Being fit

>being fit
>drinking alcohol
Pick one, bitches. Alcohol is poison. Doctors have proven no amount is safe, and it fucks up your test

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Fake news.

How many times you gonna repost this you colossal ultra faggot?

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Anime posting = fetal alcohol syndrome

Complaining about anime on an anime image board.


Smoking has gone down significantly over the years why hasn't drinking?

Many succesful and influential people drink. Not that I am advocating it. But it's not a guarentee for failure.

Because brainwashed masses, with fat in their asses

Because cultural marxism has destroyed our society to the point that the only way to understand it for common people is to get piss drunk and act like life is just a joke.

>Doctors have proven no amount is safe, and it fucks up your test

I you actually read the study you'd know that the actual increased risk was only half of one percent which any statistician will tell you is completely negligible. If you were educated in the first fucking place you'd also know that the whole point of that "two drinks a day" limit was to keep your risk of dieing of alcohol related causes below one percent. I'll take my 1 in 100 odds.

I love when fuccbois defend the gains goblin known as alcohol.

Go cope somewhere else. We have enough problems on the board.

>life is just a joke

But you and I weve been through that, and this is not our fate. So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late

1% is a lot. Imagine if you had a 1% chance of getting in a car accident every time you drove. You'd get into a car accident at least twice a year.

Really? Seems more like unrestrained capitalism and the rise of megacorporations which then guide culture to suit their needs.

You’re not better than people because you try to talk like a poet lmao

1% per drink is different than a flat 1% across your whole life. We're talking about the difference between one trial and hundreds.

Drinking is fine in light moderation. A little alcohol has positive cardiovascular properties. You can't justify binge drinking though.

Thinking that the original purpose of Jow Forums has anything to do with it's current culture. Anime has been replaced with Pepe and Wojak

People have been looking for ways to alternate their state of mind since the dawn of man. I can't think of any society that didn't.

You don't understand statistics.

>unrestrained capitalism
Can you please explain to me how a society of pussies like yourself is at all in a state of "unrestrained capitalism"? Jesus, you share your opinions with some 30% of the nation but you act like we're too masculine, too aggressive, too profit-seeking. You are not profit seeking. You're a perfect example of neurotic self-loathing and unproductive nihilism; how can something like you be produced by an unrestrained capitalist society? The real truth is that it's the radical culture of self-hate and culture destruction that dominates; we are like a nervous cat, biting off all of it's fur until we are completely naked, and primed for death in the next winter.

i like this post. yes. you are correct sir

A glass of grape juice has the same health benefits as a glass of wine. It's not the alcohol, it's the grapes. NO amount of alcohol is healthy.

I only drink alcohol once every 2 months and that's for crying while listening to Pink Floyd and my dead pa, so wathever

>goes in a Catholic school
>yo why the fuck does everyone do the sign of a cross
You sound like that. Back to >>>/plebbit/ if you don't like to see anime.

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I liked that

>drink daily
>be fat
>rarely lift
>blood test shows high test
OP btfo


>grand theory™

Because unlike smoking, drinking actually causes you to achieve a high, the nicotine rush is worthless and will pass after 5 minutes, besides smoking injures your lungs, my dad's lungs are absolutely fucked from decades of smoking despite the fact that he stopped smoking 17 years ago, smoking can still kill you after you stop, drinking won't. And no, contrary to popular belief moderate drinking once or twice a month won't harm you in any way.

I like your new pasta Chef

>"colossal ultra faggot"
>watches anime
>goes out his way to defend animeposting
you are an absolute fucking wettylip fucking bentboy. jesus christ imagine calling yourself an adult human male when you watch japanese cartoons all about little girls. you're fucked up in the head. I can't stand pathetic weebs like you, you will die alone with your faggot cartoons and pink haired imaginary japanese girlfriend pillow. keep going champ make your father proud and watch some more anime


Bump for truth, all these fags in deep denial topkek

Based and redpilled

Alcohol is for degenerates

Eating at a surplus is the easiest way to high test.

Your body will soon crash when it realizes it has enough nutrients to last you until your heart attack @ 35, reducing your hormones and making you impotent.

Good luck

Is it bad that I can trust/relate to smokers more. I'm a non smoker myself.

Being this autistic about min maxing is autistic.

Most men can handle moderate social consumption, only losers who can't handle minor consumption and religious fanatics go on anti booze crusades

sauce pls

Take that postmodernism !

Not that I support drinking, I don't, but the study published was a meta-analysis of existing data from all over the world, without any consideration of location or health concerns for, say, fucking malaria in Africa. There was no new data in the study.
Of course I already don't drink and encourage you not to as well.


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Not People like you are the reason to start animeposting.

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I do not drink, I'm for legalizing any drug and anyone should have the choice to destroy themselves with a weird substance as long it doesn't negatively affect people around them.
This is why alcohol is on the same level as heroine too much for too long and it fucks you up both physically and mentally.
Don't drink, in social situations simply say that you can't consume much alcohol due to a liver disease if people still force you to drink maybe it's time to change your peer group.

>anime posting is for faggots? I better start anime posting then!

don't even bother telling this to anyone, people just wanna hear good things about their bad habbits
hence the enormous ammount of keto and carnivore retards online

I drink because I have too much test.
>being so low test that you avoid drinking alcohol to conserve what little test you have

I drink heavily once a month. Normally cider then rum and orange, I know alcohol fucks up test but why do feel like I more test that night and the following day? My hangover faps produce more cum than normal faps too.

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