Low Bar

Is it a meme? High bar feels so much better

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Depends entirely on your leverages.

Also the clear distinction between low-bar and high-bar is retarded. There are more than two comfortable places to put a bar on, unless you're a fucking twink or an obese, uniform blob.

Yeah it’s just a meme, that’s why every world record is set with low bar

Every person who squats high bar spits on low bar squatters and looks at them with pity. Low bar squat is a boomer exercise

its a meme, front squats are way more functional. if you just want to be able to squat the most weight possible, for competitive reasons, then they're better, but when do you ever lift a heavy object on your back irl?

What? I don’t. I wish I could lowbar

>tfw I can back squat 2pl8 for reps but struggle with anything past 155 on front squats

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No matter what anybody says, the difference between the two is minimal, about an inch or 2 lower on the back. It really all depends on your body type. If you find one easier over the other then do that, but never criticize one over the other. For some people high bar is easier than low bar because they can’t put their hips back enough. For others it’s the opposite because their legs are too long to maintain a more vertical descent. It’s all a matter of bar placement, the result is the same

Do whatever feels best for you, really. Sure there are slight differences in highbar-vs-lowbar when it comes to which muscles get hit proportionally more and all that, but just do whatever feels more comfortable to you.

I personally started off doing lowbar but when I hit around lmao2plate I started basically doing good-mornings with the bar because too much forward lean. After struggling with that for a while, I deloaded and switched to highbar and it's felt more more comfortable for me.

That and lowbar made my shoulder joints hurt, but this is probable due to improper technique or some shit, IDK. Not my problem anymore.

Its normal. Back squats works quads and hamstrings, front squats work only your quads.

I can front squat 3plate 5RM but my back squat is only slightly higher than that at 335. I hit a road block with back squats because I can't keep a straight bar path without leaning too much at an angle.

Not reading starting strength
Not knowing low bar is the superior squat, THE SQUAT
Not fixing your fucking form with the master que
Thinking front squats are useful in any way
Never gonna make it

Quads checked

explain why front squats are useless

>High bar feels so much better
then do that you potatoe

Because you should be doing low bar back squats. Why don't you explain why front squats are not deficient when compared to THE SQUAT? Why are you not working hammys in your squat? Why are you not engaging the entire posterior chain by doing the only exercise that is superior to the almighty deadlift?

Unless you compete, train whichever feels more comfortable to you and you'll get identical results in terms of strength and muscular development.

Holy shit retard of the day award right here.

Your quads are just as worked doing front squats as any back squat.

because when do you ever need to lift something heavy on your back? whenever you lift a heavy object, like at work or something, you lift it out in front of you, you don't put it on your back.

who are you, Dan Quayle?

Literally works the same muscles in the same manner to the same degree. There's no reason to do front squats if you don't want to.

those are some big quads, you must really know your squats

Based and redpilled response

>lucky 8's
Confirmed. OP is a high-bar retardo

Depends on the person.
Someone is tall should go for the low bar.
Midgets go for the high bar.