Killing myself

> Break up with abusive girlfriend to live the /comfy/ life alone
> Work schedules me 30 hours a week
> No time to spend on my own
> Miss my fucking gf
> Feel like an asshole for leaving her
> Anxiety's gotten 10x worse
> Social skills have degraded into nothing
> Feel like shit every day
> Depressed as fuck

The only time I'm happy is when I dream about my gf. I'm on the verge of an heroing

I've only went on a date with one girl who promptly ignored me even after saying she want's to go on another one

Being single was a fucking meme

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On top of this, I spend all night on r9k and never get any fucking /you/s

Go away. Stupid weak faggot.

just kill me and end my suffering for me please chad

30 hours a week gives you more time than most. Change won't be easy but going at it enough times can make the difference

I'm not Chad but you're still a fag. While you're here bitching she's riding some dudes dick. Killing your self is a pathetic rage quit and feeling lonely is for faggots. People are scum and filth, being lonely irl is not a bad thing. Also resize that she's not your gf she's your EX. Fix your finances, don't waste money, seek making more money.
>tfw bought FB @172 feels good man
Go to a museum, or some other interesting place. Download an audio book and go for a long ass walk. Draw something.

>Scheduled 30 hours a week
>No time to spend on my own

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I'm trying to fix my finances.

Nothing interests me anymore, I don't like making music anymore, listening to music, playing video games...

Last year I worked 66 hours a week, more than 70 if you count commute. This year is a little better, around 50 hours with commute. Still have to wake up at dawn though. Sounds like work schedule is the least of your problems.

Force yourself to do something, idle mind/hands. When you do nothing and spend all day here of course you will feel shitty. When I felt very bad in the past I abandoned 4chins and especially this board. Now I fell breddy gud and don't take the shit here seriously. Be careful m8 or you might actually an hero. When you fix your shit and will feel better it'll be pretty dark to think how you considered an heroing.

I bought a guitar retardadly a few days ago, maybe I'll learn to play it...

We have a similar story, OP
>break up with alcoholic gf after 2 happy years and 5 shitty years[for discord qt met 7 weeks prior]
>self schedule to work 38 hours/week
>4 days off every week to shitpost
>miss having sex
>feel sense of relief no more shitty gf
>discord gf "loses interest"
>still flirting every day
>always tired
>investing 2k from paycheck into crypto every month

Not particularly happy or unhappy, just kind of in between all the time. Went on some dates with coworkers after breakup but all I think about is discord gf, so I stopped dating. Just gonna keep accumulating. Maybe in February I fly out for a surprise visit, surely this bold gesture will moisten the panties and we go ring shopping that afternoon. Your mistake was breaking up before you had eyes on another pusspuss. Know what yo're worth though. I'm 6'3, 28, white, no kids, no debt, good car, small chunk in ETFs as emergency fund, rest all-inning on crypto. Come the next bullrun I'm fiat-ing half and buying a condo somewhere in Austin or Savannah, NEET it up. Just focus on the mission. Oneitis sucks, I'm dealing with that now, but the truth is you can be as happy with one girl as any other. I'm a fucking catch, but you can't be that bad if you had a gf and still get dates. It gets old fast but you could just play tinder and go for one night stands. Gets lonely fast but at least you're getting the dick wet. I just use ex for booty calls, she's not over me yet so it works out perfectly. All the benefits with none of the obligations.

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And I was wondering how you had it so fucking easy...

I went on a date with a girl, who ignored me after saying she said she wanted to go on another. Now she's in France, and apologized for ignoring me and want's to go on another but I doubt she will when she gets back.

the high point of my day is the single snapchat I get from her, probably send to 5-6 chads also.

No girl is interested in me, it's just like before I started dating my gf. I think I'd rather be verbally and physically abused again if it meant I'd have one nice day with her a week.

Work is killing me, I have no time to do what I want. Which is play video games and work on my music.

What crypto do you invest in? Is it worth it?

>Break up with abusive girlfriend to live the /comfy/ life alone

You do need to kill yourself normalfag.

Plus my social anxiety is through the fucking roof now, I'm almost constantly uncomfortable or anxious, doesn't help that the summer is so fucking hot now.

I hang out with my friends once in a while but we barely talk about meaningful shit. It fucking sucks because he's depressed and so is his girlfriend so we just do nothing and then I go home sad.

Last time we hung out they got in a fight and I just awkwardly left.

I cry at night thinking about my ex... I feel like I shouldn't miss her because she literally hit me and bruised me sometimes, but idk man...

Yeah you should. Just don't abandon it, no matter how boring and shitty it will feel at some point.
>be me
>try to study a foreign language
>it gets boring and I abandon it
>pick it up again
>abandon it again
I'm going to swear to myself that I will not abandon it yet again, no matter how boring it will get. I regret that I was a lazy faggot and abandoned it in the past. Just trust me it's better to suffer through the initial desire to quit then to start over.

wtf 30 hours is nothing, stop bitching faggot

seriously tho,id like to see op work at my clinic
50 hours is when you complain dude

I also have ADHD that makes life a fucking nightmare. I tried to get medication to help with my relationship but it didn't do anything.

I drift from interest to interest all the time.
Whenever I get excited about ANYTHING I just tell myself that it's a fucking mood swing and it goes away...

The last time I was happy was this morning when I dreamt I was kissing a girl. I woke up in pain and feeling sick.

here's an idea: spend a week lurking Jow Forums. keep in mind that most of the threads are trash. stay in /SIG/, REDPILL, and FASHWAVE threads only. ignore all others.

try /mlpol/ to ease into it with ponies:

> 2018
> women not being full-on selfishly evil
know what you're dealing with, user, it's not you

gl hf

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It's literally, including the bus ride, 8-7 PM. That's literally my entire day because I have to fucking sleep early because I can never fucking sleep because of my RLS and random pains.

boohoo,dont be a fag and stop complaining..ADHD isnt even comparable

get a job that isn't 3 hours away then??

Based sig poster.

truth tho,listen to this user

I like my job... kind of.
I teach dog training classes but my fucking social anxiety makes everything that comes out of my mouth an awkward mess...

same tho..i work at an emergency clinic as a canine therapist and even tho the drive is long its worth it

ahh gotcha. do you have a dog user? dogs will love you forever

The manlet meme is real, I'm sure it doesn't make you feel any better but I'm seen fucking midgets (5'7 gymbrah) who pull way harder than me. There's a lot to be said for game.
Of course no girl is interested in you though, what do you expect? However, what if all girls were interested in you... Abundance mentality. It's that whole fake it till you make it thing again. You said it yourself, she also sent it to other chads, implying you are one of them. Autismal as fuck but flirting on discrod taught me a lot, I used the girls as practice marks. Vary up tactics of teasing, but an outright abusive asshole, being horny creeper. Each one could be hit and miss, you eventually learn what you can get away with. I'm a nice guy so it takes effort to treat them like girls instead of people, but it's a learned skill like any other.
Work sucks, I hated my last position, applied for inhouse transfer and love my new unit. Same exact job title and duties, just different coworkers and type of clients. If work aint working for you then go somewhere else. As for crypto, dyor. Listen to me and you could listen it all. idgaf if I lose it all but I'm not giving advice hear. My portfolio is 50% Chainlink, 30% Bitcoin, 20% Ethereum. Maybe a few hundred in LTC and shitcoins but only becaus eI"m too lazy to mess with it, I'm not a trader. Buy and hold is the lazy mans game. Zfg

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Hory shit nigger, there are robot wagies that flip burgers all day in a hot kitchen or work in retail and get bullied by normies and the poor little (you) get to play all day with doggos.

Yes my family has two. I love dogs and would love to train service dogs one day, but right now I'm slaving away in a pet supply store.

Not what it's like at all. Most of the day I just run the register or sit there out of boredom because it sucks.

When I DO have a class, I'm uncomfortable as fuck because I have to teach adults how to teach a dog, and I have to figure out what to say. I have bad fucking social anxiety and it's hell.

dude if you think burger flipping is worse than dealing with animals try me,you dont have to clean up projectile shit every other day

Also my new manager fucking sucks. She's a bitch and doesn't apprecaite the work I do at all...

My old manager was hot as fuck and would compliment me on the work I did.