Tfw no asocial loner gf

>tfw no asocial loner gf
>tfw I'll never meet an asocial girl because just like me they'd probably never go outside or want to meet people

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1. find girl on interwebz
2. meet on street

>1. find girl on interwebz
This is the hard part
No girls from my country browse this shithole

>tfw no smug chad Jerry bf
How is he soooo smug?
Why can't I be that smug?

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What is your country? I understand how hard this is. I want a cute robot boyfriend but there are none here.

>implying you'll find anyone here

I don't know about this part but I can be a robot boyfriend

I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone outside of online so this is my only chance at it anyway.
France is practically the opposite side of the planet to me. And cute isn't looks, personality is all.

>personality is all
I probably come off as boring too because I'm terrible at smalltalk

Better get to Discord // Online vidya

Look I'm terrible at xxx, pity me. Seriously dude get a hold of yourself.

>pity me
Never said this, just stating facts. Fuck off.
Also discord is absolute cancer

If discord is absolute cancer, then what would be called chans.

>imageboards are comparable to instant messaging platforms
Every discord community is full of drama and attention whoring.

I'm sure you are better than you think. People just need some encouragement.

Yeah maybe. In a way it's harder to break the ice when talking online because it's much more of a game of back and forth than IRL since you don't have social cues. Either you find a good subject that clicks with you both or the conversation gets boring and awkward fast.
Good luck on finding your robot bf anyway.

>social media aren't comparable
Sure, huge communities are full of drama. But that's to be excepted when that much people are gathered. Small servers are comfy af.

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Jean , tu sait qu'il n'y a pas d'espoir pour nous, ce pays est l'un des plus normie surtout les filles

An imageboard where everything moves relatively slowly except on four specific boards is hardly the same format as discord so it's pointless to compare them
>Small servers are comfy
What's small? Four or five people?
I don't like instant messaging anyway because you can't be anonymous

>ce pays est l'un des plus normie surtout les filles
Vraiment? Qu'est ce qui te fait dire ca
J'ai pas vraiment d'experience en ce tout ce qui concerne le social donc je me rends pas compte


I once went on a date with an asocial loner girl. No friends, stays home a lot. She didn't want to go on a second date because I wasn't extroverted enough. We couldn't find stuff to talk about and she was looking for someone to bring her out of her shell.

Opposites attract but similar people stay together
I can't understand extroverts, sure in my mind it would be fun to be with a bubbly and outgoing girl but she'd get bored and I'd get stressed out eventually

asocial girls dont look as hot as OPs pic

No 3D girl looks as hot as 2D

>it's pointless to compare means of communication
Sure they aren't the same, but why would it be pointless to compare things hacing the same goal? Both of them aim at gathering people around the same hobby/topic.

< 20 people sounds small.
If you want to meet people and actually having a relation with someone you can't be anonymous. Everyone is a cat on the internet.

Anyway, gl with life user.

Ok so assuming I wanted to find a comfy community that isn't cancerous where would I even start looking? Since communities that advertize are either cancerous by default and/or full of normalfags.
Thanks, you too

Je suis de banlieue donc je sait pas si c'est ton cas mais ici les gens sont assez cruels envers les sans-amis et similaire(c'est le cas partout mais c'est amplifie ici) les filles de type peu sociale et introvertie en France je trouve que c'est plus difficile a trouver qu'a l'etranger(j'ai eu quelque experience sur des sites) peut atre que c'est la culture mais les filles non normie sont trop dur a trouver ici

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>les gens sont assez cruels envers les sans-amis et similaire
Oui je sais, quoique si tu connais personne, personne peut te faire chier (a moins qu'on t'insulte dans la rue sans raison mais j'en doute quand meme)
>peut atre que c'est la culture mais les filles non normie sont trop dur a trouver ici
Je veux bien te croire sur parole. C'est bizarre parce que je dirais que la culture Americaine est plus 'sociale' et extravertie en general.
Bref faut bouger a l'etranger ou mourir seuls quoi.

At first I thought there is no way any girl can be as much of a loner as some of the guys in here, but then I remembered that some girls must look so insufferably ugly that they must never want to be outside as well.
Now I'm thinking that it is actually harder for guys because they can look okay but still live hell whenever they go outside, meanwhile a girl has to look like an actual cave troll to experience the same thing.

Apres je pense que tu peut te trouver une cyborg(juste asseznormie pour etre a peu pres a l'aise socialement mais est plus proche d'un robot) mais celle la aussi dont rare mais moins rare que des full robot

>tfw I'll never meet an asocial girl because just like me they'd probably
get plowed by Chad every weekend

Protip: introverted bookworms get wet over sociable and extroverted chads. They despise pasty meek incels with a passion.

Sorry bud.

i seriously doubt asocial loner girls are single because they can't find guys like us. fembots are like a paradox or something, there's so few females with that personality compared to men so many of those losers want a loser girl they're basically in such demand you have to become not a loser to get your loser girl, at which point why do want a loser girl anymore.

Oui mais c'est pas pareil. Et de toute facon, pour une fille qui n'est pas une vraie robot un mec comme toi et moi (pas d'amis, tres introverti, etc) c'est totalement repulsif.

>Opposites attract but similar people stay together
>I can't understand extroverts, sure in my mind it would be fun to be with a bubbly and outgoing girl but she'd get bored and I'd get stressed out eventually
I was in a relationship and dated a few girls who were extroverted and outgoing, but I believe all had BPD and would frequently go into asocial loner mode. They said they appreciated how I wasn't clingy and how we could hang out and not feel like having to be constantly "on" just to spend time together. We could just cuddle in silence.

I could never be an extrovert. Seems so needy to have perform for everyone, always thinking of clever quips, interesting stories, and so forth AND only getting validation for it. I probably could do it if I was a Twitch streamer and essentially a good joke could mean $5-$25 tips. But on a 1:1 date? I could only put forth the effort if I wanted to get laid really badly.

Vu la ou je vis j'ai du apprendre a devenir cyborg, mais avec l'age je sent que je devient de plus en plus robot , perso une cyborg me convient faut juste qu'elle ai pas trop d'amis(2-3) et qu'elle parle pas toutes les 5sec(je veut juste qu'elle apprecie ma compagnie, je suis pas douer pour parler)

Le probleme c'est surtout que c'est peu probable de trouver une fille qui comprenne que les relations sociales en general c'est pas ton truc
Je sais pas pourquoi mais les gens sont ahuris et arrivent meme pas a imaginer quand tu leurs dis que t'as pas envie d'avoir d'amis ou que tu preferes etre seul la plupart du temps
Vu que les filles sont plus sociables que les mecs en general ca doit etre encore pire avec elles

Tu a absolument raison et ilya aussi le fait quil ya pas vraiment de Jow Forums ala francaise(peut etre Jdc mais c'est pas mon truc) donc trouver des gens similaires (et dont des filles)c'est dur

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Pas vraiment, les imageboards ont une culture bien specifique generalement
>trouver des gens similaires (et dont des filles)c'est dur
Si j'etais pas une merde sans couilles j'irais dans un autre pays mais je vais surement finir wageslave depressif en banlieue parisienne
On dirait qu'il n'y a pas de solution, user