Habitual caffeine consumption

after abusing this fucking nightmare drug for more than 6 years i finally had enough

you can twist it anyway you wont. its better to quit it alltogether. daily preworkout 200mg caffeine leads to you just taking it to fight withdrawals and performing on normal base levels overtime.

taking it 2x a week still gives you the buzz but on the days you dont take it you will perform and feel like shit

so you are being kiked either way. but actually quitting this shit is worse than death. i been legit trying for 2 years.

you go like 13 days strong and feel slightly better everyday until you think to yourself. damn son. i been so long without it I IMAGINE IT MUST FEEL LIKE PARADISE NOW and i relapse FUUUUUKKK

things i managed to quit:

alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, zolpidem, codeine, lorazepam, bromazepam, diazepam.

caffeine is the fucking hardest because it involves 2 things i love the most, lifting and music. and i been doing it since forever.


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Not taking caffeine is retarded. Literally makes you a better human

I haven't had caffeine in 5 years, you definitely feel a lot better without it.

That list of shit you quit. You sound like you have an underlying problem you need to get sorted out.

i used to cope and tell this myself also but its not true nigga. when i was like 14 i used to get euphoria every day just being alive thinking about random shit.

ever since starting caffeine i been depressed and i cant quit because of short term MEGA depression. fuck me senpai

>t. brainlet

The Misconception: Coffee stimulates you.

The Truth: You become addicted to caffeine quickly, and soon you are drinking coffee to cure withdrawal more than for stimulation.

>The truth is, once you’ve been drinking coffee for a while, the feeling you are getting after a cup isn’t the difference between the normal you and the super you, it’s the difference between the addict before and after a fix.

Nah. Besides cig and alcohol, everything else was just a short term phase. Caffeine is the only thing left which haunts me.

>oh yes a very earthy smell
>A hint of citrus?
>and what’s this? A tinge of roast beef

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>Withdrawal occurs at dosages as low as 100 mg/day. That’s just one typical cup of coffee. One study (Field et al., 2003) even found that abstaining from just 41 mg/day for 30 hours decreased blood flow to some parts of the brain by 19-32%. The most common withdrawal symptoms are headache, fatigue, decreased energy/activeness, decreased alertness, drowsiness, decreased contentedness, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and foggy/not clearheaded-ness. Withdrawal is much, much more common than most people think. Many people just assume legal drugs are perfectly safe and only associate withdrawal with illegal drugs, even though there is practically no relation between the toxicity and addictiveness of drugs and their legal status, but caffeine withdrawal is extremely common. In fact, many studies overestimated the positive effects of caffeine, because they didn’t exclude habitual caffeine consumers. This causes participants to be in withdrawal during the study and the so called positive effects of caffeine are then merely withdrawal reversal. If your training sessions are notably poorer without stimulants, you may very well be in withdrawal. Withdrawal also causes muscle stiffness and weakness.
(Juliano & Griffiths, 2004).

How does nicotine hurt gains? I'm genuinely curious as I've quit both tobacco and alcohol for a (fedora tip) vape.

I too am struggling with quitting. The first day might go fine, but the next day I feel like I have the flu or something where my head is pounding and I feel so fatigued. If I go cold turkey I simply can't workout.

Do I just wean off or do I have to take the workout hit and just stop altogether?

>dropping the performance enhancer
Never gonna make it.

>performance enhancer
imagine being THIS braindead

>“The take home is that regular use of caffeine produces no benefit to alertness, energy, or function. Regular caffeine users are simply staving off caffeine withdrawal with every dose – using caffeine just to return them to their baseline. This makes caffeine a net negative for alertness, or neutral at best if use is regular enough to avoid any withdrawal.”

- Neurologist Stephen Novella

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actually coffee is delicious

The elite athletes don't know.

Just reduce to moderate levels then go cold turkey for a week. 200mg a day should be fine, OP must be a twink with no tolerance to get problems from that. You should be able to handle some lethargy and a few headaches for a week. I quit each year before summer, because tracking down decent coffee when traveling or visiting people is to much bother.

>what is habitual consumption
>what is 1x contest consumption
how do people like you even breathe?

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Caffiene fucks up your adenosine receptors and makes it harder for your body to repair itself when you sleep.


Cut back to one a day (in the morning so it doesn't interfere with sleep) then switch that for decaf.

>the brainlet that keeps on giving
>falling for jewish nestle & cocacola funded studies

"many studies overestimated the positive effects of caffeine, because they didn’t exclude habitual caffeine consumers. This causes participants to be in withdrawal during the study and the so called positive effects of caffeine are then merely withdrawal reversal."

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No more arguments?

Stop posting this broscience


How about some common sense and thinking for yourself user?

You seriously think the worlds 2nd most traded good right after oil involves no bs?

You seriously think taking a stimulant drug on a daily basis comes with no net negative overtime?

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>Every study against my drug is broscience
kys junkie

Should I split that 200? I would take it in a pill, but split that in half

no you had euphoria because you were a kid

Have you considered yerba mate?
Its not addictive and has some small amount of caffeine so it kind of helps.

w-wat do you mean by this?

The more even the distribution during the day, the better. Obviously avoid caffeine during the evening, seeing as the half-life is slightly less than 6 hours on average (may be longer or shorter for you by several hours).

dropped caffeine for straight up crack cocaine and pcp, I don't remember anything but I'm getting swole as fuck so I guess it's working.

god I've a,ways wanted pcp

pilled and redbased

Lmfao dude you have some serious problems

you should only use caffeine when cutting because it helps retain muscle. using stimulants is not good. you can argue all you want that its fine. go ahead. its your body. if you want to be permanently depressed later in life from daily stim use for years then be my guest.

reduce dosage by 50 mg per day til you hit 0

Even when cutting its absolutely retarded to take caffeine because unlike roids it doesnt come with a recovery effect factor. so you are likely to overreach on stims and do more volume than you can handle on your diet so overtime you will 100% injure yourself or burnout and both of that is catabolic to death.

Why sir.

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Caffeine is overrated and IMO an incredibly abused substance. I went from a pot a day minimum coffee habit to nothing. First thing I experienced was horrific headaches. I had to stay in bed an entire day. The next thing I noticed was my anxiety was about 85% better. I was still very sluggish in the morning though. I've found that a glass of water, 7-8 hours of sleep, and a quick old school circuit of 20 pushups, 20 toe touches, and 20 squats leaves me just as alert as coffee did if not more so. The only thing that I miss from caffeine at this point is the ability to push through exhaustion like I used to.

All anecdotal evidence.
tldr: caffeine is bad for your health and you are stronger without it.

I've done a lot of research on caffeine on my own body. It's been a painful 10 years of experiment.

Let's begin with Withdrawal:
If you get a headache in the morning, chances are you are suffering from withdrawal. After a day of no caffeine, you will need to sleep for about 2 days straight. You will be so groggy that you will not be able to function. This is all the lost sleep catching up to you. Sometimes there are some flu like symptom. Also dizziness and a sense of vertigo might permeate the experience.

After a week, your body have flushed out most of the caffeine but you can still feel that your mental facilities are performing at 80%. Your strength drops by 20% and body fat increases from the body retaining more water.

After 2 weeks, you are somewhat at normal state of mind, but it is still not quite fully normal.

To be completely off caffeine and feel normal it takes 2~3 months. This includes cutting everything involving caffeine, which is almost everything on the market nowadays. Chcolate, tea, coffee some other shit that I didn't know have caffeine in it.

Health Benefits:

For the longest time I didn't know why I'd randomly get irregular heartbeat. After many experiments I've finally narrowed down the cause to caffeine. It was hard to detect because the irregular heartbeat happens after 2 or 3 days from when you directly cut it off. It correlates to your body having no more caffeine and is winding down its use while doing intense workouts. Also the fact that small dose of caffeine like tea and chocolate prolongs this delayed effect.

My workouts are now better and the results are more consistent, I don't depend on an energy spike from caffeine to get me through it. I also don't suffer from any sudden collapse of energy, it is more gradual. Life is more steady instead of ups and downs.

>he isn't on a four day cycle of caffeine, nicotine, modafinil, amphetamine to maximize effectiveness and minimize tolerance
Hahaha are you EVEN trying??

former d1 wrestler here who developed his now-11yr coffee habit in college.

My first time I had 8 cups. I felt a euphoria I never knew before. "I should do this more often!" I thought. And I did.

I could feel it hurting me. On days where I had coffee I would get tired faster in practice. I would get a fast, weak heartbeat and gas out. The slow, steady heartbeat I had earned through countless long runs was gone, and my endurance went with it.

But I liked the coffee high. It kept me in a dreamy state where I only cared about my internal reveries. Eventually I quit wrestling to "focus" on being a lazy English major who read novels and fapped and watched lots of movies.

18mo after that I was insane and dropped out of school 90% of the way to graduation.

Don't use drugs, lads. Never fucking use drugs. I've weaned down to one cup of coffee/day but today I broke and had 3 because I forgot to turn off my alarm so I got up at 5:30 on my day off.

Fuck it. I have to buy some dudeweed and painkillers, take a week off, and quit cold turkey. There's just no other way. This stuff is so fuckin evil.

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>but actually quitting this shit is worse than death. i been legit trying for 2 years.

T. Mortalkin borne of flesh and to die as flesh, bound and chained to earthly desires as the prisoners in Plato's cave

I'm in the same boat as you. Was an alcoholic and drank about 8 shots every day and smoked cigs about a little less than a half pack. Quit both cold turkey like 5 years ago and never looked back. It wasn't even hard.

I'm on day 4 of nocaffeine and I want to die. I quit caffeine because it makes it harder to deal with depression but the feeling like you need to feed your caffeine addiction is the worst shit ever. My only advice is just keep trying.

>After a day of no caffeine, you will need to sleep for about 2 days straight.


>day 4 of nocaffeine and I want to die
Listen to me brother, we are going to beat this thing. Post a new thread every time you're tempted if you have to. I'll be here and so will others. You're already past the headaches! Your body is caffeine-free! You WILL make it! Don't go back, flee farther from coffee at every moment. Even when you're not tempted, do something to make yourself feel even Jow Forumster, go for a run, go see a movie, cook a healthy meal. When you feel good, write yourself notes telling you what to think when you feel bad. You're going to make it brah, you're not going to die, you're going to become a real boy again. I believe in you! The Caffeine Jew is going down!

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careful with the dudeweed, you get high and then all coffee just becomes that much more appealing, truly a great combo but prob won't help you quit

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All scientific evidence:

Some caffeine is safe, possibly even beneficial. A cup or two of coffee a day (more than just caffeine) can provide all sorts of metabolic and cognitive benefits.

While you might feel as though the benefits of caffeine are reduced through usage, your perception is independent of reality.

Tons of caffeine, 4-5+ cups of coffee a day can fuck your shit up senpai.


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It seems like everyone bemoaning caffeine itt is exaggerating a lot. I like to have a double espresso in the morning but if I don't for a couple days I don't really notice it. The worst effects I had from caffeine was when I was taking caff pills in order to compensate for a lack of sleep when I had a retarded schedule a few years ago. Gave me terrible headaches

Everyone ITT is retarded. You're supposed to drink 1 cup a day before your workout, not 6 well in to the afternoon. If you've struggled with caffeine addiction/withdrawals, that's because you're abusing it

Do pussies actually believe this shit?

just kill yourself

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I take one 200mg caffeine pill every morning along with two 200mg L-theanine pills. Works great with no real problems.

I used to do 600mg a day (without L-theanine) then quit for about a year, but didn't like how my lethargy never really went away no matter how much rest I got.

I still occasionally take a few days off. Never had withdrawal symptoms last longer than a day, and you can significantly mitigate them by taking very small doses of caffeine (i.e. a cup of low-caffeine tea) instead of trying to go cold turkey.

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Everyone wishes that they are just having a bad dream, and they will wake up as a 10 year old and go ride bikes and catch bugs.

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I didn't until I read this.
Thanks user.

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don't forget cupping your hands together to bring frogs home and feeling them hop and hearing the cicadas buzz all around you while Dad grills burgers and corn on the cob

No one here has demonstrated any negative to caffeine at all.


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You sound like a woman man. I have never had this problem with coffee. Never will. Sorry boyo. You lost the genetic lottery by being born with zero willpower.

Thanks for the concern--it DOES make me want to make poor choices like fapping and eating junk food but it does not make me want other drugs. I enjoy a pure weed high.

One day of Aleve (early), wake and bake, 4 ibuprofen at lunch, and benadryl + melatonin + more weed at night will probably do me. I'll try for it Tuesday or Thursday.