How THE FUCK do I quit this disgusting habit?

How THE FUCK do I quit this disgusting habit?

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Just realise that there are a lot of fucked up bacteria under there. I stopped when I learned I could get salmonella from biting my nails off.

stop stressing yourself out
appropriately manage the stress

You could chew on tooth picks like my great grandpappy. He said he used to chew his nails a lot during the war and that tooth picks helped him

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buy some bitrex and put it on your fingers

Getting salmonella at all.
What kind of genes you got brah? shite ones that what./

get nails removed

Yeah but when you’ve been doing it for 10+ years and your immune system is decent it’s kind of hard to think like that

I have skin picking problem I struggled with for years. I now only have 1-2 fingers I pick instead of all 10. How do i give this habit up?

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Get something else to be really anal about. Like having proper tongue posture.

How do you even start that habit? Fingernail chewers are fucking weird.

didnt realize other people did this

lots of people do, i stare at lots of peoples fingers now and lots of people do it. I used to pick all 10 fingers like that pic shows it was nasty, now I only pick my thumb, almost got rid of the habit. hows urs?

Rubberband around wrist. Snap every time you do it.

i managed to almost entirely cut it out for a few months and let them heal but i came back to it, not as bad as before but still pretty bad on all fingers

dont bite your nails

You're gay if you bite your nails bro. You aren't gay are you?

Am I the only person who eats the gunk that's stuck underneath their fingernails?

Its a stress problem. Used to do it everyday and would bleed my fingers from the biting. Once I finished all of my final exams and finally relaxed i stopped doing it without noticing at first.

Don't quit it, this and boogers strengthen your immune system

I've done this for 5+ years
Even half enjoy the pain from really sensitive freshly removed skin
I find myself doing it subconsciously without even realising it, so it's very hard to stop doing


I still pick my nose and eat that shit. I'm going to be 22yo in November. How do I stop lads? That shit is tasty

>How do I stop lads?
You don't. You'll never stop.
Also OP? You're fucked. Nail biting is an actual meme, something you picked up from others and now you'll always come back to it.

t. 32 year old father of two. Does both.

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Realize that it's on the disgusting chart on the same level as someone with rotten teeth.
And also keep nail clippers in your reach at all times so you can just cut them when they grow. Not be like "well the clippers are in the bathroom and I can't be bothered to get them, I might just bite them off"

Just don't do it in front of others. It's not harmful.
When I wake up I immediately eat everything thats in my nose. I do the same at evening after work.

learn why you keep doing it and how to fix yourself

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lmao same

You’re biting them because they’re imperfect and you want to correct them. But teeth are shit grooming tools so you just make them worse.

Learn instead to clip them and file them smooth, so that there’s nothing that needs “correcting”.

was biting until i saw the thread