So, theres this neet girl thats kinds cute that actually likes me. This never happens. But shes a liberal. Im not...

So, theres this neet girl thats kinds cute that actually likes me. This never happens. But shes a liberal. Im not. What do I do? Im robotic and dont know how to go about this?

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you don't deserve her if you're still worried about that at this point

But my humor is very offensive. It might scare her off.

That chick in your picture kinda looks like this guy I know names Jerry. Jerry is really smug from watching anime all day, he even has a Chad bf. One day I wish I could be as cool as Jerry.....I can dream right?

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Here's an idea
How about you stop? Or just like don't do it around her if you know it'll upset her

I've just realized I don't care about dating or people who want to date somebody. So why the fuck did I buy that Densha Otoko book? It was a waste of money.

True. But wouldent I be hiding my true self?

It's not hiding your true self to be polite and not upset the girl you like.

You should hint to her that you're conservative though. Especially if you have particularly "problematic" opinions. No reason you can't wait until you're in a relationship though. IMO it's stupid to dump someone based on political opinions and jokes.

Maybe it's time to stop being an edgy faggot

She knows and she said shes open to differing views. So Im probably just overreacting.

Oh yeah definitely, just don't make those kinds of jokes around her okay? Girls can be sensitive. Edgy guys are a real turn off desu.

I hope you're not only getting with her because you like her looks OP. If you do, then the relationship will turn into a fiasco

Redpill her. Women don't really have convictions.

Yeah. Ill just keep it between my friends then. Thank you for the advice, user.

this man is clearly very successful in his relationships you should tooootally listen to him >_>

this is always good advice

How would I even do that?

Nah. Shes a really nice girl that seems to accept me unconditionally for some weird fucking reason. I dig her.


Classical or neoliberal? I highly doubt she has very well developed political opinions, she probably just regurgitates shit the corrupt jewish media throws at her

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Who are you and why are you using a tripcode as if anyone knows who you are or cares?

if you want to change the girl's opinions about her liberalism keep bringing up news you see that leans Conservative. People change their mind due to exposure.

I had a male friend who redpilled me by explaining the economics of women getting the "right" to work and also continually explaining to me different situations where jews are just on top and dominating the world. The more exposure I got to these kinds of ideas the more I listened. Bad advice is treating her like she's mentally defective like that user wants you to.

i got an idea too
stop being an attentionwhoring tripfag when it's not necessary or relevant

>Classical or neoliberal
Yer retarded? Modern leftism are not neoliberals.

Idk. She posts trump hate and Bernie Sanders-esk bullshit. So whatever that is.

See, Im not a "jew" thumper. I think thats conspiracy shit. I just hate sjw's and believe in no censorship. I guess I wouldent even call myself a full on conservative. I just think Trumps doing an alright job and it pisses me off when people bash him all the time without even trying to see the good shit he's doing for our country.

You subtly and slowly change her political opinion by little comments of escalating intensity and most importantly humour. Especially if you do metamodern humour that blurs the lines between joke and statement. Humour assaults people while they have their guard low and if they laugh it they subconsciously become less and less hostile to the idea.
And if you're properly dominant (not in a autistic argumentative way but in a general way) in the relationship she'll also subconsciously slowly adopt to your views.

Never discuss politics with wom*n as their opinions don't matter, how did you not know this? Lole

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Thats... genius. I got redpilled purely from the comedu of Mister Metokur on youtube. I feel like thats how he gets his views across, comedy. By showing how ridiculous sjws are and exposing them.
Thats solid advice. Im not for manipulation. But Im sure when my humor shows and if she likes it or not coukd determine it. Fair enough, user. Thanks.

i love that the skin on her chest is kinda spotty and oily and that she isnt perfectly clean its so cute unggghh

Because I am robotic and have no experiance with a normal functioning woman.

>she's a liberal
drop her, dont' talk to her, don't even go near her again

I like how she bought some shitty anime book and literally made a wall from the pages. Its actually kinda cool.

B-but. This is my ticket out of this hell hole circlejerk board.

OP specifically used the word liberal

liberals are immoral mental cases
I'm trying to save you

change her mind, it's really easy to redpill people since the facts are on your side. i recommend ben shapiro for newcomers. i used to be leftist until 2016 elections. all started with me actually hearing the other side after a shillary debate. although it was first to laugh at trumplord...

I hated trump 2 years ago until I saw what made up the left. I never looked back after that.

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yeah i never really realized how un american modern democrats are until i had a mirror put in front of my views. seriously looking into how bernie plans to do shit also makes you moderate pretty fast.