Fit tell me, how does it feel to be strong?

fit tell me, how does it feel to be strong?

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Feelsgoodman. You can be strong too though.

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Salty coins and milk.

I'll train you if you can catch 10 leaves

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Affix a giant prosthetic penis, carry a handgun in a chest holster, take 50mg Vyvanse, and carry around a boombox on your shoulder playing Kid Rock's "Cowboy" on loop at full volume.

Then you're close. But it's better.

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healthy and confident, good posture too. people treat you better when you are strong and not fat (aesthetics > powerlunching). also do cardio (actual crunning, not hiit memes) to look more athletic, have better breathing/HR, and runner's high confidence

feels good but you will never be satisfied with your level of strenght

This makes me so sad.

I got hugely into this anime, and boxing. I trained hard and fought from age 14. Until I fucked my knee and was told I could never box again.

Took 3 months before I could walk again. Gained a tonne of weight. Years went by until 3 months ago, heaviest I'd ever been, I said no. I had enough.

Back at the gym, training, I may not box again but I'll damn well be strong. And when I am, I'll tell you.

I recenrly began to watch hajime no ippo, first time where i can relate to a main character so well

I felt (and still even though I'm 25 now) feel his pain from early in the series.

But In 20 weeks I'll be at my goal weight and start from scratch like I did 10 years ago.

Hajime no Ippo has a really special place in my heart

me too bros. I still need to watch season 2 and 3

When I was training jiu-jitsu I used to get compliments on how strong I am. They don't know I haven't even reached 1pl8 yet.

I want to do a full rewatch before I hit 3.

Might do it for more motivation at the gym

feels like not hanving brain damage

I wouldn't know

>Knee injury
>told he can't BOX again
From what shithole country are you from?

Please tell me that you are talking about OHP

maybe russia, and he's pretending to be vasyl lomachenko

You don’t notice the difference usually
Base level strength never really changes, what changes is what you’re capable of. Even then the difference isn’t that big unless you started off a turbo dyel, functional strength is a thing

i still need to watch 2 more eps before im done with first season. Man I love Ippo, he is so likable

>I love Ippo, he is so likable
he's a giant pussy. I like Takamura

takamura is uber chad, but ippo is more relatable as the other said. y-yes im sort of a pussy in certain situations

takamura is the coolest character

Ippo has good taste in girls.

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>Lose 110lbs
>Face finally looks like normal and not like a muffin
>Body composition looks normal, can finally wear decent cloth
>Lifting made my spine normal again
>Dont sweat as much as I used to, overall I smell better
>People suddenly look like they care about me
>I finally start to get over my anxiety and have enough courage to make jokes around people
>Girl I used to stalk in my nearest grocery store finally acknowledge me
>She asked ME out for a date
>Get together after couple of dates
>Sex on a regular basis

Jesus guys, life as a fat person is so horrible compared to this. All I had to do was to fucking lose the weight and be more open. Thanks Jow Forums, I think I made it.

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good job user, im proud of you.

Proud of you bb

Did you have to deal with loose skin after weight loss?

Congrats buddy. Keep it up.

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like you're not strong enough

Nah mate. I've done a water fast for 6 weeks after I lost 50lbs.
This whole "water fast dont get you lose skin" worked on me.

Hajime no ippo is the fucking best.


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This anime is just so fucking good, especially the out-of-ring scenes are always packed with laughter and great character interaction. Great series.

Its never enough bro

>squat 475
>deadlift 555

No matter how heavy I go, I can never seen to lift away the shame

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More info on this? My fattest I was 370-380lbs Currently I'm 256 lbs. Although the time frame which i've lost the weight has been like 2-3 years or so. I feel like my shit is still gonna get wreck by loose skin, almost guaranteed.
What a terrible fate, get to a healthy weight and still look like shit, hopefully that won't be the case.

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50lbs is not enough for noticeable loose skin


in everyday life i feel no different deadlifting 500 than i did deadlifting 225, moving furniture or carrying groceries literally feels the same as it did before

Hey man, those numbers are still pretty dope. For what it's worth, I think you are pretty cool. Be more proud of yourself.

That video hurts to watch for accurate that feel is when cutting for a fight. Granted, people would typically die cutting as much as he did, but he's Takamura.

You made it user, congrats brother

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aoki? lol dudes a clown. but funny nonetheless

This serie reminds you that no matter how hard you train, a more talented person with less training will always win.

Are you retarded?

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I'm more useful, and harder to kill.

>tfw you will never watch hajime no ippo for the first time ever again

>tfw you read the latest manga

prepare to feel

I will never know that OP

Good job

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I like this thread

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>Sees his friend going to second base with gf.
>Jumps in.

>won't even remember what I tell you
Why are dementiafags so inconsiderate?

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feels good while I'm at the gym and gives me new goals, but when I'm at home in the dark sitting in front on my computer late at night on rest day it doesn't really make a difference

>What a terrible fate, get to a healthy weight and still look like shit, hopefully that won't be the case.
this is the punishment for your crimes

How do you make it past day 3?

Why lift if you can’t even show off your body? Are you a NEET?

1. What show is this?
2. Is it any good?
3. Is it Jow Forums related?

is hajime no ippo, is about a boy called ippo who has been bullied all of his life, after meeting takamura mamoru a elite japanese boxer and see him embarrass his bullies without any effort at all he decides to take on boxing to become strong, he joins the kamogawa gym where he learn not only to box but become a professional at it, so yeah is pretty fit related

Hajime no Ippo
It's great
It's about Boxing and becoming stronger, so yes

I wouldn't know (1.25/2.25/3/3.75 1rm)

fuck that you gay cunts

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Being physically strong is pretty great, everything is easier. People bother you less and respect you more. They also ask you to help them with heavier loads because they are weak af.
Being mentally strong is even fucking better. Nobody can falter or disrupt you from pursuing your goals. People naturally respect you and take you serious. They will rely on you and push you forward as a leader. They will ask and expect more of you but respect you if you can't or won't do it. But the best part of it is that you can reach out your hand to people who need it.

damn dude

I got a knee injury too when doing MMA but I switched to boxing lmao. I used to be super into it, but now I go maybe 2 times a week

it gets easier by day 4.
by day 4 you dont feel hungry at all and you focus more on other stuff.

>he's not up to speed on the manga

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the manga right now is just horrible, every week you ask yourself when ippo is boxing again, and they drag it and drag it
fucking Japanese

What the fuck? I was expecting this shitty opinion from normies, not fellow Jow Forumsbros, but I guess even Jow Forums ain't patrician.

Ippo's out, and here's why that's a good thing... Nah but for real, it's a good direction to take. Ippo's out, Takamura is about to go out, Itagaki is on the way up; it's gonna reach its climax soon I'm sure. It'd be a good way to end the manga on Ippo's and Itagaki's part. Not sure about what's gonna happen to Takamura.

Oh and about the latest chapter, maybe Miyata will be motivated to be a boxer for the sake of boxing and keeping up with Sendo and gang isntead of just Ippo

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>Oh and about the latest chapter, maybe Miyata will be motivated to be a boxer for the sake of boxing and keeping up with Sendo and gang isntead of just Ippo
dude they clearly set up for ippo to come back.
he will come back strong and fight miyata.
this is like the fucking main story everyone is waiting for.

Shit I hope not. I can only see it ending poorly if he does come back.

I decided to create a discord server for people who have a talent for fighting
discord gg/3SGrNMC

>lifting for strength
Lmao lift to look good bruh

my man

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I wouldn't know. 5 months now and I squat 245 bench 175. I work manual labor and I don't really feel like it's gotten any easier grabbing and lifting 25kg bags.

Will I feel strong at 1/2/3/4

Well being as stronk as a gorilla. Feels decent. Other than being a fleshy meat bag most of the times feels bad.

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Everyday it gets a little easier.
But you gotta do it every day, thats the hard part

Consistence will reward you my dudes

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