Tfw hairy dick shaft

>tfw hairy dick shaft

anyone else have this problem? i fell like if i ever get with a chick, she would be absolutely disgusted

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please tell me i'm not the only one with this shit

no girl wants to get hair on they mouth when they sucking yo dick my man

has anyone here with a hairy dick had sexual encounter? if so, how did it go?

how about not pulling your skin like a retard and show us a picture of your actual shaft and not of the skin on the base of your shaft. Everyone has hair there.

I got it just as bad as you. I've tried Nair and it worked fine, you can also get those female creams or wax strips. It's a little difficult to do at first but if you're whipping your dick out its worth it. If you get caught off guard just be a faux alpha and put on a rubber and go straight for vaginally sex

One of those problems that you forget about once you've resigned yourself to no sex ever. Lose your hope before you lose your guts over something stupid like hair on your dickshaft.

Everyone has this. It's just how pubes work. Don't worry about it
If you don't like it there are literally countless ways to remove body hair

Isn't this because of circumcision? Not trying to troll or anything. I have it too. I think it's normal even on intact dudes, but it's more pronounced because we don't have as much skin on our dicks as we're supposed to.

I have it, I just pluck the ones that are really far up there since theyre sparse anyway. No girl has ever commented on it or noticed

just pluck it with a tweezer everyother week

This is one of the many benefits of circumcision, pulling the lower shaft skin up higher to give you a furry dick

I have a hairy shaft too, the hairs get stuck in my zipper and get stuck in my foreskin during fap sessions. From there they get yanked off and make their way into my pee hole.

i've never known a better use for the word kafkaesque than your life.

Hope you're a grower cause you ain't a shower

I have it but I just shave mine off. You have to stretch the skin but since you're circumcised that'll be easier. Be careful.

lmao dude my hairy arabic ass has got hair 2 inches up the shaft and not one girl i've been with has ever said shit and i've even had compliments on how nice it was to suck on

stop being insecure you lil bitch

I have the same thing, not really noticeable when erect though, I just shave it. Been with my girl for 6 years and she hasn't said anything about it.

Definitely can't pluck though, my public hair has some HUGE af hair follicles, it's retarded. If I pluck any and the follicle actually comes out, it's guaranteed to bleed. Most of the time the strand just breaks though and then I have a big follicle bump left there.

This. It's certainly not that way for everyone.

Wait people don't have hairs on their dicks ? Only balls?

>tfw all my body hair is concentrated on and around my dick and ass

I have a few armpit hairs and nothing at all on my chest or face.

Shave it off retard

Just get a pair of very expensive tweezers and pluck them, if you make sure to get the angle right you can minimise the pain. After a few years of religious plucking you'll never get hair there again. Also before you claim that it is cucked, being hairless there will improve sensation both with someone and even jacking off.

>cock fur
braid that shit homie, own it

Girls won't notice it when its in their slit, right?

This. I grow hairs on my shaft but take care of them pretty methodically every day.

>tfw hairy dick shaft
That's what happens when you're missing 1/3 of your dick's original skin because of circumcision.

Just shave it WITH THE GRAIN NOT AGAINST FOR THE LOVE OF GOD once a week or so. I've been with 2 girls and I don't think either even noticed

just shave you dick mutt.

>hairy dick shaft
yes i have this problem
>if i ever get with a chick
dont have this one though

>I've been with 2 girls
Fucking hell get a load of Normanchad Q Dickington over here

this is the only post which has ever actually made me cringe. never share this again.

I've also go hair going up the shaft and a foest of pubes. I've only had one girl complain about it and she couldn't give me oral. I'm going to trim it anyway as it gets on my nerves.

I get a few random blonde ones far up my shaft which really annoy me. I pretty much have to be erect in order to shave them. And they didn't start appearing until I was in my mid 20's. My wife doesn't seem to care about them though but I also do my best to keep myself groomed down there.

Don't worry op. I'm chubby and hairy and I still pull females.

Consider the type of guy that you normally see those whores with: Ungroomed, unkempt, filthy fat men. There even used to be a popular forum for girls fucking DOGS on libbit. The only thing that matters is what's in your wallet; doesn't matter if you're Harry Henderson.

In addition, girls really DON'T like hairless men as they tend to be effete.

I have a lot of hair all the way up to the top of my shaft.
When I lost my virginity the girl noticed it and did not like it.

I have that but only on the bottom of my shaft so when it's hard by dick instantly looses an inch in looks cause that inch is covered in hair

They don't look coarse or gross.'s kind of hot? Pubic hair is nice, despite what porn has trained you to believe. It's fine. You've got really nice hair that doesn't look gross at all, so don't be ashamed of it. Your dick's head looks kinda gross, so it's really nice that the hair and skin around the shaft looks nice and healthy.

I have hair sticking out of the sides of my dick just before the head

Just masturbate lmao