genuine it is very special to me. I want to understand the people close to me. I want to know how they're doing, what their innermost thoughts and feelings are. I care deeply about the people in my life and that can extend to the people I meet online. However, I've come to realize that having soul-baring conversations with robots will give them the wrong impression. I have to keep a mindful distance or risk someone getting hurt and I don't want that. I will talk to people on the boards but there's no more 1 on 1.
Jow Forums should probably just make a board dedicated to dating and finding romantic relationships for people like you, so you don't have to resort to tracking down girls on Jow Forums of all places
>I have, but then you have guys like who will try to make you think it's fine
>doesn't realize when people lie to you to lure you in
When a dude white knights for you, he just wants to fuck you, how do women still fucking fall for this? You are 30 fucking years old, what the flying fuck?
>Jow Forums should probably just make a board dedicated to dating and finding romantic relationships
you mean like /soc/? that sounds an awful lot like /soc/ to me. unfortunately, /soc/ is filled mostly with gutter trash.
>you mean like /soc/?
soc is trash. The only anons fem or not I had meaningful convo with were all from here
What do you mean by "who will try to make you think it's fine?"
Because I was actually agreeing with you for the most part. The only thing I didn't agree with you on was that it sounded stupid. What you said makes perfect sense, and I can see why it would never work out.
That pic, dude, fuck my life. Literally all a woman has to do to get a guy to date her is have good hygiene and not be fat. Thats fucking all. Goddamn this shit is so fucking ridiculous. That girl could go into any bar right now and find a reasonably attractive guy who would fuck her in probably 10-15 minutes max. I might actually be losing my mind at this point. Just fucking unbelievable.
>I fucking hate wymymmmmmmmmm
>hey guys female here
Fucking thirsty faggots
>Fucking thirsty faggots
ugh Miss. You're in r9k, what the fuck would you expect?
same. that's why i phrased my post the way i did.
I realize that now, that's what I'm saying. Didn't I say I've been here since high school? Although I will admit I'm a little slow with the social stuff.
A blue board. /soc/ is too degenerate for romance
I must have misunderstood because it sounded to me like you were saying trying to befriend anons made sense
No, that's not what I was saying at all. A lot of the time you're just pulling the lever on a slot machine and who you end up with could be good or bad, and considering the board I can see why it would not work out that much, if at all.
Anyways, I'm glad that misunderstanding is cleared up. That's all I have to say really.
because robots are unironically sometimes funny
sometimes theres good thread, majority of the time its all shit
Karamazov is pretty good but Crime and Punishment is the magnum opus, the one true iconic novel. Rodion is cute, too, canonically extremely attractive. Watching him be psychologically tortured (reading him be?) by that detective was so sexually pleasing I could masturbate to it. I have a major thing for cops and detective genre on top of it, that was catnip for me.
Also (back on BK) Alyosha is too good for this world, I can't even sexualise him. Mitya would be a great fuck but a terrible husband. Ivan is patrician tier for a husband but he would be hard to handle. As a shotacon I want to marry and fugg Kolya the most though, I would destroy his 14 year old penis and his pseud brain all in an afternoon, I'd turn him into my Dorian Gray and utterly pervert that precocious little bookworm brat. I don't know how a straight man like Dosty writes such fuckable males. And Demons' protag Stavrogin is god tier fuckable.
pft, I'm not tsundere you entry tier Oreimo watching loser. I'm hime syndrome, get on my fucking level. Also this is a /lit/ thread now. poast lit /lit/.
>Mfw he predicts the spread of communism at the end of crime and punishment
Have you ever read other Russians like Chekhov. I just read Shalamovs kolyma stories about his 17 years in gulags
robots r cute and turn me on lol theyre also fun to talk to
I read what was apparently just the first volume of War and Peace (Tolstoy.) I didn't like it, there were a few nice concepts but I disliked almost all the characters except the one, whose name I forget, the one who threw the cop into the pond. I couldn't connect with Tolstoy at all, Dostoyevsky reaches into the darkest corners of my soul and wraps his fist around it, but I felt nothing with Tolstoy. Those are the only Russians I've read so far.
Rec me something and I'll read it, if I can find an audiobook to rip from youtube. (Wageslave, I can only "read" while at work.)
"If God didn't exist he would be invented."
But what do you think, I'm personally an atheist, so if God doesn't exist, is indeed anything and everything permissible? Also Rodion did nothing wrong, Smerdyakov did nothing wrong.
Latin American authors are garbage. GARBAGE.
can you talk properly without looking like a retard from 5th grade just posted that. Also shit larp
jokes on u im not larping
I like that way of looking at it. If you think of it that way then I guess you can say I hit the jackpot once but I'm not trying to give anyone false hope
Dostoevsky is pretty unique desu. Only author who I've found with a somewhat similar style is Knut Hamsun so you could try his book hunger.
cuz i like talking shit bitch next question
Post discord bitch
I want a fembot domme Bosty#6356
the penis won't touch itself
I plan on picking up a NEET waifu from here after I finish school. I make an average amount for now but expect to make 80k+ mid career. All I ask is that he is bilingual and willing to have children. Bonus points if he likes to cross dress.
So you like Dostoevsky because he makes your vagina tingle? lmao
I've only read Karamazov (excellent) but someone has told me C&P is better and I would like to read it. I've also read some of NFTU and it's extremely good too.
Just saying though, Tolstoy and Kierkegaard are far better
>the penis won't touch itself
that sounds really gay user
And how do you imagine Mitya to look like? What would his walk be like?
Who is the sexiest character in literature?
With regards to Kiekegaard is he any good with regards to practical insights into the human mind? like if I'm reading a lot of Cognitive Science theories and research and I want to explore motivation and the 'why' of people's behaviors more?
I'm not really that into philosophy (aside from math-logic)
>With regards to... any good with regards
My god, I really need to stop editing posts rather than re-writing my thoughts out from the start.
>And how do you imagine Mitya to look like?
Big dumb crazy russian guy, five o-clock shadow all the time, dirty clothes crumpled and put on sloppily, always drunk, always thundering around in a hurry to do stupid shit but acting like it's urgent business. Wild in bed, just a beast, but the kind of guy who would get obsessed with you and stalk you for years after one kiss. "chad-face" with a strong jawline. Buff even though he doesn't really go to the gym or anything, probably from always getting in fights. Always has some sort of injury and doesn't even realize. Would walk around with a broken foot for a month because he didn't notice.
Alyosha is thin and pale like an angel, soft voice, clear warm eyes, immaculately dressed but in plain clothing. Never in a rush.
Ivan would be of middle height. Half the time perfectly groomed, half the time as sloppy as Mitya. Half the time looks like a professional businessman, half the time like a lousy drunk. Walks upright and briskly, no-nonsense-like. But can sit for tea without being restless, proper manners.
What a list that would be.
Kierkegaard...Parables of? Read part of it, wasn't impressed. Not bad, just not amazing. Tolstoy is a hack, a no talent rich momma's boy who never suffered in his life and doesn't understand how to write real characters. Approaches everything with a distanced, dreamlike outlook because he's never left his father's mansion. Is my impression, I don't know about his actual past, but from his work that's how I expect him. What a bore.
Read C&P, it will kill you. You could cut the tension with a knife. Rodion, man, I think anyone here would love his character, he's got more soul alone than every Tolstoy character put together.
Everything Dostoyevsky writes will put you on the floor, it's like he knows every awful twisted thought you've ever had and drags it out of you into the spotlight and sits there torturing you with it. That's a man who has seen hell while alive. You can tell the difference between someone who has suffered and someone who has never had much of any life experience to draw upon in writing (Tolstoy). Pretty words don't mask a lack of character.
Fuck off retard.