So what sports have you played in HS?

So what sports have you played in HS?

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that one sport where you eat at an empty table by yourself during the lunch period

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>implying robots played any sports in their life

I played volleyball and beach rugby

>in hs
football, and swim

I was on a rifle team for a year while I was in jrotc. Pretty cool really.

I played volleyball but got bullied off the team because I was the starting setter and the other setter was more popular.

Why does volleyball even have set "roles" when rotations occur, that's what I never got. I mean you have setters/tossers and liberos and what nots but everyone has to get a different role during the play.

Doesn't it fuck up the selection process completely?

Tennis. Pretty ideal, I was okay at it and no one ever talked to each other outside of practice/matches.
or maybe they did without me and I just never found out.

No. Everybody runs to their designated spot during the serve. They serve the same role in the same position every point. The only difference if that hitters will pass in the back line and hit in the front line.

i couldnt play sports because i had ligma

i was on the bowling team because i liked a girl on the bowling team

What's ligma? I've never heard of that.


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ligma is a meme that when you ask what is ligma the original person who sayed i have ligma says lig ma balls

lig my balls, ha got emm

you facking retards this is the worst meme ever

nothing, i went to school gym to work out in the last two years though

I've always had a passing interest in sports, any really, but felt that you need to be in a certain level of competency in order to play. I don't want to hold back others just because of my lack of skills.
Also, I prefer going 1v1 as opposed to group vs group. It probably explains why fighting games are my favorite vidya genre.

I played volleyball in high school, it was fun and okay but not as exciting as anime makes it look it was actually kinda boring

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Ah interesting.

yeah maybe if you're professional athletes but when ur just a bunch of retard highschoolers in a country that doesnt give a shit about high school sports its dull a lot

didn't play any but I did get asked to join the volleyball and basketball teams. Went to tryouts but quit after 2 days because I didn't think it would be worth the effort.

I did everything could to wriggle out of sports in school, I always got picked last and could keep up with the other kids anyway.

my prime living time was actually primary not highschool, that place was pretty mundane because it was a IT oriented school that had little to no female pupil, watching anime made me only sadder as i became to realize what mistake i made since all the normal highschools that were just well highschools had these side activites like muh japoons animations, i missed it all and i got nothing out of missing it, instead im here now, wowee guys what a life to live its so brutal that you can only live once and youre pretty much oblivious to it untill things are utterly in the shitter.

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the most I did for sport activity was basketball so there I guess

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I just to be a swimmer, went to competitions and shit. Does that count?

Played soccer for fun pretty often, joined a club, got bullied by chads because i'm aspie and i didn't do the exercises right (like i had to pass the ball to the guy on the left but i passed to the right), left the club and started to train boxing cuz team sports suck ass

Used to run track for my school, until I got into an accident that fucked up my right leg. Eventually quit the team and here I am

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I did track running for the school and did some regional competitions for them.
I was known as that creep who could run fast