/drugfeels/ 2.0

I took some CBD edition

what's your drug of choice tonight?

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I'm on Pink Mango tonight (weed strain)
but tomorrow I'll get THE coke

CBD literally has no effects outside of weed

Tweakin Tweakin off that 2C-B huh?

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>imagine being this dumb LMAO

I take it ocassionally and if you're taking quality stuff you definitely feel it. It relaxes muscles and eases social anxiety. They literally did lab tests on people and noticed between a placebo and CBD, people felt less anxious on the CBD.

Idiot. It helps many conditions, these CBD deniers are the true cancer of this fucking board. Seriously fuck yourself, stupid cuntface.

After 3 weeks of anticipating and shitposting about it I'm pretty sure my 5 grams of O-DSMT will finally be here by tomorrow night. I got a great deal on it but it turned out to come at the tradeoff of a really contrived postal arrangement, starting going from sweden to spain to switzerland to new york to hopefully here tomorrow. Shoulda just ordered from the chinks like usual.

So I'll probably get slumped on some beers and dope by then, but for now its just 1 mg of klonopin to "help sleep"

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Benzos to calm my nerves. Rough work weekend incoming and still feeling a bit shit from taking stims for 2 days.

cbd is my drug of choice

i don't think the cbd is doing much to calm you down, you sound like you're about to have an aneurysm

What did you take, something illegal like coke, meth or prescrption drugs like adderal, ritalin?

I'm not currently on it obviously. Also it's called hyperbole to make a point, I'm tired of these retarded brainlets claiming CBD doesn't work when so many have amazing benefits from it.

Drugs are for junkie faggots that can't find sober life good enough for them. If you going to do dope, do steroids you fucking skeleton.

Speed, didnt take proper care of myself. Water, food and vitamins. Rough fucking day at work

Heroin is literally less toxic than steroids and SARMS

My friend took LSD and found out he's gay.

Don't worry, he just has to take twice the dose as last time to be straight again

Never done speed, but I'd like to know how it compares to coke, so I know what to expect when I try it out.
How does it feel? It's too different from coke or its very similar?

Keep telling yourself that lab-rat, enjoy funding domestic terrorists and stepped on fetanyl killing highschool prom queens. I really don't give a fuck what drugs you think are "good" or "bad", it's just you want to fry your synapses by flooding it with nuerotransmitters, at least performance enhancing drugs allow you to fuck pussy and curb stop street dealers after sucker punching them and robbing them.

who here /showerswhilehigh/

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I once showered on acid. It felt like an eternity.

This is quite the small passage of fiction, friendo. Reminds me a bit of Philip K Dick in its tempo

>take bottle cap off and take out the piece of plastic
>now i have a good tool for mixing heroin, water, and citric acid
It's the little things

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Coke gives you that fucking high feeling for 15-30 mins. Speed just keeps you awake, social and your confidence is the top of the world.

But depends on the quality though. Sometimes its just shit and you fall asleep after 12 hours with no high. Good shit can keep you up for a long time but im scared of fucking up my mind more than ive already done.

Its so mentally addictive. Everything feels so boring after trying really good speed race but havent accomplished a shit during that time.

Keep it simple, Coke is more intensive, Good speed can be really intense. Coke is so expensive here and shit quality so i keep myself to speed.

Where I live the coke is extremely high quality, I even saw on the newspaper that is considered one of the most powerful and cheapest coke in the world, I think tha's because we're near to the source

Lucky bastard, then forget speed. I would rather go for coke then.

i have hit dabs every day for multiple consecutive months - i'm still okay. dab on, idiots

I'm too broke to afford drugs but Im going to post like I have an 8 ball of coke on me rn

I have an 8 ball of coke

there it is
I wish I was good at keeping my promises

Based and cokepilled

why does nobody want to sell me drugs?

Because you are too stupid to use the internet

I bet you do other meme drugs like kratom too

Also I'm about to smoke smoke pot and have a few beers. Basic af

Join the darknet club user

Going to the sauna and then taking cold plunges feels pretty amazing

i do cbd and kratom both are chill

clearly you havent tried the right stuff dude

Smokin some weed tonight hopefully. Might do some coke this weekend. Honestly dont care for it but itll be around and free so whatevs

Cbd is meh. But kratom is some hardcore shit at high doses. But not worth the cost to me. But last time i took it i was frozen like a statue and watched 4 movies back to back and it felt like 10 minutes. Was nice.

>that time you took so much fucking theanine you started to dissociate and got a panic attack
>then you took 4 pills of 100mg dramamine because you didn't fucking know what you were doing
>then 5 pills of Phenibu
then you went to the Hospital and stayed awake for 24 hours
docs thought you were cray cray so they gave you Olanzapine to top it all off

How the fuck am I even alive, lads?

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Because you didn't take anything lethal and went to the ER over a panic attack like a bitch?

>Because you didn't take anything lethal and went to the ER over a panic attack like a bitch?

>mixing Dramamine while you were on a dissociative state
>mixing Dramamine with anything

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Fuck man I forgot it takes a real man to want to kill yourself thanks for reminding me

>a dissociative
A retarded bitch I see

Currently eating 3 edibles a day and not feeling a thing. Weed is a black hole that turns you into a calous zombie. Hoping to get some lsd to reset myself.

CBD is good for me since I find weed too intense and get panic attacks but for some they might want something stronger

It dissociatied me real fucking hard for some fucking reason. The thing is, I took huge amounts of it, and it has effects of blocking glutamate entry into NMDA receptors, along with some antagonism in the AMPA receptors. I got fucking dissociative man, not fucking joking.

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None of this changes you being a retarded bitch. Your trip hardly helps matters, I'd look into stimulant psychosis becore blaming naturally occuring substances like theanine

Do you get anxiety on weed? I had it happen a few times, but that was on gorilla glue and when I was new to it. Have you tried slowly working your way up?

Ive personally ruined (or perhaps made it better depends how you look at it) weed for myself. Ive done a ton of lsd, dmt, dxm, etc. But after one of my molly trips, i got hppd and whenever i smoke weed now it turns into full blown sluggish 3 hour trips. So i barely even smoke anymore. So i can see how that would cause some people anxiety

I feel you senpai
I did acid and shrooms and dxm a bunch of times and then weed got more intense

unless i take a very small amount i tend to get anxious (im already an anxious person) and tend to overthink a lot of shit. so now i mostly stay away from it. plus it tends to make me lazier and overeat junk food.

I know I tried the good Kratom and enough of it. Back when it was legal I'd try huge amounts of it because it was so cheap. Still nothing. Knew a guy at the time tho did the same amount and he seemed to be feeling good.

CBD does actually relax you, I just wouldn't call it a drug. I was surprised at how relaxed I felt though, especially considering I didn't think it would work.

Is there a way to smoke CBD without a vape? I tried it in a meth/crack pipe but it actually caught flame at one point.

I just randomly found this week you can actually get high on theanine, before I just took it casually
works if you dont eat for more than 24h and take like a gram, feels good mmm

>Is there a way to smoke CBD without a vape

Yes, either take a tincture, eat a CBD edible or take isolate.

CBD for me is a lifesaver. Especially combined with weed. That's teh chillest

also how much was huge amounts?

>also how much was huge amounts?
10 200mg pills over the course of 2 days

Does anyone else have an obsession of researching drugs even though they don't use a variety of drugs?

I literally used to take a gram of powdered theanine with my caffeine every day before classes. You are a huge pussy.

Same user. Although I've done a few. (LSD, shrooms, DXM, weed, valium) I like to read about others and especially funny trip stories. I want to try DMT one day too. I mostly just vape a bit of weed these days though.

Its always better to know your shit than to not know your shit

Where do you live that it is illegal? I tried it for the first time a few months ago. After trying it, and realizing how tame and safe (in reasonable doses without over use) im so surprised its illegal anywhere.

I do this as a past time, Never do drugs. I like reading about bad trips for some reason

kinda true
only way I see this having happened is
>no food
>not enough water
>no caffeine to go with

I used to do 'em but now I just like reading about em, the most I do is weed and occasionally a drink

me too user, I do this a lot
I research 10x more drugs than I actually use, and when I stumble upon something very promising I try to get my hands on it
also related, who here into RCs?

Some strange bud clips and 300mg dxm. I'd love to have some acid right now, but dark room acid is nice too. Anyone else here trying to nativagte through the dextroverse?

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shout out to Jow Forumsdrugs and these threads tbqh fammo

yo nigga im HIGH AF lmao these blunts got me super baked like a fuggin cake lmao

holy shit shut the fuck up kid.

someone gave me free CBD powder at a rave and I left it out by accident

next day my parents asked if it was crack and
threw it out

I've tried CBD in a vape but not orally

Anyone who's into psychs and opiates and isn't retarded is probably into RCs. I keep talking about O-DSMT and no one knows what it is. Equal to pure H at 40 bucks a gram and totally legal in the US (for now)

CBD is so fucking underrated I love it.

who else on that /cbdwave/

I went thru 5 1000mg dropper bottles of full spectrum concentrate from CBDistillery and barely felt any relief. Maybe the isolate powder is better.

Get nuleaf senpai

its all that works for me, its fucking awesome. so chill

tonight's just some bottom shelf rum, I think I'll always just be a sucker for booze

gettin paid tomorrow, thinking of doing some shopping with some canadians and picking up some kind tryptamine. have tried 4-ho-met, looks like they've got all of the 4-AcO and 4-HO that you could want, any recommendations? also 1p-lsd, but that'll probably be more expensive since I'm gonna buy powder of the tryptamine but can't really buy 1p powder without ending up fucking myself

Lmao definitely don't try to handle powdered psychs without professional lab gear, not worth the risk at all

man RC opiates seem like they're some shit though. I guess fent isn't (was never?) considered one of the grey-area RCs, but I think o-dsmt is the only opiate that the advice wasn't "run away as fast as possible"

meh, I handled the 4-ho-met fine without lab equipment. the 4-subs tend to be active at a high enough weight that you don't have to be too worried.

I'm def not gonna try and fuck around with 1p powder though

Just recently made it illegal in the entire US, didn't they? Stuff is too mild desu lol

People freaked out about the first wave of fentalogues simply because they were potent, not necessarily because they were toxic. If you knew how to measure a dose (or better yet, got a controlled dose nasal spray) it was great fun. The withdrawals were harsh though, by comparison O-DSMT is a walk in the park. Truly a blessing but no doubt still addictive

Fair enough I actually had some fun snorting unmeasured lines of 4-ho-met and just browsing art on tumblr. One night I put a shit ton in a capsule and took it which kicked my ass into the next dimension though

Kratom is still US legal except for a couple states. It isn't even a proper opiate just a pseudo-opiod, really effective for non habit forming chilling or relief from proper opiate withdrawals

I been mostly into RC stims so far 3-FPM, 4F-MPH, 2-FMA (hard to get tho atm), (glad to) share experiences anons

interesting stuff, cant believe I havent heard about this before. apparently does not even fall under faggot anti-RC law here in germany.
what would you compare it to, for a noob to RC downers?

I decided to study chemistry instead of just pharmacology. I want to try a lot more drugs but only a handful. I don't really like researching random drugs anymore. I think once I try mushrooms and dmt I'll get interested in offshoots but for now it's all so blah.

Although its an analogue of tramadol, its been tweaked to feel more similiar to oxy or non-IV'd H in terms of potency and legs. Would tread lightly if you're opiate naive

I tried 1P-LSD

only RC i tried my friend was nervous to take it but we both did it a few times and just had a fun LSD trip. it was cool but it was potent

oh lmao well if you're not gonna measure it then yeah there'll probably be some shenanigans. but it's such a fun substance, I had a good bunch of trips with it, watching bojack while tripping was a good time

idk if I'd go as far as to say it's not a proper opiate, I get that the kratom advocates like to think there's this huge conspiracy against them but I'd certainly buy it if it turned out to just be a real mild opiate

that being said, kratom being illegal is all kinds of stupid and I'm a huge fan

AL, yeah they pulled it from the shelves here. What's a normal dose? I did up to half a $20 bag at once. Even mixed it with fireball whiskey and coke, which actually tastes good.

Boii hittn that nutmeg tonight baby wew

I would always just order 100g bags from online vendors like motarkbest (not sure if he's still around). Doses can vary wildly depending on tolerance but its almost as hard to reach a lethal dose on as it is cannabis (aka impossible). I would usually do 1 to 5 gs at a time but it also depends on the quality of your source. Headshops tend to carry the worst quality in all honest.

I mean, scientifically speaking, it is a pseudo-opiod. No direct relation to poppy or other traditional opiate pro-drugs

not even headshops, just gas stations usually. i wish clone was still legal

lmao ppl still be doing that shit?
did you ingest or smoke?

Where to get codeine for my cough?

I have yet to try 1P, have 10 blotters in the fridge since june but didnt find an occasion so far

ask doctor

Vacation to india, give 3k to a nigger on instagram, or darkweb. Lean and codeine are overrated as hell for the price.

only times i have LSD was on 1p-lsd, it was fun

never done nutmeg, but anybody here smoke catnip? it's not bad, i like to mix it in with the weed sometimes

Hey, i'm a year and change clean off heroin and trying not to relapse but tonights a really bad night

what fucking do lads?

Go to bed after a nip of liquor

Usually just smoke weed or trip on DXM if I'm feeling like it. Yesterday I bought 4g's for $20 and smoked all of it that night and this morning.

Since i'm out, even though I don't usually smoke I did try rolling tobacco from cigars that I used for weed before with rolling papers. Inhaled maybe 1/3 hits, still hardly felt anything despite rarely smoking cigarettes or cigars. Why can't I feel anything? I just get hot and kind of sick with no high. I know cigar smoke isn't good for you but I should still feel the high shouldn't I?

To me the cbd flower is the best. It calms me, relaxes me, and I get that stoned couch lock feeling. My favorite strain so far is otto and AC DC. Smoking a blunt of it in a strawberry fields juicy wrap. So cozy.