>be me
>kissless hugless virgin
>want to become a game dev
>want to become an AAA developer but idk where to start
>start making a project called "Virtual Guzla Sound"
>still living with my parents
>basically not making any money except for 1-2$ monthly from g2a referals
>tried promoting my project but nobody wanted to work with me
what should i do, Jow Forums ? how should i become famous?
pic related, it's me before i sent a letter to the director of microsoft
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
>pic related, it's me
goodbye friend
maybe end your life lol kek xd
i'm serious, you got any actual advices fellas?
if i make it big then you will get $1000 each from me
yeah i have some advice user
read the fucking rules and lurk more before posting again, retard
I would try and learn computer coding online, there are some free resources available. Learn as much as you can and start working on something that you can share and promote
kickstarter dumbass
By cleaning your fucking room
already made a page, nobody donated anything
user, stop being a retard.
atleast its not a fucking degenerate thread like most on r9k
It amazes me how retards like you have bolded out obvious information go over their heads
but that wasnt camwhoring or "rate me", literally had nothing else to put as a pic related
btw you don't got to refer to me as user, feel free to call me Raseto
which part of
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums.
are you having trouble with, user?
why are you people so mad about him posting a picture of himself, who fucking cares atleast its not a /r9gay/ thread
my name is Raseto
>started working on my roguelike a month ago
>worked on this Vulkan renderer back when I was 18-19 for 3D volume rendering, it was functional so I decided to use that since I wasn't familiar with any game engines
>only around ~10k LoC so far but I'm picking up the pace, most progress so far was refactoring of said renderer
>can already parse Lua scripts etc., but I need to do a lot of work on the renderer
I spent the past 10 days just working on graphics for what is supposed to be basically an Elona clone. I'm also studying for my maths degree (starting 3rd year soon) but I hate it
that's nice, user.
now which part of
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums.
is the confusing part?
you're spending your time on Jow Forums instead of developing your game. That's probably your main problem.
If you're not developing, you're not a developer. So get coding my dude.
that's nice, Raseto.********************
it's pronounced "Rah-sh-e-toh" (e sounds same like for example e in hey)
my name isn't Raseto, user.
how can you expect to be an indie dev when you can't parse this simple syntax:
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums.
Although I disparaged OP for fucking up yeah I agree this thread is better than the faggot/racebait/reddit threads
i was correcting you, stop refering to me as user, my name is Raseto
it's pronounced "Rah-sh-e-toh" (e sounds same like for example e in hey)
so let me reintroduce myself, hi, my name is Raseto
and i don't want to be an indie poorfag peasant, i want to become an AAA developer
OP youre from fucking bosnia :/
okay, user.
can you explain what
>Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums.
means to you? is it a translation issue? i can run it through google translate if you'd like.
you seem to have this image in your head that they do nothing all day and make tons of money. All of that is false. It's a monumental amount of tedious work at every level of the creation process.
to all faggots that complain about op posting a pic of himself are the same people that fap to loli threads on /b/
you can't be a AAA developer without working for a AAA company, and you won't get hired because i don't actually believe you can code, since you're not coding right now.
i want to be the boss of the company, i will be the one who will hire people
Do not post pictures of yourself on Jow Forums.
>you have to code 24/7 to know how to code
Good programmers are sociable people who learned from others good practices, rather than reinforcing their own bad ones.
maybe you can hire someone to help you read the rules here, user.
op is literally a bored fuck and guzla sound shit is just that shit
I couldnt read it bc its poor quality but its just about traditional instrument gusle from balkans and it doesnt make much sense believe me
instrument is dope, there were some important people like Filip Visnjic who played gusle, he was practically the Jimi Hendrix of gusle
first of all what the heck is a virtual guzla and what does your software solve? what do you want to sell? how are you currently approaching it?
user why are you this retarded
what is your justification
research it
it's an serbian instrument originally named Gusle but the english translate is Guzla, I want to make an simulator of that instrument, think of it as an fl studio plugin but it will be an standalone game which people would be able to play, get achievements for and get steam trading cards
research gusle, it's my fav instrument
If that pic is indeed you, I hope you realise that your facial reason is the entire reason you're a virgin. Vomit inducing. Clean it up.
your facial hair*
it is me, indeed
here is my intro which i used when i was a youtuber
Perhaps this will help, user.
Get a job, save your money, start your company, hire some people to do all the work.
Not sure why you think I care about that, but whatever.
don't listen to him, OP. you're cool.
It should be obvious by now that OP is clinically retarded.
sorry fella but nobody on Jow Forums respects the rules so don't bullshit me about that
you got any advices for my project btw?
perhaps i shall send you an early access of the game if you help me
my name is raseto
my advice for your project is that you should put more thought into it than you do for posting here, user.
i was doing some research for the project and i thought that friendly anons will help me with my project
my name is Raseto, not user
why do you think anyone would even play that game. I googled it, it seems pretty rare and I doubt you'd have any success selling it
what does your facepost have to do with your project, user?
because i am holding an paper which is related to Virtual Guzla Sound
but user, why not just show the paper though?
because I asked my mom if she likes it and she liked it, if you respect the culture then you will enjoy the game, just like my fellow serbs
because i needed evidence that it's my project, some of you could've easily printed it and said that you are the director of the project but it's not you, it's me and i need to prove that
my name is Raseto, not user
I thought you were bosnian?
i don't speak russian, sorry.
do you have any advice for my project? my name is Raseto btw (you say it like Rah sh e to)
but you can only use your image as proof if we know what you look like already, or if we can find what you look like in a different picture, user
no, i am serbian and i live in Apatin
nononono, i meant that you could print my virtual guzla sound paper and take the picture of you holding that paper so people would think it's your project
my name is not user, it's Raseto
have you seen A Serbian Film
I thought the hugless part is a joke, but now I understand that being a hugless virgin is possible.
And you won't become famous, and your route to become anything is studying it in a university.
no, should I see it? is it good?
Stream yourself coding it on Twitch, you might get some advice there and some people may find your project interesting and could even offer to help out in their spare time.
fuck no man, somebody will steal my code and make the game themselves and my effort would be wasted
yes it's very good. Documentary on serbian life
user why don't you just burn down your paper and go kys
>be me
>kissless hugless virgin
AHHAHAHAHAHAHA Fuckin loser!!!
If that's the attitude you have then you will never hire anyone, people need to see the code user to work on it and improve it, besides not to be rude or anything but what makes you think people will steal your code for a game your making and sell it successfully when you can't even do that and it's your full time job?....I mean so to speak, you're the one with the passion.
ebin thread rasedo :DDD
ra sh e to