What was the most USEFUL book you have ever read?

what was the most USEFUL book you have ever read?
what was it useful for?
how did it help you?

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i wouldn't say i'm using it every day and that it changed my life but this book has good principles especially to those who lack social skills for whatever reason.

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Culture Of Critique desu

The History of the Peloponnesian War.
Politics is bullshit, people are niggers.

I got the latest addition that talked about social media and didn't find it useful
is the old version without that different?

idk about the new version and like i said it's not the answer to all your problems but the old version is mostly just anecdotes of people succeeding in the business world.

Ironically in contrast to all the dating books ,dating advice and other assorted bullshit I found on the internet about dating, the most and frankly only book that was useful for me in this area wasn't even about dating or romance,
it was a book about machiavellian power politics. Didn't follow everything in it to a T but it did me give a useful perspective.

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12 rules.
Not even shilling intentionally.

isn't that by the douchbag that thinks he knows more about neurology than actual neurologists?

How is that useful?

The Mack Bible. It helped me understand how to avoid sociopathic men, i.e. all of you.

The bible. But only for winning religious arguments by stating that i have indeed read the bible.

You dont win arguements

Actual sociopaths tend to be successful with women and rarely frequent this board.

A survivalist book while I was living on a desert island. I had it and others to instruct on how to do different things.

Yeah you're right. You win this argument.

Wait a second...

The Art of War
The Prince
The 48 Laws of Power
How to Win Friends and Influence People
There's a lot of similarities in these four books but they're a good combo for learning how to manipulate others to get what you want.

Can you share any useful tips in case we need to go off the grid?

really put the idea of romantic love in perspective, explores how the idea of a perfect soulmate doesn't exist

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The Minecraft Bible, it will give your some deep thoughts,

The 12 rules for life acually helped me with my depression though

Firestarting is probably the most useful one, though learning trapping from what I understand is more useful than hunting and easier too. In my case though it was all about fishing.