How do i avoid this?

How do i avoid this?

Attached: snap.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

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don't attempt to lift more weight than you can lift

Just stick to standard deadlifts.

>bro just stick to weight you can already do never try to take it to the next level
>you'll surely get strong this way
>progressive overload what's that

How do I avoid this?

Attached: Critical Miss.webm (270x480, 2.9M)

Stand closer to the wall

you wouldn't be able to tell me what proggressive overload is you stupid shitass
>progressive overload means using weight that you can't actually use
>adding weight in a controlled manner is not progressive overload
fuck you

You lift to actually build muscle and not for some vanity number.

Breath control

notice how the arms where right under the other dude's arms? that's exactly what caused this, if you are going to suplex somebody, your arms need to be at the hips your head in constant contact to the body and instead fully arching your back, wich is what this fool attempted (not that is bad, but not suitable for non experienced wrestlers) once you lift him up and start falling back, spin to the opposite side of where your head is.

Must've chosen the Jinxed trait without putting any points into luck


Progressive overload doesn't mean adding fifty more pounds you retard.

this happened in finland. The guy ended up paralyzed from neck down... scary

i mean ... he seems like he deserved it

he shouldnt have done it but doesn't deserve to end his life like that, of course it could have happened to the other guy too but still. rahter die than paralyzed

Fucking gym bullies

Attached: screen.jpg (650x650, 113K)

What an idiot.


"deserve" is not a concept that exists in reality, but cause and effect is. he attacked someone and was seriously injured as a result.

holy shit you're retarded

Don't suplex somebody in concrete. You'll either kill yourself like this idiot or kill the other guy and rot in jail.

Am I mature now? Because there was a time when I was eager to see shit but now I simply cringe at the idea of seeing someone snapping and don't want to click play on this. Someone else on the same train?



Don't spend more on shoes than you can clean/front squat.

I'm a noob but if you struggle this much front squatting the weight there is no way you can do the OHP part of the clean right? Lean forward and bail?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 30K)

>look it up and he actually died

Lmao what a retard.

Get a spotter you dumb fuck

Maybe let go

nerve gas

Seen it but what's the backstory

He could have just been doing plain power cleans

Get a trainer for oly lifts

gonna need source on that one. I have tried to look it up and came up with nothing.

juicehead with a tiny pecker feels insecure some teen can deadlift more than him, so he comes over and assaults him for "ego lifting"

was meant for

dude his neck went back 90 degrees more than its supposed to, what did you expect?

Not him, but I still haven't found anything official on the kid dying or getting paralyzed. I call bullshit. He looked like he just knocked himself out. His eyes were wide open, yet responsive to movement (they were following the camera guy) with that "da fuck just happened" look typical of people who get knocked out.

image search only yields links to forums and some say it happened in NY, others in Philly, and now this user is saying it happened in Finland? Imma need a more credible source than that.

The guy kicking the weight is a legit manlet

Duh, non-manlets don't act like that

did he died?

>hmm I'm going for a new PR
>should I add 10 more pounds or 50 more pounds

Is this a real question OP?

>dude his neck went back 90 degrees more than its supposed to, what did you expect?

Attached: fedor-kevin.gif (340x235, 1.99M)

>or kill the other guy and rot in jail.

Stop living in places with shit laws.

that first sentence is one of the most based things I've read in a while

Did I miss where everybody knew exactly what happened here? How do you know he went 50lb over previous pr.

no, you can definitely struggle to clean something and still be able to jerk it
also cleans are a good lift on their own

t. only lifted for a week

Attached: bxxer4k6cic01.png (520x550, 191K)

People keep saying that but I'm sure its just speculation