Do people really take Mark seriously? Even after this disaster?

Do people really take Mark seriously? Even after this disaster?

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the question is, would OP pic related beat you in a fight? keep in mind he added over 400 lb to his total in 6 months

Mark proved his point though, he got really strong really fast.

>"duoyy why not fight a stranger for no reason and find out"

Miss your cycle or something?

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>Thinking a program with the word "starting" in it is the only program you need

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This is the ideal male body. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Starting Strength. The progressive overload is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of overhead press form, most of the barbells will go over a typical lifters head. There's also Rippetoes nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his number of sets - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Zyzz's routine, for instance. The lifters understand this stuff; they have the glute development to truly appreciate the depths of these squats, to realize that they're not just below parallel- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike starting strength truly ARE DYELs- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the rep range in Rippetoes day B of squats, which itself is a cryptic reference to Zyzz's initial workout method. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rippetoes genius unfolds itself on their lowerbody. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a lower back injury. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5kg of my own squat (preferably lower) beforehand.

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wow its almost like starting STRENGTH isnt about aesthetics

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What’s the point of being strong if you look like Jabba the hut? Not even powerlifting aesthetics just fat.

its a program meant for high school footballers.

Quality pasta
I love it

>and without a solid grasp of overhead press form, most of the barbells will go over a typical lifters head.

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I know this might seem a little far-fetched to you at the moment, as I can see that you have very little understanding about how the world around you works. But not everybody is chasing the same goals as you. Some people are doing just fine with a simplified, easy to follow strength based routine that focusses on the main compound lifts and has very little to no focus on """"aesthetics"""" (which in itself isn't even a bodybuilding term, simply something coined up by skinny teenagers on the internet who are trying desperately to look like their favourite roided up youtubers). It is for the family man/woman. Somebody who doesn't have a lot of time on their hands, they don't want to be spending 1-2 hours in the gym 6 days a week desperately chasing the delusional dream that they will one day "make it" (whatever the hell that even means). Instead they do 45 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Which allows them to then use their time wisely, running errands, spending time with their children/grandchildren, working on their garden, working on a DIY project, or simply relaxing with a cold beer and reflecting on their life and where they're headed. Perhaps one day you will understand. But until then, try not to injure yourself doing above the knee rack pulls or whatever pathetic excuse of a lift you probably do.

>got really strong
>bench press less than bodyweight

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Nobody thinks that though. Except for the anti-SS retards who are shocked when people don't look ripped after like 4-6 months on a novice program.

IDK man, I got to 225x5 on bench with SS in about 6 months I'd reckon. Everyone's different. I know plenty of people who exploded on squats with it but I think I maxed out around 2.5plate on those with SS

Imagine my shock when people start from scratch with a basic training program and in 6 months they arent mr olympia material

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But they wouldn't be fat. If they did splits and slow bulk they'd look good after 3 years.

they wouldnt be fat in ss if they didnt eat a huge surpluss the fat is from calorie intake you can do splits and be a fatass as well

But you wouldn't gain anything if you did SS and ate at low caloric surplus. You would still gain fat but at slower rate.
You can't gain muscle with low volume such as SS have.

You have no clue what you're talking abotu. I'm not the user you are talking to, but literally everything in your post is factually wrong.


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SS is shit.
Rippletoe recommends eating 4000 to 6000 calories + maybe GOMAD.

You can make a lot of gains doing any full body program if you are following the diet for SS.

Most people who do SS correctly end up regretting it. Eating at 500 surplus or below and doing SS for a couple months making mediocre gains is not doing SS correctly.

3500 is the minimum, if you can't eat that you might as well not train
GOMAD is only if you're massively underweight

SS has a clearly defined goal: getting a beginner as strong as, quickly as possible. It's not a bodybuilding routine, it's a novice's strength optimization routine and mechanical guide of lift movements for gaining strength.

Not a single person who actually reads the book can act surprised by the outcomes. The problem is brainlets like you who lack reading comprehension and then spew on the internet "hurr SS sucks cause I don't look like a bodybuilder". No shit sherlock, it's not meant for that.

Why are newbies who just care about aesthetics memed into SS?

different user here , because before you start doing programs to get 'aesthitic" you need a good enstablshed strength base , or alse you will be doing splits and wonder why you still look dyel and can only bench lmao1plate after 3 years

>or alse you will be doing splits and wonder why you still look dyel

people who do splits experience much, much greater aesthetic hypertrophy than people who do stuff like SS.

people who do shit like SS end up fridgemode and look shitty despite being strong.

the overreliance on routines like SS here is a cancer to this place, brosplits are better for literally 80-90% of people interested in lifting weights.

Based and redpilled

>do SS for 4-6 months
>then switch to PPL


>do PPL forever
I can almost guarantee that after a year the former will look better

No one cares about your aesthetics you bitch.
SS is good program if you want to be a man. In my book you'll never be a man if you can't bench at least 2.5 plates after 1 year of lifting. If you want my respect, you can't be lifting bitch weights.

the bread and butter of aesthitic gains to gain mass and strength are compound movements even on splits , thats where you get most out of your workout , what do you think? that you can have a weak bench and then just pump a shit ton of isolations and then get swole and stronk? besides that havent you heard about frequency ? you think that you can blast a muscle group once a week and then you are good to go for the rest of the week? thats why most people on splits look dyel or make minimum size and strength gains unless the roid so the keep the anabolic window open past the 48 hour window than a natty lifter

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Its perfect if you want to be a lineman.

>No one cares about your aesthetics you bitch.

except like 95% of everyone who lifts

advocatign shit like SS to beginners is a cancer on this board

right thats why nobody just does curls for biceps for instance :))

Yeah, but would he be able to reproduce with more women than an ottermode twink?

implaying that you cant get quality biceps from rows , pull ups and chin ups , I aggree that in top of that you can add a few bicep curls or isolation work in general but if you spent a shitton of time to do isolations instead of compounds you are just wasting time and not gettin your time investement worth

I don't care about strength and legs you faggot.
I just want them arms and pecs so fuck off faggot. Let me do what I want.

you think that will look aesthetic with fuckin major muscle imbalances? at best you will look like a fuckin quasimodo at wost you will be going to snap city every second workout , if arms and pecs size are the only think you want you might as well inject some synthol every now and then and spare the effort

Get of my dick faggot. Fuck off with that gay shit.
All I care about are nice arms, chest and abs. Keep doing your heavy squats you pussy ass faggot. You'll regret it when I grab you with my huge ass arms and make you cry like a little bitch that you are.

come at me fag

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>he doesn't want a nice back and wings too

>advocatign shit like SS to beginners is a cancer on this board
Advocating a novice strength program to a forum filled with weak skinnyfat basementdwellers is cancer?

You're right, you should tell them to start doing 3x30xthebar flex curls on snakejuice instead, brilliant. That way these gangly uncoordinated twinks can get abs in 5 simple steps.

based on rippletoe's own words, 4000 is the absolute minimum, even for fat people.
Rippletoe believes that fat people eating 4000 calories will actually lose weight doing his 3x5 program and end up looking better at the end while still making linear gains.

The whole problem is that people like you push SS mindlessly while having a flawed understanding of TDEE.

an average person who has never trained before is going to expend around 2000-2500 calories a day. Rippletoe is recommending they eat double their TDEE. Its even worse if you get into the SS culture. People on the SS forums will tell you should always be eating.

Almost noone wants to get into lifting to get fat. Theres some aversion to vanity in the beginning due to insecurity. Thats when people like you come in and give beginners a way to lift without seeming vain by pretending they are "lifting for strength". In the end they end up overweight/obese with zero knowledge about health or diet and end up losing most of their gains when they try to cut for the first time.

bro splits dont work

at least do a push pull legs bodybuilding program, atleast that way you can train your muscles with some frequency instead of once per week.

I got cruelly memed into SS.
This is my body after 6 months.

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How do I avoid this

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Don't do SS
Learn to control your diet. Count macros. Eat at a 500 calorie surplus if you aren't already fat.

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I squat, OHP/Bench and deadlift 3x a week. I got fatter by bulking 6kg (now 190 pounds from 177) in three weeks and probably overestimated the calories I needed. Now I am overweight. Going on a cut now tho but I don't know by how much since the last time I tried a cut my lifts suffered a lot.

Why do you post your body?
Post your lifts instead, it's what SS is about. It's not a bodybuilding routine.

I squat, OHP/Bench and deadlift 3x a week. I got fatter by bulking 6kg (now 190 pounds from 177) in three weeks and probably overestimated the calories I needed. Now I am overweight. Going on a cut now tho but I don't know by how much since the last time I tried a cut my lifts suffered a lot. I am 6 foot.

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If you are beginner and need a decent strength base do calisthenics and bodyweight circuits
>pushups, pullups, burpees, explosive squat jumps, plyometrics, etc
>find a high school wrestling conditioning program and do what it says

Because full body linear progression is the quickest and most efficient way to make gains as a novice. The whole reason for splitting things up like with Upper-Lower or PPL or a brosplit is that your lifts have gotten high enough to the point where you need extra recovery for that body part. No reason to do this early on.

Literal mom science.

how get boulder shoulder?

>it's another "a beginning strength program didn't make me look like a pro bodybuilder, therefore it doesn't work" episode
When are the mods going to rageban these posters? Literally what value do these threads add to the board?

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mfw im built like this just with more of a beer gut
i thank the gods i was blessed in the face

>Run SS once and only once, change programming afterwards
>Gain at max 1% of your bodyweight per week

>i thank the gods i was blessed in the face
A shame you were dropped on it during childbirth

Clearly 3/4 of the posters here have never, ever, read the book.

The misinformation here is astounding, but this is the internet, and people are thick.

Chase is a better Rippetoe specimen, what actually happens at the end of your LP. Zack was a prototype to see what would happen at an insane surplus.


Zack was also in terms of progress nowhere near completion of his LP

> people who do splits experience much, much greater aesthetic hypertrophy than people who do stuff like SS
No they don't

Guy 1 as a novice starts a brosplit. He spends the next 2 years doing all sorts of fluff and pump volume work lifting in the "hypertrophy rep range" (because everyone knows you only gain muscle from sets of 8+ reps ) and when all is said and done at the end of the two years he can rep out 185 for a set of 8 on the bench, leg presses 5 plates per side, and doesn't deadlift. Still skinny and weak but claims he's lean and aesthetic and got good results.

Meanwhile Guy 2 who did SS is benching 225x5, squatting 285x5, and deadlifting 375x5 after 6-8 months and is bigger and stronger and moves on to an intermediate routine. He spends the next year getting his bench to 265x5, squat to 365x5, and deadlift to 450x5, while cleaning up his diet and recomping a bit.

After the 2 years are up, the SS guy sees the brosplit guy in the gym and MOGS the fuck out of him.

I've never heard of anyone doing 8+ reps of compound lifts. hypertrophy is for smaller accessory lifts. Most programs do a few sets of 5-6 compounds to build strength and do hypertrophy for the rest. The point of a split is that you can no longer make gains after a while doing low volume full body workouts 3 times a week.

Guy 2 is only making those gains if he eats like a fatass. Most people who "do SS" stall far before 2pl8 bench. That is when they switch to a split so they don't irreparably damage their body with fat.

> He spends the next year getting his bench to 265x5, squat to 365x5, and deadlift to 450x5, while cleaning up his diet and recomping a bit.
This is a myth and never happens. You don't do rippletoe's program, end up with 25-30% bf and then magically lose fat, recomp, and improve your lifts at the same time. This is the same handwavy bullshit everyone who has never watched their diet believes when they are starting out lifting.

this is the type of stupid thinking that gets people to push SS which is trash tier program.

if you actually look at SS workouts it's basically 2/3rds lower body - that is the oposite of what beginners need. you want to get all your noob gains in your legs? tf.

PPL is basically the same shit as chest & tris, back & bis, legs, whatever.

>you would look better after 3 years of splits and a slow bulk than you would after six months on SS
WHOA you think so??

Lmao @ novices that think anybody besides novices on any semi-regular basis have sets of five be any discernible part of their program

It seems to be that starter programs give vast overestimates for required surplus because most new people will otherwise try to do it at +200 or something. Any asshole can then cut and then start an intermediate routine after that.

The fucking COPE, Jesus Christ.
Aesthetics > Strenght
Don't @ me


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didn't read

Damn you must be autistic

You need to do some sanic tier lifts with no warmup and little rest to be done in 45mins you retard

>tfw can bench 80kg after 2 and half months on a 3k cal diet
mark ripp might be a fucking genius to be honest

Congrats, you responded well and had great results with whatever program you were doing on a 3k cal diet.

Unfortunately, not everyone will respond to the same dose of training (and nutrition to some extent) that you did. Some will do worse, and some might even do better.

Rip and his parrots refuse to accept this reality and would rather have everyone eat their way out of a fucking beginner's program than adjust their training.

Then again, yelling at people to eat more requires less thinking than helping them adjust their training. Which is quite telling of rip and his followers.

>any success is just due to genetics and not anything at all to do with the programming
>any failures are due to the SS program itself
how convenient for your narrative.

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>>any success is just due to genetics and not anything at all to do with the programming
SS isn't magic, not everyone who does it will have the same response, even if everyone is on a caloric surplus.

Recommending people to eat their way out on a low volume beginner's program? Complete mom science and a great recipe to get fat.

Still a better upper body than OP pic