Tfw smoker

>tfw smoker

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Have you tried not smoking

I have. Ended up crawling back to my addiction

I've had a lot of bad habits in my life, like biting my nails and the skin on my lips and inside of my mouth, but I've never understood a habit like smoking.
The habits I've had I just did subconsciously, with something like smoking you have to go out and purchase a pack of cigarettes. Do you not have a single lucid thought on your drive to the store that maybe you should just turn around and stop enabling your habit?
I have a very surface level understanding addiction and I've never been addicted to a substance before so maybe this is just over my head, but the idea kind of blows my mind that there are people who want to quit smoking that can't. You have so much time to rethink your decision before the cigarette gets to your mouth.

I get what you're saying, but true addiction is honestly a little scary.
Of course I get these thoughts that tell me "Stop smoking, it's bad". And during the week they work. But I usually smoke so much during the weekend, especially when I drink...Then these thoughts become very strong. You will feel like shit without cigarettes, just give in, it's not that bad, etc. I always get overwhelmed and end up buying a new pack just to make these voices inside my head shut up.

>tfw alcoholic

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I switched to vaping, and then tapered off that.
Give it shot desu, smoking is expensive and stinks.


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Nicorette friend. Nothing wrong with nicotine. In fact, it boosts dht and test. The smoking is the part that kills you

How do you retards even start?

Switch to vaping, at the very least it's a step in a healthier direction.

Not if you have 1 or 2 cigs a day.

I think it is the smoking more than 2 cigs a day that really kills people.

I'm now a month cold turkey. Feel physically better in every way, it's incredible. I still have impulses to have a smoke out of habit, but you just have to not buy them or put them in your mouth and you'll be fine.

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>Be me.
>Turn 18.
>At the grocery store, checking out.
>See some fancy sub-brand Cheyenne had just come out with.
>Oh, right, I can buy those now. Fuck it, why not?
>Step outside, light up, immediately feel ill.
>Spent good money, and Momma taught me to never be wasteful.
>Force myself to smoke one a day, just until the pack is finally gone.
>Buy another pack.

I am not a wise man.

>First time I inhaled a cigarette I reflexively vomited
>Finished the pack
>Continued to smoke for 3 years
what did i mean by this

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Smoke one cig a day.

I know if I tried to smoke one cig a day I'd go back to chainsmoking. So instead I just smoke zero a day.

Then stop drinking too.

I feel like such a fraud being into smoking and lifting.

But I hate my life so that's ok

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try filtering the fluoride out of your water and using anti fluoride toothpaste if you dont already

I smoked for 10 years and quit. Haven't touched a cig in over a year. Why can't you?

>nicotine increases testosterone and dht
Yeah in small doses when used less than moderately.

Using nicotine regularly gimps testosterone due to vasoconstriction and lack of blood to the testicles.

If you want to chew some nicotine gum right before working out by all means.
However if you use nicotine more than a handful of times a day you'll show negative returns.

>the smoking is the part that kills you
Pipe tobacco users live longer than nonsmokers on average. So it really does stand that it's the amount of times you smoke. As you are less likely to smoke a pipe more than a handful of times in a day.
Research showed pipe smokers that smoked more than ten pipefuls a day had the same death rate as chain smokers.
While 3-5 lived longer and 5-10 had the same death rate as non-smokers.
You can find all of this information on the .gov.

It sounds like your smoking habit is symptomatic of bigger neurotic and anxious tendencies you have. Quitting smoking sucks, I know, but it's not fucking heroine, it's not going to kill you.

Smoking is more addictive than heroine though.
It flat out is.

Heroine just sucks for about a week when you come off it. While the effects of nicotine addiction last your entire life.

Even decades later some people still have smoking cravings.

Higher relapse rate than cocaine and heroine combined.

I never said it was less addictive, I meant that the physical drawbacks are relatively minor in comparison to heavy drug withdrawl.

That sucks man I only want one or two cigs a day.

I was addicted to methadone when I was a teenager. It sucked pretty bad, but I mean it really is as simple as just locking myself away for about a week.
My father knew about it and really helped me out.
Would bring me water and food. I just laid there for hours and would start crying like a bitch every once in a while.

Maybe for people who have nothing, who have lost everything because of there addiction it's harder. Because it's all you have left in your life.

I was able to quit alcohol cold turkey also and kept throwing up.

Quitting smoking was massive headaches though, I felt sick for about a month.

The only time I felt like I was going to die out of all the drugs i've come off of was a prescription drug called Effexor that was given to me legally.

Worse experience of my life and it felt like it was splitting my brain apart.

So yeah, done some pretty fucked drugs and such.

Didn't think heroine or cocaine were that bad honestly, but heroine was probably the closest I ever was to committing suicide because I was so depressed coming off it.

I do not think you have ever known actual heroine or pill addicts user.

>tfw Joker

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I've done methadone, heroine, multiple other opiates and opioids. Klonopin, cocaine, xanax, zoloft, ambium, mushrooms for about a month straight.

I live in the south, I'm pretty sure we are leading the opium "problem" in the country. So just about every person i've ever known has abused it.


Anti-depressants should be used as an absolute last resort for genuine problems. Try therapy and finding hobbies first, before you turn to that shit.

Once you're on them, you are dependent on them for life and fucked if you ever get off of them.


Dude i'm probably way older than you so sorry to tell you you're probably 10+ years too late for that advice to work.

It's already fucked my brain up beyond belief.
Now being 8 years roughly clean with no drugs at all other than smoking which I quit two years ago I think. My brain is now tolerating being thirty years old.
However my life is still ruined.
I am pretty void of emotions. I find no joy in anything and the only reason I have a girlfriend or dogs is because for some reason without them I feel worse than with them. Even though as I said they bring me no joy either.
This is my life now, no going back.

A lot of this common knowledge stuff wasn't so common back around 2005.
Like when giving kids aderall suddenly fixed all their problems.
Not realizing it would create life long heart conditions and serious dependency on uppers.

Never felt the need too man, pills always were weird on me. Never seem to work right or like people say they do. So i never did them i took an oxy once felt nothing and puked. took a xan once got drowsy and felt nothing else. Pills do not work well on me. alcohol i have to have alot of it but at least i feel something from that

See i took adderall a few times and it made me have so many thoughts at once it was actually disorienting at times but i was able to hold it all in. A very strange feeling.

>was never tempted by cigarettes, even hated the smoke and whenever i tried smoking felt ill
>going through a tough time with a girl and im also cutting so im careful of not using food to comfort myself
>buy first pack at 21
>start smoking one or two a day
>feel fine
>never feel cravings for more

I probably wont buy another pack though any time soon

I was just an addict.
Personality type ISTP so borderline sociopathic by nature anyways.
I was just chronically depressed because from 1st-12th grade is nothing, but homework and school. None of those things interested me.
I wanted to be hiking, working with my hands, and reading war history. I was also a very quiet child and have like three friends that i've known my entire life (since around 2-4 years old).
I've just always been depressed, I think around 8 years old is when it really got bad.
I just woke up one day and things were emotionally grey.

The only time I ever feel content is when I'm outside at night. Just looking into the darkness.

So regardless they thought something was wrong with me. They being the teachers.
My father just thought I was a loner and that was ok. My mom however listened to the teachers and started taking me to therapy and trying to get me to take medications.

I've been on just about every medication you can name and literally every single SSRI.
So yeah, my brain is gone. I'm clinically insane now. I can stand being in public for about an hour and afterwords I feel like murdering everyone. So I just spend every day at home gardening and wood working.

I can't work a normal job anymore. I physically can, but I can't work around people.

So yeah I don't consider heroine that bad.
There are a lot worse drugs that the doctors will be more than willing to give you.
and afterwords they will tell you the same thing
>oh well that drug didn't work, but this one will
>you're depressed because of this, it wasn't our drug that made you that way

I never take the drugs anymore. I let them think I take them.
They have attempted to have me institutionalized twice now and I told them they would need a court order as I would never willingly go and if they tried to force me I would anyone who got in my way.

I'm 26 so not much younger than you.

And yeah, my stint as a pharmacy tech for 3 years gave me a small taste of how fucked up drugs can be. Opioids are the ones that are always put on a pedestal to be avoided (and for good reason), but anti-depressants are way WAY worse in terms of withdrawal and they don't get as much publicity for whatever reason. Probably because the mental health industry blows in this country and is responsible for a lot of other societal issues that could be fixed with proper care.

Also yeah, Adderal permanently alters brain chemistry no matter the dosage, but I have to be careful with what I say to my friends who are on it. She takes them in lieu of anti-depressants and swears by them, but I suppose you are just trading one poison for another.

Our minds are our greatest strength and biggest weakness. Left to our own devices we quickly invent problems that aren't really there and that gnaw on our psyche for years.

How much does brain chemistry get altered after one time mdma use? 200mg lets say

But smoking boosts test….html

Also if you're complaining about breathing try breathing exercises

Why were you victimized and I was not? Did you act out more? I always thought that life was grey when I was younger too. I never really tried to express it though. I guess I did but because I was such a nice kid the teachers let it slide. One time there was this dumb girl who would answer questions in class really really wrong and I would sit and hold back laughs to the point of tears. I have no idea why it was so funny. I was a weird kid too but I never got in trouble. I am sorry you were victimized by systemic drugging. Seems lots of folks in america are that way. It hurts my heart to see the my country suffer so.

watch this:

What about anxiety meds? How bad are they? I've been failing to fix mine on my own and I've been considering going to the doctor. Meds are my last resort but I'm running out of options and I can't keep living like this.

I'd say minimally, I've done it a few times and side effects were less than that of chronic mushroom usage.

Unlike most ISTPs I studied a lot.
Usually we like to work with our hands, keeping our hands busy leaves us little time to think about life's greater problems.
Since school work and most work in general is dumbed down and requires next to no greater brain power. You have a lot of time to think. So I believe that was why I was often depressed.
I digress, I studied often. Solving theoretical problems was often less boring than solving no problems. I treated school like this.
I would usually ace every single test by applying this mindset.
This is the most logical answer so it must be the right answer.
However I never did any homework. I flat out refused.
Homework is busy work and people that like to solve problems hate busy work worse than anything else. Because it's not solving a problem, it's regurgitating force fed information.
So teachers often had a problem with a student that did better than most other students on test, but didn't "apply" themselves with things like homework.

I also openly mocked teachers that tried to make me feel worse for not doing homework.
"Well if you keep that attitude you're just going to be some bum one day." is the usual response I would get from them.
My response would be something akin to
"It's hard to understand why you're so smug when you're making less money than my father who never graduated high school despite being in a position that required higher education."
Needless to say this would anger them and I would be sent off to some sort of suspension. Which was fine for me, I would read and be content by myself.

Education is a cruel system and horribly inefficient. Something I can not stand.
Basic education, reading, writing, simple math and science I can get behind.
However around I'd say 8th grade school should no longer be important. Learning a trade and mastering it by the time the average

highschooler even graduates high school would lead to a much more successful life.
Instead you waste almost the next twenty years learning to master your trade. When you could already be a master of it going into your twenties.

Education is not for everyone.
There is no one size fits all blanket and honestly every single child that gets pushed into a classroom is that much less information that any single child in that classroom can properly retain. As individual problems use up precious time.

I wasn't bullied often I'd guess. A lot more when I was younger (pre 12) however post 12 years old I lacked a willingness to back down and often a very uncaring attitude towards systematic bullying that turned away most masochist.

In all honesty. I was probably victimized because people didn't like me and were probably a little afraid of me.
Difference breeds contempt.

It's impossible to know if this further hurt my emotional stability. At this stage I was on a cocktail of medications that it's really hard to tell how I was feeling at any particular stage of life.

I choked two older boys out who tried to make me the blunt of a joke at two separate times and smashed one of those combined desk/chair contraptions into another boy who punched me once.
I was kicked out of school for that incident and threatened with juvenile time for the assault, but my father was able to prove I was being routinely bullied by this group of guys and threatened to sue the school for failure to properly punish the boys.
So I was kicked out for the year entirely.
Got my GED.
Joined the military.
Worked for a while I guess.

Eh, one time use of any drug is a bad indicator of any severe alteration to brain chemistry. It's difficult to say the exact moment when something irreversible happens, but it's safer just to not do it.

>Personality type

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>people can't fit into generalized groups with similar characteristics

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Seems your meds fucked you. Not really fair. Are you even trying to get Jow Forums though? do you want me to tell you natural things to take that might help you feel generally better?

I've been Jow Forums for years.
I'm mentally disabled, I legally can not work in public and they can not force a company to hire me.

My day from start to finish.
10am- wake up
11am- stretch
12pm- hour cardio
1pm/3pm- weight lifting
4pm- gardening
5pm- yard work
6pm- walk dogs for next two hours
8pm- first and only meal of the day
10pm- shower, play piano afterwords
12am/4am- spend time with girlfriend
4am- try to sleep, have insomnia

13% body fat, 190lbs at 5'10''.
My physical health has in no way been hurt.
I just can't be around people. When I'm around people it makes me tired. I hate the way they talk.

Other than my girlfriend you're probably the first person I've had a conversation with in months for more than a sentence or so.

This is my life now, you just accept it.

I'm getting off, goodbye.


>talking about things he has no idea about
It's about inhaling retard ...applies to cigar smoking too. And 10 bowls of pipe means you smoke for at least 6 hours a day. A new fda study showed that a cigar a day does not increase your chance of cancer. Don't compare the plebian ciggaretes to cigars and pipe you faggot.


>only 6 hrs sleep a night
never gonna make it

Always salt your spaghetti.

>t. guy smoking 2 cigs a day

Tfw mailman that delivers mail to 4 separate bars so I can never avoid the temptation. I'm just a drunk on the weekends and sometimes one day during the week now. I feel like avoiding heroin or Crack would be a lot easier.

quit being a faggot

If you're serious about quitting, look into nicotine patches. It works so well it's practically magic, but you MUST really want to quit/ be determined to quit (what I call the mental component of quitting). The patches will handle the physical component, but if you aren't really mentally ready to drop the habit, your chances of relapse increase. Good luck bro, you can do it

Then quit fgt, it's all psychological and self control anyway

>tfw smoked for nearly 10 years and just gave up one day

Nicotine detox aint shit stop being a lil bitch

>true addiciton
Fuck off, no physical symptons from withdrawal, all mental, you literally just don't have to have a smoke normal every day people out here giving up opiates and going through true physical pain for a week and then dealing with the mental withdrawals for nearly a month after

>im just addicted to cigarettes bro

Stop trying to sugar coat the fact you're a weak willed lil bitch

Good thing Im super sensitive for nicotine and caffeine. One ciggy or cup of coffee gets me all jittery and shit to the point of discomfort.

So I dont really like smoking except when Im at a party or club and I need crazy kickstart it gives me

Imagine being weak minded enough to be a slave to substance