women would choose to date a delinquent rather than dating you, a nice guy who will treat her with love and care for her every whim
Women would choose to date a delinquent rather than dating you...
>women would choose to date an attractive guy over you
I am a delinquent though
How will OP ever recover
How about when a women chooses to cheat with and then dump you for your uneducated partially crippled friend with no prospects in life while you're in Tanzania volunteering your time at a health clinic because she can't handle the fact that you're doing something other than fauning over her 24/7 and didn't propose before you left. The point is that nothing certain women will do makes sense so stop trying to reason it out
what if i want a delinquent who treats me with love and care for my every whim tho
I mean to be fair, I wouldn't date me either.
same, this is ideal
>and didn't propose before you left.
dodged a bullet there.
if you proposed and got married before, she would have cheated on you and also taken half your shit when you found out and wanted a divorce.
did jeremy meeks even do anything that bad? his wiki page says he punched a 16 yo when he was 18, i doubt the 16 was just sitting around
That she why she was so pissed, he foiled her plan
is indigo your favorite color or do you consider yourself an indigo child? also i doubt you can find a delinquent with those characteristics
indigo used to be my favourite colour when i made the name
also sure I can, I have a cousin who's a delinquent and he likes to deface property and attack refugee camps but he does it for political reasons and he was nice to me when i used to speak to him he'd make a good bf
>women would rather date a rich famous attractive guy than a smelly fat neckbeard NEET
You don't say.
see that little tear tattoo?
It means he was someone's bitch in prison
>a nice guy who will treat her with love and care for her every whim
>board rampant with women hate threads and fake fembot threads made to cause more hate
He went to prison for being in possession of a firearm as a felon and grand theft, I believe. I don't know much more.
It was such a traumatic event, accusations of sexual and physical abuse and all of that, that I started seeing a therapist. Within the second session my therapist said I was describing the traits of borderline personality disorder. So I really did dodge a bullet. I should also mention this all happened within one month of her moving into my parents place so we could both save money while I go to graduate school
your cousin was based, its sad that he will never give your trap ass a chance
not a trap and ur gay
>a nice guy
that term makes the whole sentence lose impact
hilarious, right?
"we are the nice guys trademark also women are demons "
men really do this lmao. It's actually so so common and I can't believe how f-wording stupid and conceited boys are
i thought i meant he killed someone, but nothing on wikipedia indicates he was charged and suspected
are you implying you are a fembot?
Use the right words, faggot.
Women prefer destroyers of society over creators. As long as they're pretty that is.
>guy a says something
>guy b says another thing
>both on Jow Forums where everything is true
>and you form opinions from ths
You're only fooling yourself, hole.
start arguing any time nigger
But guys go nuts for Casey Anthony. Your point is invalid
if a LITERAL supermodel (yes the guy in the picture is a supermodel) wanted to treat you like shit and went to jail for shit like robbery or whatever
You're telling me that you wouldn't fuck her? Lmao no, no one here would deny her
What country is he from?
But originally
I would not care for her every whim though, I'm her lover not her butler.
Women gravitate towards strong, defiant, tough alpha male over a wimpy beta male, that shit is common knowledge.
What a surprise, the board with no set topic has many people with different opinions.
You know what, go on Jow Forums and watch them for a minute, I bet you'll wonder why glockfags and the 1911 boomers don't get along too.
I'd slam the door in her whore face even if her criminal record was clean. Fuck off.
except "incels" would deny her tho, or at least thats what they believe
>people would rather have attractive partners than ugly ones
I honestly don't blame women for not wanting me, even I personally wouldn't want to be with someone I don't find attractive. I kind of deserve to be alone.
i love how, "you" equals ugly on this board.
>look really hot, wife material if intelligent enough
>ruin your body by splattering shitty tattoos all over it
Look I'd smash her and all that but these girls should be future-proofing, not future-killing themselves.
its all well and good being a nice guy. You can give her what you THINK she wants, but can you stop the world from doing what it wants to her?
Top priority is to get her heart going and make her excited, but you also need to give her confidence in you; physically, socially, mentally, sexually
Obvious I can't do any of that (and the pressure in such situations is too fucking much), that's why im here
i'm not even gay and i'd fuck him
I would totally fuck her, absolutely. She could strangle a puppy every morning and burn a niglet child alive every night and I wouldn't give a shit.
And if women would just admit that as freely as I just did, we'd have one less thing to argue about. The argument continues because the standard response to claims like OP's is usually
Your response is fairly atypical.
There are plenty of reasons to hate women, but women wanting to get fucked by some hot badboy is not one of them
Complaining about the guy afterwards is (assuming they actually do get into a long term relationship with that person) but wanting to fuck a chad or a tyrone isn't. Because everyone here wants to fuck a stacey or a mayli, they might say they don't, but they do. If given the chance to fuck a 9/10, I'd say nearly everyone here would do it even if she raped a child.
This is becoming less and less of the prevailing notion. Plenty of women would be willing to admit that they want to fuck a chad because he looks attractive and nothing else
r9k doesnt care about morals
who would knew
then i'm your man
Make with the sauce
That's not possible and contradictory. That's why you hoes always end up in terrible situations.
>You're telling me that you wouldn't fuck her
I've completely ruined my dick to be able to retain my mana, your expectations mean nothing to me.
>guy in the picture
I'm not a nice guy anymore just another boring bitter asshole