Feels thread

Ctrlf No feels thread
Feels thread anons

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I will start.
I've been trying to talk to a girl recently but she shows no interest at all. I have been playing it very safe, none of your usual Jow Forums autistic shit.
I wanted her to give me a shot. I don't know, just go to cinema or eat something and just talk for a while. I don't wanna force it.
What to do

You don't need the "perfect" thing to say to get a girl that's already interested in you to agree to go out. I'd say as long as you put some thought in it and act normal, she'll agree to go out. Otherwise, she probably would have said no no matter what

Gf broke up with me yesterday. Her school, work, and internship just started recently all at the same time, so she said it was too difficult to maintain a relationship. I did so fucking much for her. My schedule is busy as hell too but I was willing to try to make it work - for her. To me, she was worth it. To her, I'm not.

no matter how much you lift, you will always have 6.4 inch wrists

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Was in a good mood but then read the news of the Madden shooting. I know it's not personal shit but FFS, man. If there's anything that gets to me in the media it's the fucking school shootings. Argue about wetbacks 24/7, have a 10 minute panel about Trump's tweet about popping a pimple on his sack, talk about some sandniggers, IDGAF. But for God's sake fix the fucking shooting issue this goddamn country has. Background checks, don't sell shit to anyone with mental health issues over the age of 18, actually start to enforce a policy of keeping kids fit and showing them that shit doesn't fall into your lap, stop putting so much pressure on kids to go to college, and so much other shit that I haven't even considered. Fucking Christ, fix this shit already

>tfw ugly manlet dicklet asian
I don’t think I’ll ever make it brahs

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>Keep in regular contact with a qt
>Sometimes we get flirtatious but I'm friendzoned I'm pretty sure
>Finally one day just be up front and say I wanna go out with her and not as friends
>Says she has feelings for me too but values our friendship, "I'll think about it give me some time"
>She's left me on read now, its only been a day but still
It never fails man, I don't know how to approach being left on read. I've had girls tell me repetitively messaging back after being left on read comes off as desperate, others have told me it shows you're interested. Seems like no matter what I'm always wrong in this situation.

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a random encounter on campus led me to going to a guy's house for a party last night. He talked up this lady friend of his/his gf's, but when I got there she was clearly not into me and was way into this retarded douche faggot who kept putting on shit trap music. I'm convinced the only reason I was rejected was because he has bigger arms than me. Eventually, the host's gf just shouts out "you two are obviously into each other just fuck!" and I died and left to go home five minutes later :( why can't i eve rbe the one girls are into :((((

Playing it safe is the worst thing you can do nigga just flirt and ask to get something to eat/drinks/hang out and if it feels right go for a kiss or something. Literally the old boomer yawn to put your arm around her works fucking perfectly.

nice, another shooting
about time you amerifags realize that something is wrong with you, and no don't blame guns, you don't see water being blamed for waterboarded people

Shall not be infringed mothershitter

you sound emotional user, you should know that letting feelings influence your thoughts about legislation is no good muchacho

Ex cheated on me, bullied me for a month, emotinally abused me, told me I'm worthless and never mattered and never was loved, tried to get me to kill myself, and is happily still with and banging the guy she cheated on me with. Theyve been together 4 months and I know I should be over it but fuck she did a number on my psyche

Why do I still feel hurt and how do I fucking move past?

ontop lost 'friends' who it turned out were only my buds because I was with her.

damn I wish I could simply clear my head of it all and succeed.

I’ve finally got qt gf after 10 years of tfwnogf, everything is going great, we’re all gonna make it anons.

Most people have to make the difficult personal decision to separate themselves from shitty people. Congratulations, you got to skip a step. Next step, acknowledge all your actionable flaws and set to work on them. Maintain the existing positive aspects of your life, and make friends when you're in a comfortable enough position to introduce new elements into your life.

Have fun.

That's how it be sometimes. At least the iron never leaves

I am getting into the age where I am supposed to have kids (Asian here, got a gf for 5 years now); huge pressure from everyone. However, I am as autistic as always.

I still got panic attacks when in very uncomfortable social situations, still feel scared to make phone calls or trying new things. I am irresponsible and don't enjoy changing my routine.

I wanna off myself. No one told me I had to make these choices.

same happened to me last month, she just started giving one word replies so i just stopped trying

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it's my fricking mind and thought patterns - toxic now .
hard part is doing, I've become my own worst enemy, stopping my own progress and staying in this terrible position becausei it's what I've come to know (comfortable I guess)

I met a girl at a party a little bit ago. Like she came up to me, was all flirty and shit. Ended up getting her number and texting her. Eventually asked her to hang out. She said she had an all day school thing and she’d have to let me know.

I saw that she was at a school thing (Snapchat story), but she never texted me back. I’m not gonna text her again because that’ll make me look bad, but I am a little sad that she never responded, because I thought there was some genuine interest.

Just a reminder if you're 5'10 or over and can't get a gf or get laid, you have severe mental problems.

Being tall is the equivalent of having a vagina. It grantees you will be desired by the opposite sex.

Can confirm

>t. 5'10 22yo dyel with poor social skills, obscure interests, odd fashion taste, and a sexual history ranging from 5s to 9s.

social anxiety about cc lads. it’s not even real college time yet and i’m nervous.

Rock climbing to max out wrists and hands. And piano.

I thought a girl was interested and she was talking to me a bit (and even initiating) and I tried to learn from my prior mistakes by not being clingy or needy and then she just stopped talking to me and it's been a while now.

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go fuck yourself

should have been more clingy and needy

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You sound like a 4 year younger version of me except my sex range was 4s to 8s and the latter being a lot rarer,

Never talk to her again. It's the ONLY way to assert dominance.

I've tried that in the past, and it doesn't work, either.

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Obviously don’t show her your weird side before you start dating but be yourself, unironically. Plus ask her out, don’t wait too long or she’ll lose interest

Did you tell her this by text? If you did you fucked up bro. Take it from an user that's done it both ways. In person is best.

>already 135 lb emaciated skelly
>wear fitbit for this weekend with some physical activity i did
>end up with these results

im gonna turn into a ghost

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>girlfriend has been overseas for 4 months now.
>Really not enjoying work and slacking off most of the time
>Going hard on drugs and alcohol in my free time

feeling really shit desu lads.

Just bulk up man eat more. Dont stop, never give up. Think of how much better you are now compared to tomorrow. You have to work for the good times.

>Hey user, why don't you have a gf?

>Hehe me? I don't have time for a girlfriend. Plus I enjoy my solitude too much to give up.

Anyone else reply like this while subtly fighting back the tears?

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t. Future school shooter

No because I’m honest with people and don’t hide my feelings lmfao

Everything seems worthless. The more I learn about how abstract the concept of life and conciousness is, the more I lose the ability to care. I've been tumbling down a rabbit hole of existential crisis and nihilism for the past year and I don't see a way out.
At first it made me love how special life seemed, now it all just comes across as overwhelming suffering. I dont know what to do.

Stop taking life so personally and learn to find a freedom in the fact that your individual life doesn’t matter to the rest of the world, so it’s yours to do with as you please
Fuckin idiot

How the fuck is piano going to help wrists? I've played piano my entire life and I have pathetic looking 6 inch wrists. I seriously don't feel comfortable moving my hands in public with how they look.

i weigh 135 lbs and i literally have 5.5 inch wrists. hows that.

I dont take life personally, that's the thing. I dont feel much connection to this life. I'm not suicidal, but I'm very interested in the idea of whatever is next, even if it's nothing. The most enjoyment I get out of life is trying to understand the life of other people, plants, fungi, etc..
Maybe this is from struggling to truly understand myself, or the frustration i have with the things I do that halt my own progress, so I try to understand how other organisms keep going no matter what.
I think i just need to get my shit together. Im hoping jumping back into school will help.


It really interests me that humans are the only animals that really understand the concept of suicide. Other animals will kill themselves accidentally, usually from fear, but we're unique.

Maybe it's because we built a safe society. The constant survival mode setting is shut off and you're left with time to actually think. All other animals are on constant alert and simply lack the "luxury" of developing a unique thought

>broke up with gf 2 years ago
>we still talk from time to time, ran into eachother sometimes in the mall or on university.
>she had a bf, but told me she wanted to break up with him
>like 2-3 months ago we run into each other at uni, tells me she still loves me and would like for me to give her a second chance, but I tell her I like somebody else, and it wouldn't be right for me to be with her while I had feelings for someone else.
>left the room and didn't see her again until like 1 month ago.
>in between i told the girl i liked i had feelings for her, but she didn't feel the same (still friends but we put some distance between us).
>saw her at a bus stop while driving home, we locked eyes so i couldn't just make like i hadn't seen her.
>offered to drive her to a metro station, on the way tells me she's now single, i kinda sperg and tell her "m-me too", which apparently opened the door for her to get her hopes up.
>a week ago tells me she wants to see me, we arrange a meeting for today.
>we meet at a local park, walk around a bit, talk a bit and finally I tell her I'm "seeing someone" (i'm not but was easier than telling her i'm really not interested on getting back with her), she is heartbroken, tells me she still loves me, and nobody will love me the way she did.
>tl;dr finally closed the door on getting back with my ex, crushing her hopes.

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good on you
wish I had your strength

God damn user I wish I could answer that

>she tells me nobody will love me the way she did.

Dodged a bullet

But here's is the thing. I don't want to push it.

You probably present yourself in a shitty way. Bad posture, quiet, dont make eye contact. As meme worthy as he is, jordan Peterson has decent advice on how to come off as dominant and confident

Lift away the feels, user. Find a woman that deserves you.

I think it's a little soon to just forget about it. It's normal to think about her (and him) for a while. Just take your time user. Soon you will met the girl you deserve

Just don't have kids. Don't let the pressure of your parents lead you to something. I don't want to disrespect them in any form, but if you do have a kid YOU are the one to take care, show affection/love. YOU are the one to give your kid financial and emotional support. If you are not ready just don't do it.

More than you know desu, not that she was crazy, she wasn't, but she had her issues, family, health, uni or money issues. There was always something wrong with her, something had happened to her, there were rarely good days, but i do remember our time fondly. When i broke up with her she was going through depression which came from said issues, and while i tried to be there for her and be supportive, i was going down with her and had to do the best for my own mental health. Might be a shitty thing to do to another person, but you can't take care of someone if you yourself are in deep shit.

I really hope that now she graduated she gets a good job and can fix all the wrong things in her life.

I would bite the bullet and talk to her. I mean, the rejection is obvious, the only other outcome is, she actually likes you user. Take your chance man, don't wait forever. The biggest poison in life is regret.

I appreciate that user,
I hate that I've become my own worst enemy out of this. I beat myself even after she stopped doing damage.

Gotta figure out how to move forward and live my best healthy life

181cm and cannot confirm

Well. I don't have any tips. You must seek for greater help fellow user

Should I bite the bullet?

Is the long distance relationship working?

you should, at least you will know you were deluding yourself or not senpai

Tbh I love being alone. But that are days that the solitude is just unbearable. I get desperated for human contact. I just wanna call my friends. Go to the mall or talk to a random girl to train my communication skills

You could have been honest but that's a win-win situation anyways

Fuck you are a visionary. I will have to think how to approach her again. Thank you desu

>got banned from Tinder somehow
>despite 200 matches and solid social skills with girls
>talked and dated a paralegal for months
>she just ghosts me one day
>reconnected with a college friend
>she lives in Florida
>despite having a boyfriend she constantly flirts with me
>noticed a pattern of girls holding interest for up to six months before just disappearing
>or girls using me as side action
>all the girls who ghost me soon after shack up with either a fratboy, local dealer, or a protoneet who has money
>one girl who used me is now married to the guy she cheated on with me
>destroys my sense of self worth when I find out a girl I'm interested in is cheating on her S/O
>too boring for girls to seriously date
>Jow Forums enough for girls to use me
>realize that getting the boot from Tinder was probably a blessing
>I do flatbed trucking so I don't get to socialize in person much
>tfw no gf

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>Wanted to be an artist (comics and cartoons desu)
>Studied high school online because I wanted to practice more
>Never got any new friends (just some faggots online but who cares?)
>Never got a gf
>Art college rejects me in the last test (there are 5 of them)
>All my family is pressuring me to study something else
>Played Persona 4 during my last month fast to kill time
>Wanted to kill myself every time I talked with a girl in that game
>"This never happened to me"
>If I fail to enter next year I'll have to study something else
>Been thinking I should have stayed in Chile and just become a teacher there
>Still have the chance, but it's small as fuck
God bless you, anons.
I hope all of you make it.

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I feel like I am never going to be attracted to another girl, let alone get a gf in general, if I keep having such specific criteria
>Jow Forums and just overall intelligent
>someone who has become jaded through a rough childhood and has become more conservative and anti degenerate as a result
>someone to cook meals with together after lifting
>someone who watches a bit of anime and plays vidya
>a chill girl to cuddle and watch animal documentaries with
>able to deal with my moments of autism that don't occur frequently anymore, but enough for me to be constantly wary of
and as far as aesthetic preferences go
>at least C cup tits or a plump ass
I just want love

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>be me turbo manlet and convinced im never getting a gf
>be with group of friends
>female friend(literally same personality as me) who i have crush on splits from the group with me
>we go to a restaurant for a drink
>she shares her drink with me
>get somewhat tipsy and start laughing with each other and telling stories
>we share some food for each other
>be at work and tell everyone about what happened and post on Jow Forums
>everyone telling me im retarded and that she likes me
>tell her that i have feelings for her
>she says shes not ready for a relationship and wants to just be friends

no girl will ever love me

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Me too. I love solitude, but I'm lonely as hell lately. Just wish I had a girl to see occasionally. I think it's got something to do with feeling validated.

>get sick for a week
>cant workout
>lose diet
>get back to watching a favorite streamer
>back addicted to video games
>porn addiction is back in full swing

Fuck being sick it fucked everything up. I was on keto now I'm not and I don't really have the money now anyways.. I was doing so good and it fucked everything up God damnit.

>trying to drop 30lbs
>on strict diet
>cave and eat a can of soup and a pop tart
Currently drinking milk in a puddle of shame...
Think I'm gonna go lift away the pain

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how good are you?
Played rachmaninov yet?

Where you fucked up here is bringing up relationship status and what not. With women they are about the experience, a man develops feelings far faster than a woman. And if throws them off when a guy does this. That's why you keep shut up about labels and just ask her out and have a good time. Rule of thumb is you always wait for the girl to bring that shit up. And if you go out with her for a month and are getting physical and what not she eventually will. Next time just don't do that, dumping feelings first and too soon doesnt work.

Having a good time, making her laugh, and building a connection is your main goal.

>wait for the girl to bring it up

i was wanted to do this but damn i was scared that if i waited too long she would just be upset and leave since everyone told be to not wait. i'll try and not overthink about this stuff and to wait for the girl to bring it up for the future

News should stop reporting on shootings, I suspect constant media coverage of those acts just implants the idea in peoples heads.

The thought of having a date with a girl scares me. The thought of having to sit there for a few hours and have a one on one conversation with anyone, let alone a girl I am attracted to, makes me hyperventilate thinking about it. I would expose immediately what a loser I am and she would immediately leave. And that's just the first date.

I don't know how people do this. How do they find stuff to talk about so much? I have no problem making people laugh but this makes my palms sweaty

>Get great gf
>Similar interests to me
>Sexually compatible and literately make her cum buckets during sex
>Understanding of my flaws and admires that I'm improving myself as a human being
>Should be happy, but I'm just not
>Truthfully, I just want to be alone most of the time, especially because of work
>Have a roadmap to improve my future and feel that spending time with her affects that too much because I need time to JUST myself and without it, feel like I'm just working
>Taking her on dates chews through my money and I hate it because I'm cheap as fuck and used to never spending money at all
>Also feel she's too lazy because all she wants to do is lay in bed all day and watch Netflix and I'm bored out of my mind when that happens
>Barely had any time to play vidya, which is important to me because without it, I don't feel like I've made the most of my time away from work
>Don't want to dump her because she really likes me and before she met me was going through a really rough patch (and still is)

What do? I like having a gf, but HATE having to maintain a relationship because it takes money and time.

>work and study gains goblining my sleep away
>barely time for gym or sleep
>can't try to progress above PRs as much as I want because limited time to rest between sets
>tfw no gf
>wouldn't have a clue what to do with one
>live with parents but can't move out since parents need money for mortgage
>don't feel secure asking girls out because no place to bring home, feel kinda ashamed I don't have my own place at 26yo
>have trust issues, can't imagine being openly trusting with a gf, I'm barely open with my own family
>occasional/periodic pangs of severe loneliness, feelings of no sense of future purpose/worth, suicide fantasies
>still gotta front in public, continue to pretend to be functional, confident, pretend to be the reliable colleague or fellow student
>worried sometimes all these negative feelings are going to shorten my lifespan
>not much to look forward to though, just a better paying job and a bit more regular sleep schedule if I finish studying and get a job using the education
>by the time I have enough money to both support my parents and move out I will be hitting close to 30, no friends, no gf

what am I doing this for even

i hope to get a job where I can help people and make people feel better and I guess I can cope for a lot of years doing that and be ok but I wish someone would just recognize I need help

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biggest thing I realize is if she's not pouring into you, cut it.
You need a relationship that builds you up as well, not just one way.

Best thing I read in a while
'When you improve yourself, you cultivate a higher level of expectations for the people in your life. This puts other person in a dilemma. They have the choice to either improve themselves and rise up to your new expectations, or they stay where they are at and let the relationship die."
It's a win-win

you have to do shit together first so you have things to talk about. That's how i would do it, i couldn't sit face to face with a stranger and talk for a couple hours

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>tfw you're only allowed to have one gf at a time

>sister sends video she made of me walking around
>day ruined

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The thing is, they work hard to improve their self too. I just feel like that being in a relationship affects my possible improvement because after spending a day with them, I feel like I haven't had my alone time yet, which leaves me with no motivation to study or lift.

Do you do that waddle thing that giant autistic babies do?

I've seen guys do that.
Kinda hilarious.
I'm told I walk like I'm angry

>tfw ugly manlet dicklet asian
Me too bro
I'm a fucking ML chink on top of that

proof of this?

i was in similar boat. we were considered "the perfect couple" by our friends in college because we were so compatible. she broke up with me because after 4 years i still wanted to play vidya in my time after work. she was literally living rent free, responsibility free with me because i took on the burden of corporate work so i could provide for us, all i wanted to do when i came home is be introverted but she always made me go out, and we only started hanging with her friends because my friends were "kinda douchey"

just get out bro. just do it before youre in too deep. she dumped me and ive saved so much money the past year without a gf. also its way more fun to be an alpha and take random chicks out on dates and make them cum.

just be you man, you'll figure it out one day. one day vidya wont be as fun and youll find a girl who does all the same other stuff as you like gym and being outdoors and cooking and stuff and it will all be natural, it wont even seem like someone is there bringing you down anymore.

just because youre compatible with one girl doesnt mean there aren't 20 other girls out there you'd be compatible with....that is, if you're not a cuck

when you grow up a little more you'll realize monogamy with the right girl is actually way more fulfilling than being the male version of a hoe

Those people are fucking retards. Just take her out and have a good time don't worry about labels. If she likes you she will want to be with you more and more until she's on your d 247. You ask her out once a week until she starts contacting you first and you just grow closer. Natural be natural.

No, I just hate looking at myself. I have this weird problem with my posture that my upper body and my neck always tend to the right. My family says that they don't really see it but I see it on every picture of me and it drives me insane.

>gonna see my crush at work today probably
>never gonna cuddle with her
>talk to qt thicc girl at gym
>afraid to ask her out despite her being very nice to me and smiling all the time
>cute cashier girl with freckles at store smiling to me but is shying away when im checking out

i dont need to be chad thundercock but i just want someone to hold in my arms bros that isnt loaded bar for deadlift

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if theres one thing ive learned in my adult life its that people dont pay as close of attention to you as you think they do. everyone is focused on their own insecurities to notice the things you're insecure about. i mean unless you have a hairlip or something i dont think people really notice things unless you tell them. just act confident and everyone will think you dont have any issues

first step to being a beta male is thinking every girl who talks to you is trying to fuck you. grow up dude you're not that cool

but i dont

i actually have legit tough time realizing that any girl would be attracted to me
im ugly

>t. ugly beta incel

don't listen to above poster, user. the takeaway here is that you're striking up convos. dating is a numbers game. the more you interact and work on surface level convos, the easier it will come and your confidence will grow.