Just woke up and my tee is again this wet. What is happening to me? Why do I sweat so much at night?

Just woke up and my tee is again this wet. What is happening to me? Why do I sweat so much at night?

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low T. also obvious by your choice in footwear

Why sleep with shirt?

>what is AC
>what is a window
>what is a fan
>what is not wearing a shirt while sleeping

op you're gonna have to start using that brain of yours

Thx for the tip, I'll ask my doc for a check. And sorry for this ass ugly foot wear haha I'm just a broke student that doesn't want to kill his bank account

It's worse when I don't have a shirt on while sleeping. My bed is a wet mess and I need to change the sheets

Shirts are a Jewish conspiracy

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Stop taking DNP.

This. I hate how much I sweat if I don’t have a shirt on

Question OP: Since this started happening, have you been feeling warmer during the day as well?

I seriously hope you dont do this. You should be sleeping entirely naked. Not even meme-ing, there is actual benefits to sleeping naked.

Also obligatory CUUUUUCKKKKKK for sleeping this a shirt on. Who the fuck does that?

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Mhm I'm not sure and that's why I'd say no. Maybe it's really only the alcohol I drank 2-3 days ago?

>who does that?
Someone who doesn't want to be full of acne

shower you mogolus

HIV infection induced night sweats?

>Learn to shower
>Learn that you probably have sensitive ass skin and you need to change sheets often
>Learn to eat a proper diet
>Drink more water
>Go to sleep early
>Implying that your dirty shirt that you constantly use to sleep in isnt riddled with bacteria

Could have lots of reasons. If it's a one time thing ypu can probably forget about it, if it happens repeatedly it could be something serious. Definitely go to the doctor and have a blood checkup if it happens more often.
I had these before i found out i had leukemia.

Are you projecting baka?

I already know that I have Morbus Crohn's disease but this was never a problem at night. I did a blood check 2 weeks ago, maybe my hormones are really fucked up

Does anyone have the willpower and drive to actually make it? To all take steps with our autism and actually do what we say we will everyday. Like make it in a way that people will beyond remember you after you die. Become a real life legend. I know we can all do it together and find the right plants, herbs, and supplements to take and food to eat that will keep us strong and virile.

We can all do this through trial and error. As Jow Forums I guess we try but lets really try for once.

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Nice pasta but yes, I think the autism will unironically help to make it

I'm the same way sometimes. It's not every night, but it does happen sometimes. I can't sleep with a shirt so I have to wash my sheets. I also get really bad bouts of night terrors intermittently. They usually coincide. Am I dying?

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stress.. psychological trauma.. an overactive nervous system

I sweat buckets in my sleep when I give up weed.

i had this problem about year ago, but now im fine. for months i would wake up at night drenched and cold with sweat. my bed was soaked also pillows and blankets. you need to find better room temperature. if i leave window closed i still sweat alot tho

Probably because you're hot as fuck. That usually happens to me when I start sweating. The temperature is just way too high or I'm under a bunch of covers.

Why is there a picture of a pbs kids show?

Not to scare you, but if there is no apparent reason for the night sweats (like that its fucking hot) and if they dont go away in like a week, go see a doctor ASAP. It probably isnt anything, but there is a chance this could save your life.

Does it mean I need to see a psych?

somebody is sneaking DNP into your foods

What this guy said. Night sweats are a common sign of lymphoma (common cancer in under 30’s). You should maybe go to a doctor

I sweat alot, not just at night but also during the day, have been like this for atleast 10 years.
Should I be concerned?

Cut out any soda that you may be drinking, if any. I had that happen to me personally, and cutting out any soda/shit food fixed it. That, and if you don't find any discernible reason for it, seriously go to a doctor.

>night sweats
cancer (lymphoma)
go to the doctor my man
>t. had lymphoma at 21
luckily it’s like an 80% cure rate, that was 7 years ago now for me and i’m all good

or resolve whatever is bothering you yourself... if you cant think of anything the seeing a psych is pointless


to give an example..

i started sweating profusely in my sleep.. i would soak my tshirt , my sheets and my mattress.. i also started having these crazy vivid dreams of random disjointed violence and repeated dreams about my highschool days.

I had always been intending to go back to college, i eventually did go back to college, the sweating and intense dreams stopped more or less straightaway...


that said for any severe symptom you should get your bloods done .. but it doesn't have to be cancer.. it can just be as simple as something is on your mind... this was 4 -6 years ago for me so i assume if it was undiagnosed cancer id be dead by now

I don’t have lymphoma, assholes. I’m not beta. Drop it.

I had this for a few days OP, turns out I got chlamydia from some whore

ive been sweating a lot too lately but thats because my room is hot af due to my current living arangements. It sucks that i wake up at 130am and toss and turn until i have to get up to wagecuck but at least its only for a few more weeks

Your sheets must be disgusting.

Post your body.

u mirin

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You’re literally low-test user, look this up