Is it good to have a 3 day cycle like this
>arms , chest, upper back
>legs , lower back
Is it good to have a 3 day cycle like this
Other urls found in this thread:
>abs day
Seems pretty shit
If you want a 3 day cycle just do PPL
Stop with the meme program and do something proven
Also you can train abs every day
PPL should be 6 days a week nigger
It's a three day cycle you do twice a week you absolute fucking retard
also, why should anyone rest ?
>3 days
>he counts abs as a entire workout day
>never gonna make it
you know that the original ppl is only a 3 day maintenance program right?
Is deadlift on pullday or legday?
Deadlift is pull day. RDL or straight leg DL is leg day. I think you make up your own rules, but that's how I do it!
>straight leg DL
isn't that just rowing?
I just do a upper/lower body program, and I swapped my rest days for ab days
>hur dur you work on your abs by doing the other shit
a full day of working nothing but ab specific reps is a shitload better for your abs if you're going for aesthetics
PxPxPxP if you want women in your life
If you are intermediate or below intermediate like me I think it could help you what Im doing. Isolated muscle groups per day with a bit of leg day everyday. Alternating so that muscles that work together for some exercises can rest at least one day. Also Ive found that training my core the day before shoulders is also effective because those exercises are the ones that put less strain on core so you can fully push yourself without risking getting hernia for posterity (personal experience)
Day1: Biceps. abductors
Day2: Triceps, quads, core after youre done with triceps
Day3: Shoulders, glutes
Day4: Back, adductors
Day5: Chest, calves
Day6: Muscle groups that are usually left out. (or active rest)
Day 1
What does your ab workout consist of?
these +
-stomach vacuum
-kettlebell swings