So if i'm correct, many of you want a better life for yourself. I was once in your situation... depressed, lonely, single, out of shape, sad, and I thought the world was against me. 6 months later i'm not even the same person. I'll explain how to do it cause it's fairly simple, although i know many of you will get pissed, just know that what I am speaking here ARE TRUTHS. These are facts, and if it stings you, then it should, because youre in denial that you need to fix it.
1,) Many of you on here are NEET's, and are proud of that because you aren't a "Wageslave" and that you're living a "comfy" life. Human inherently are not made to be creatures that sit in a chair all day and stare at a computer screen. You are not "comfy", you're just reasoning to yourself that your life of nothing is somehow beneficial.
2.) YOU ARE NOT DEPRESSED. Your suicidal thoughts and life of misery is not some sort of chemical inbalance or some shit. Reality is, it's caused by literally doing nothing all day. You aren't depressed, you're bored, and you take it as depression because you don't realize there's something you can do about it.
3.) GET A JOB. You know deep down that you DO NOT NEED THAT DISABILITY CHECK that you get every month. Getting a job is a lot of people's primary form of social interaction. Following getting a job you'll notice that your life is starting to have some semblance of meaning. You'll also probably meet friends and perhaps even a girl from this job.
4.) If your body is shit, you'll feel like shit. GO TO THE GYM. Again, I'm sure you have some excuse on why you can't exercise, but reality is, any one of you can go jogging for an hour a day and go to the gym.
Your life is in your hands, the world does not hate you, go out there, and get shit done instead of sulking and feel sorry for yourself.