/fast/ - #262 - Behead All Tripfags Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of snake juice fasting, dry fasting, OMAD, OMAW, AFD and IF (Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

See your doctor before fasting if you have any sort of chronic illness (type 1 diabetes, malnourished, underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding)

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here - youtube.com/watch?v=1onQ0nxgWFM

>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max (NoSalt/LoSalt are high potassium-low sodium salts available in grocery stores or Amazon and the like)
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional but recommended for 10+ day fasts.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (4% or less).

>Can I workout?
Yes. But don't overdo it.

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Black, unsweetened coffee and tea - YES!
Diet drinks and artificial sweeteners are debatable (continuously)

>Do I need a multivitamin?
No. Fat burning provides sufficient vitamins


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Other urls found in this thread:


Im currently on day 5 of a water fast. I think i can make it through the day but probably not to Monday. Should I switch to IF after this fast? My goal is to lower insulin sensitivity and drop about 10 pounds

Providing the first bump with a question:

I know that Cole says that you should dry fast for at least 72 hours if you're planning on doing it, because the autophagy benefits don't really kick in until that time, but is it worth it to do shorter dry fasts if you're going into them from a water fast? Is a 48 or even 24 hour dry fast worth it if I've been water fasting for the past few days?

Why not just refeed and jump into another long fast? How much do you weigh currently and what's your height?

173 at 5'10
Before i started this fast I was 80% of the way to 1/2/3/4 at 183lbs. I wanted to cut down to make it easier to bulk

And because these long fasts suck. I cant sleep and i get dizzy when i stand up too fast

You been drinking your snake juice?

Yep. About 1L a day. Its only standing up that causes the dizzy and really its not that bad. I think the worst is I'm just incredibly hungry today when the last 4 were fine.
Is more snake juice going to help with sleep though? I wake up with huge bursts of adrenaline at 3am and cant sleep or focus

I'm not sure. It seems that the energy bursts that interrupt sleep are relatively common on longer fasts, it might just be part of the territory.

Tripfag here! And I feel like doing a 5 day fast. I've measured my bf% and I have about 20lbs of fat. That alone is able to support me for month doing nothing, so I think 5 days isn't too bad. I'll be training those days too. Basically I just want to know if anyone else has attempted this.

There's this video out there, but it doesn't say if he made gains or not. I know I've seen decent looking anons here fast and train and I want to know their results.

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Aight boys, so I have a plan. On Monday I have to play hockey, so I wanted to go into Keto. I figure I would go into keto on Monday, dry fast, then Keto. So far, I am on my third day of fasting.


I think Cole said a few weeks ago that he started doing OMAD and only drinking water during his meal. So I guess he believes even shorter dryfasts are beneficial.

I'd only do short dryfasts if it was as preperation to gain enough experience to do longer ones, though. Waterfasting works fine for me.

why do you want to look like a man?

water fast until you are at goal BF%, dry fasting is for special cuts or when you are more experienced, or need to help with sickness.

increased adrenaline means its working. If you are dizzy, get more salt and water.

"OWO intensifies"

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The dizziness is most likely caused by orthostatic hypotension, that's where your blood pressure drops when changing positions. Do you drink anything other than the snek juice? You could have low circulating plasma volume or low sodium. That's what usually causes it. I see this very often on people with low serum sodium and on fluid restrictions. Just up drink more water often and maybe supplement your sodium (not just in your snake juice). Idk, lick a salt block?

Btw, how are your lifts on prolonged fasting? I want to finally get rid of whatever belly I have left but I'm afraid to lose my meager gains.
Idk? Being a woman sucks.
This guy gets it.

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I havent went to the gym since i started fasting but im going tomorrow. I did some pullups today to test my strength and I was able to do as many as i normally could. Along with 100lb OHP.
The only thing i notice is endurance is shit so I probably cant do the same volume as before without huge resting time between sets

>day 3
almost broke, I've never done past 5 days.

>tfw went out in my crossplay in public for the first time(was testing it for comic con, it was faggot pride today so its alright)
>kinda like what I see

im getting renewed spirits here lads, I can definitely eat just 1000 calories a day and push myself to 8% bodyfat (with anavar/superdrol assistance)

Why is there a bulge

I've heard that drinking salt water diminishes the health benefits of fasting. It's still ok for those fasting for weight loss obviously.

You think that's true? I kind of believe it. In my mind, if you are taking in anything other than water, you are not truly water fasting, and therefore are not reaping the full health benefits of water fasting.

no, thats some puritan logic right there.

NaCl and KCl are needed to maintain healthy cellular function. The benefits of fasting come from the reduced insulin, autophagy and hormetic stress responses.

Adding the additional stress of low electrolytes would likely hinder rather than help.

Well guys, I'm about 30 minutes away from completing day 10 and thinking about ending it. My original goal was 14 days but I honestly don't think I can take it anymore. This has been one of the hardest things I've ever done.

Fasting is for mental weaklings.

Then have a meal man, then fast 4 more days, its no problem, you are on the right track.

Grats on making it to 10, well done.

Okay. I guess I'll find out this week if my lifts are worse.
Cuz I'm a boy(male).
>resisting urge to eat
>mental weakling

>eat day tomorrow
>not even hungry right now but terrible urge to start cooking this cioppino NAO and eat it NAO because it's too delicious to resist
Who /ck/ here? I want to cook and eat tasty things god damn it.

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Shit dude you are ALMOST there. Imagine how much better completing 14 days will feel as opposed to 10. Unless you're having legitimate health concerns, I would tough it out. In any case, good fucking work dude. You should feel proud of yourself.

ive heard that 72 hour fasts are the minimum to maximize a) autophagy b) hgh c) testosterone d) immune system

if this is the case, can I do a weekly 72 hour fast if i make sure to double my daily caloric intake on the rest of the days?

Try it out! See how it goes for a few weeks and see if you're making progress/gains

Is the purpose of OMAD defeated if I still eat carbs for my one meal?

more of what id be curious about is if this is fundamentally sound?

as i understand it, any caloric surplus over the BMR and energy expenditure gets converted directly into fat? and with it all of the vitamins and minerals so to that end if I ensure I'm eating healthy/nutritious food then I don't need to worry about vitamin or mineral deficiencies from not eating for 3-4 days?

Unless you're trying to go to the gym, then kinda yeah.

Just try to lessen your carbs. I've learned I can eat anything on OMAD and not gain fat. But some people say they do. Just keep it as keto as possible.

Any takes on how much borax to take a day? I hear about 1/16 tsp a day is usually safe, yeah?

I'm confused.... The sticky tells me to stay away from fads, yet everyone is getting results from this...

Sticky is outdated. Fasting works like magic if you want to lose weight.

I do want to go to the gym and lift too. I think id eat it all before i go.

>As keto as possible
If i go over a certain anount im gonna leave keto though anyways. I guess just reducing the carbs as much as i can will still always be beneficial

were you even fat before

"Everyone"? Like who? Have you seen the bodies posted here? It's all lardasses who've never seen the inside of a gym.

what happens if I take 1/2 tsp of potassium and salt in the morning and I just drink it one glass

is that amount enough to give me diarrhea, it's just more practical than carry a bottle all day with salts

I don't think I was fat fat. But I did have enough excess fat to get stretch marks. I lost 40lbs in about 2 months thru fasting and if I was able to do that then I'm sure anyone else can.
>pic related was before
See I'm not a tranny.

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That's a pathetic body. You should actually attempt to get /fit.

I unironically want to look like present kirei tbqh
top tier trap mode
imagine being able to fit anywhere, as a manlet that's my goal

Working on it. Check That's my current physique. That before pic was around 175, this here was 136. So I cut down to 130s in less than 2 months from 170s and starting lifting and I'm currently 143-144 and my bf has only gone down.

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Aw shucks. You're making me blush.

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Cole is not a scientist nor are there any human studies on dry fasting because it's unanimously considered a health risk. Don't believe everything he is saying, what the fuck does a random youtuber know about autophargy? Dry fasting for a prolonged period is going to fuck up your kidneys and gallbladder

Piss fasting is healthy
>change my mind

In the famous words of Cody Lundin (paraphrased), "you're surviving in spite of drinking urine, not because of it".

Drinking urine is not harmful in most cases, but it isn't good for you either. Protein metabolytes (aka nitrogenous wastes) are excreted by the kidneys to maintain proper pH of blood. These are ammonia (excreted in urine to a lesser degree in humans), urea, creatinine, and uric acid. In a healthy human being, drinking the amount of these chemicals in your urine isn't that harmful.

However I really advice against doing this if you already have kidney and liver disease or if you just don't want to get it. Ammonia can cross the blood brain barrier and damage your brain. Luckily this only happens to people with liver problems with their inability to convert ammonia to urea. Uric acid causes gout. Creatinine and urea are the less harmful of the bunch but can damage the kidneys. Creatinine specifically is increased when kidneys are damaged and can cause further damage resulting in a snowball effect that can lead to chronic kidney disease. That's why people on with kidney disease take sodium bicarbonate to buffer these chemicals to protect them.

>my bf has only gone down.
ye man, but can you blame him?

If you want to trim some fat, just don't bother doubling your caloric intake on other days. You might think you need to make up a deficit, but you'll be surprised to find that you're not actually hungrier when you do go off fast. I personally find that I eat less in the days after breaking a fast than I did before the fast.

40 lbs in two months? Shit dude. What was your fasting routine? Trying to drop around 20 here.

This all makes intuitive sense. If your body is designed to get urine OUT, then surely it isn't a positive thing inside the body

On day 3 you fucking faggots. technically day 4 since it fucking 1 am in the morning, but i'll official say day 4 later this fucking NIGHT. im gonna fast all this body fat off. i will post PICS at the end. I'm not going to crack like you weak bitches because i'm stronger.

Good work bro, keep it up

That's not as impressive as some of the other tripfags. Pretty sure innawoods lost more than that while he was still here. I was doing 4 day fasts while doing hiit cardio and or running. When I hit the 140s, I stopped doing cardio and just fasted. This was in the winter so at that point I literally chilled out in the snow too. Twenty is really doable in a month. Maybe even less if you fast longer than I did.
Should've seen that coming.
Cole seems to be against anything commercial, so I think to avoid buying salt, he's just recycling his at this point.

is it bad to jerk off during a 2 day fast?

I find the post wank crash hits me much harder when fasted.

Gotta be worse than usual, the energy loss has to hit harder

makes sense

You would hit a zinc deficiency quicker

im currently at 126 hours fasting and I've yanked it every night before bed. I feel fine.

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How bad is a zinc deficiency? Should I stop jerking off? I feel good.

Yes you should. You are gonna feel like Greg Plitt really soon if you jerk off while fasting. Your libido thankfully starts to crash few days into the fast so you only need to have blue balls for a day or two.

Im approaching 72 hours in my water fast.
my body hasnt hit ketosis yet.
I binged Carbs and Sugar before this fast because of beinf a fat piece of shit.
i havent gone to the gym or done Cardio since starting my fast.
Im taking my supplements still (lions mane, multivitamin, and theanine) as well as drinking black tea in the morning and green tea during the day.

am i not in ketosis because of the carbs or is there something about what im putting in my body thats preventing it from happening?

If you’re staying under 30 g of carbs then it could take anywhere from a few days to two weeks. Everyone’s body is different. Mine took 8 days to reach deep ketosis.

18 hours into the fast and not feeling hunger...
is it because of snake juice?

I should be at 0 carbs everyday.
unless Tea has Carbs, its literally just black and green tea bags with a pinch of salt here and there.
previously it took me 24 hours to hit ketosis.
im gonna try and work out tomorrow to see if i can force the glycogen from my body, i was planning on breaking my fast at 96 hours but now im not so sure if i wanna do that.

I just started fasting a few weeks ago. The most I go to is 30 hours. When I do them however I wake up with a sharp pain behind my eyeballs. Anyone know what causes this.

Posted in another thread:

I'm at about 18% skinnyfat (5'10", 176lbs). and want to cut to 12%. I've been doing 16/8 IF for the past week and have dropped cals to 15% below my TDEE.

For cutting, should I simply just lower cals by lowering carbs (currently 180g carbs/180g protein/80g fat)? Should I bother with 16/8 - I was thinking 16/8 would help reduce my insulin resistance/is there any other recommended diet or fasting method?.

So, I'm an alcoholic. Most of my (drastic) weight gain throughout my last 3 years of college have been due to drinking high % beers.

Fasting is helping me reduce my drinking significantly. One very underrated advantage of most types of fasting is that you can't drink at night because you want to stay fasted throughout the night and into the next day.

Killing 2 birds with one stone, boys

Can I train dry fasted for 16h?


That's where I started. Don't IF, if you really want to lose weight then fast several days in a row.

Is bcaa a good supplement to take before working out while fasting?

It's high risk.
I'd say just either not exercise or drink snake juice before and after exercise.

Can't decide whether I should fast or for how long.

I'm skinny, 183cm, 67kg. I enjoy fasting and I've always felt good after longer fasts, but I keep looking weight on it.

Survived fast day, it is now eat day.
Nice belly would fugg

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im going on a 30 day fast . only on day 2. kill me now

Day 3 of my first 3 day fast. Down 18 lbs from a few weeks ago.
Let's do this.

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Remember during refeed & refuel days don't eat processed carbs. Stick to fruits and veggies. I retained 20lbs worth of water by just eating pasta. Threw a wrench in my progress and took me 4 full days of fasting just to get back to ketosis. Just started day 7 of the second fast, shooting for 12 days to beat the first one of 11.
Also don't get raised by a single mother that is fat positive that's how one gets this fat in the first place. Californian liberals that are single mothers are fucking awful.
Feel free to fat shame me, I deserve it.

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Try your best, senpai! Longest I've done was 3 days, I don't see a point in longer ones. Traditional /out/ wisdom is that you can survive 3 weeks without food, so I don't get why people want to do more than that... It sounds scary.

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Dry fasting is a meme, don't fall for it.

I'm always surprised at how every time I do a fast I lose the water weight so much quicker. I'm 40 hours in and down 7.8 pounds.

Well I think you should be lauded for going against the grain there. Never done anything past 4 days myself so that's pretty impressive desu. I'm going try for a 5 day one. I'm curious to see if I have a 6-pack. Kek

Thanks tripanon.

That's because you're not drinking as much water. Eating makes you drink more water. Also carbs sort of cause water retention by means of muscle and liver glycogen. When you lose that glycogen, you lose the water weight too.

Remember to take your salts. Pure water fasting can induce insulin spikes simply due to low sodium levels.

I would like to know if fasting increases my height I have fasted two days ago a total of 100 hours and I would like to know if I really get more growth hormone

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So, a question
If I squeeze the shit out lemons and filter the juice, would I break my fast by drinking that? I don't know why I'm on day 6 and I just feel the need to taste lemons, but obviously I'm not going to do it if it has enough calories to break my fast
I'm not drinking snake juice, only mineral water, don't know if it changes anything

That's only works if your growth plates aren't sealed yet. GH can't work on cells that aren't there anymore.
Lemons have negligible amounts of calories to begin with and most of that is from fiber, so lemon juice is as good as zero cals.

>lemon juice is as good as zero cals
Well shit, that sounds too good to be true but I really hope it is

Anyone explain how not eating food is beneficial. If that were the case anorexics would be the most healthy people around.

574 hours in and I have no problem with my daily wank before bed.

Anorexia nervosa is a mental disorder and they aren't fat to begin with anyway.

You want to know how people get fat? It's not just eating, it's eating constantly. Eating triggers the release of insulin that causes your body to store fat. Constantly eating means constantly releasing insulin meaning constantly storing fat. To get your body to do the opposite, and stop releasing insulin, then one simply has to stop eating. Eventually homeostasis kicks in and the body begins using it's own stores of fat for energy.

What are the benefits of this? Increased insulin sensitivity. This means your body responds to insulin more appropriately. Insulin isn't bad, it's a transport molecule. It's how we're using it that's wrong. Bodybuilders use insulin right? It's anabolic. So fasting in a way helps build muscle when a faster eventually eats.

Growth hormone is a hormone that is release by the thyroid gland during fasts to preserve muscle. It's also another steroid bodybuilders use. This is why fasting is muscle-sparing. It's not a gigantic amount that will cause dramatic gains. But it means that you won't lose muscle while fasting.

Theres also autophagy and cellular apoptosis, etc. And I can go on and on. Just read the OP. Lots of good stuff there.

>Can I workout?
>Yes. But don't overdo it.

What constitutes "overdoing" it? Can I combine this with SS?

>Stick to fruits
You idiot. The only reason you should "stick to fruit" is if you want to pack on pounds are want to increase your hunger.

Well duhh, if eating is so healthy, how come obesity can kill you? Is that the reason why the USA win so many olympic medals all the time, because they are the fattest country in the world?
One of the principles of SS is being on a caloric surplus (potentially enforcing it with GOMAD). You also won't see (m)any strength gains while training on and before fasting days. SS consist of 3 days training per week, right?
You could Do AxBxAxF, where A/B means training, x is a rest day and F is fasting. You'd fast 36h till the first training day eat at 12p.m. and train at any point after lunch. The benefit of this would be the anti inflammatory effects and autophagy. You'd want to spread the calories from the F to onto the other days though.
I do something similar, but with a marathon training plan and two fasting days and I also train every day. But cardio works differently than strength.
The other possibility would be to just do normal SS without a fasting day, maximize the strength gains with a caloric surplus and then use fasting to cut for the next summer. If you only have to train 3 days per week, there is no reason not to do a fasting day though.
Keep in mind this is all theory by me. You want to check your weight every week and see if SS 'works'. Iirc you can expect and certain amount of strength gain. If you don't have that, up the calories and if that doesn't help, stop the fasting. I'd only adjust the cals after min 2 weeks of strictly following a plan though.

>One of the principles of SS is being on a caloric surplus (potentially enforcing it with GOMAD).
That's totally inaccurate. During novice linear progression you can make gains without caloric surplus. Plus GOMAD is only relevant if you're vastly underweight, which is completely irrelevant for this discussion.

I train every 2 days. I would like to train every day, but I don't think it would work with EPOC and all.