Why are normies so fucking cruel?

Why are normies so fucking cruel?

>be me at a family normie gathering
>they talk about dogs
>cousin says his dog wanted to fuck their cat
>I ask why it is fucking disgusting
>uncle answers "it is normal because of hormones to do it. In fact I am wondering why aren't you doing it"
>everyone in the room starts to laugh
>had fucking enough and leave
>hear them shouting "don't leave user we love you"

Can't they feel how fucking bad they hurt people?

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>because its disgusting to me after you touched me there
boom uncle btfo

People suck. Avoid them as much as you can and live a life of solitude. This lonely existence is better crazy as it sounds.

>not joking back
>instantly life ruined from a joke

This is your insane ego doing this. You could have just not taken it personally and shot the shit back. Only extremely egotistical people take every perceived slight as a world ending personal attack. Next time joke back. In highschool I used to tell people like you to come up with 3 or 4 one size fits all jokes and you'll be surprised at how differently these things play out

Well at least they love you

You're more sensitive than normies because your father failed in his task of making you ready for life's daily hardships. By extension, your mother failed you by choosing a poor mate and then mollycoddling the weakling result.
The normies believe that their behaviour is correct and can help you because that's how normies build strength in each other. But you're a runt. You just linger on as close as possible to mother until natural selection finds a way to filter you from the genepool.

It's not over. Luckily we've evolved and you can overcome your emotional reaction to adversity. Good luck. Remember that life is a silly little merry go round.

>This is your insane ego doing this. You could have just not taken it personally and shot the shit back.
No, you can only do that when you're at the same place in societal hierarchy. If he did that whilst being below, he'd get the "wow what the fuck why are you insulting us" treatment and get shat on.

>Be black
>The virgin loser of the family
>Everytime family watches a documentary about animals they'd point to a meek raggedy looking animal and laugh about how it reminds them of me
>Can't leave because it'd make me look like an even bigger loser
>Sit there with a bowling ball feeling in my stomach while they continue insulting me and I make a weak comeback
Life fucking sucks man

Just go back with gun next time, see who's laughing then.

>Uncle roasted me all the time at gatherings for being a neet shut in

>mfw his wife died

divine intervention

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Total bullshit. That was the only good post I've ever seen from tripfag.

OPs uncle was wrong to mock him but this is an avenue of personal growth for OP. People that act like his uncle usually grew up taking as good as they give in their old age. He didn't mean to hurt him.

Bullying is a low intelligence hive mind action with the intention of helping a struggling peer. Remember they tease you to try to help you but their incapable of more. They don't mean bad they're just shit people.

That's not true, I was a bully but I also bullied the bullies and I personally molded multiple nerds on this specific thing. Yeah sometimes you can get a viscous reaction when you're the whipping boy but that's from people even more insecure than you and normally children. That's not going to happen in most adult situations it's too risky it makes them look too bad even if it's how they'd like to reply.,plus this is family not randoms...they wanted him to joke back that's why they told him not to leave

No, that is completely false. Bullying is done by low iq borderline or complete psychopaths to feel better about themselves not being able to fit comfortably into the world that surrounds them as their desires constantly put them at odds with social norms and conventions. No chad or alpha would ever bully someone because they don't need to lower themselves to the level of stomping on someone to feel good about themselves, they are naturally positive people that attract others to them by being capable of leading the way and they get plenty of positive reinforcement out of that.

>>That's not true, I was a bully
Then fuck off you piece of shit.

>Bullying is done by low iq borderline or complete psychopaths to feel better about themselves not being able to fit comfortably into the world
Fuck off faggot that's what every retarded adult says to a bullied kid

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>can't take a joke

people like you remind me this is r9k

This is unironically true.
I'm a BPD male and I bullied my peers right up until the point that I was expelled in eleventh grade and sent to remedial school for the rest of high school after severely injuring another student.

No, what every retard adult says to a bullied kid is "don't pay attention to it". I only identified the issue. The bottom line is that it is evil, it ruins peoples lives and allows mentally ill to get farther ahead in life without being treated as they will find more outlets for these sick desires as they progress.

>Getting picked on by a family member you don't like about a situation you can't control.

Yeah fuck off kid, perhaps you should consider what's appropriate to bring up at family gatherings.

I also coached the particularly retarded nerds from roaming the halls with weird walks and gigantic book bags on wheels to actually having friends and having gfs before they wound up suicidal on r9k...I think the good outweighs the bad

>This is your insane ego doing this. You could have just not taken it personally and shot the shit back. Only extremely egotistical people take every perceived slight as a world ending personal attack.

I see this kind of shit a lot, and you're totally wrong.

YES, among good friends there is a culture of "giving each other shit" both to bond and to build up each other's tolerance for adversity. But that doesn't apply to every situation, and certainly doesn't mean that bullying isn't a thing.

I've been a bully, and I've been bullied. When I was a bully, I wasn't doing it "to help out a peer" or any nonsense like that. I was doing it:

1. To demonstrate that I could. If I could bully you and you had to sit there and take it, it proved that you were my inferior. If you weren't my inferior, you would have been able to use intimidation or outright violence to get me to stop.
2. Because it was fun. YES, it was.
3. It made other people laugh and got their attention. When you think up a really good insult or a really well-timed line and humiliate someone with it and everyone laughs, it's actually really great. That's ANOTHER kind of bonding - bonding by shared laughter at the expense of another.

And you know what? When I was on the receiving end, I am absolutely sure that the people who bullied me experienced all of this, too.

In OP's case, we're talking about a relative, so maybe the guy's intentions were benign and maybe it REALLY WAS just a joke - but in most bullying cases, it's not benign at all. Don't kind yourself.

It's a joke you baby.

What kind of faggot bully got bullied?

Don't be s pussy who gets so easily hurt

>What kind of faggot bully got bullied?

In 6th, 7th, and 8th grade I was average-sized but highly aggressive and well connected socially.

I changed school districts for high school, leaving most of my friends behind, and somehow during the summer between 8th and 9th grade everyone but me grew 5 inches.

It was an eye-opening change, to say the fucking least.

you should leave, that shit erodes at your soul and snowballs into worse stuff later in life

you should've laughed it off

Op, they DO love you (probably). Talk to your parents, they can help

This is why I hate family parties. They're disguised as parties but everyone is just gossiping and insulting eachother.

unironically this.

fuck off man.

normies will never understand robots

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I hate when you all type massive text walls of nothing that I particularly care to respond too..I said I was a bully including bullying bullies and I helped elevate some nerd's social standing. Your post is redundant when I specifically said in this particular environment of family it wasn't malicious. Even if it was it does not matter, a witty response would cut his knees from under him and as an adult if he overreacts then now he is the insecure loser, so yes in most situations regardless of the intent a well timed witty joke back is the best response..not being a grown man and running away in tears because someone said you'd fuck a dog

I was bullied from age 10 to 16 for being the only foreigner in class :)