Best lift

>best lift
>worst lift
+ honest weight numbers

lets go

Attached: Arnold-Lift-Heavy.jpg (1109x614, 170K)

>best lift
220kg deadlift
>worst lift
50kg overhead press :(


I can OHP 135 easily and barely squat 225


pic related my physique

Attached: HK-sj.jpg (1200x1600, 452K)

195 overhead press
205 squat

Bench 115kg
Squat 110kg

>best lift
220 KG deadlift @74 KG
>worst lift
102,5 KG bench @74 KG

weight, what?
your best lift is 20lbs?

bench 320
squat 255

270 row
0 diddly

Incline - 80 for 9
Deadlift - 140

Never cared about lower body strenght but it sucks anyway

DL - 405
Pullups - 5 @ 225 bw

no, 20kg

are you a girl?
no disrespect

160kg deadlift
65kg bench

70kg @ 181cm

i can bench the olympic bar thats about it, any weight on and im fucked, i've only just started trying though

180 lat pull down / sets of 10 pull ups
145 squat...

What the fuck

Deadlift 170kg
Bench 80 kg
T rex reportint in

>when you switch squats and OHP in SS

Either 275x5 bench or 175x5 OHP, not sure which is better

325x5 squat

16 pullups +5kg
squat 5x5 55kg

>375 squat
>205 bench

Best 190 bench
Worst 230 DL

>Best lift:
165lb OHP

>Worst Lift:
275 DL (I could do more but I get scared after hurting my back because I wasn't watching my form)

> best lift
160kg Squat
> Worst lift
60kg snatch

>90kg/198lbs bench press
>14kg/30lbs dumbbel incline bench

175kg deadlift
84kg bench

67kg @ 173

them similar numbers lad

340kg DL

120kg squat

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55lb pull up from dead hang x 10 (225 total) or 3 135lb dips (305 total).

Best recent squats were 235 x 8 but on a box right above parralel.

Back has been injured multiple times and I can't squat for shit. Can almost lunge what I squat. Trap bar high handle deadlift is a bit better, got to 465, but I can't really push that either. Basically stick to 10-20 reps with 325 or under.

235lbs incline bench

Unironically 225lbs squat :/

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best 210kg deadlift @76kg
worst 105kg bench @76kg

1 reps?

I do 230kg for 5

Squats are 170 5x5 175 3x5 and I will try to go 180kg. Not ATG but bellow parrallel, dont trust my balance with atg so I dont attempt.

My bench is behind but because I dont have a spotter I never really push above 100kg, can hit that for three sets... but rn hitting 90kg 5x5. Over head press, just hit 55kg 5x5 amd pendley rows is at 110 3x5.

Keep pushing and eating bruhs
Pretty good bro

about 3 months in
>140kg squat
>40kg OHP or 70 kg bench
thanks rippletits

>230kg deaddy
>65kg ohp

~75kg body weight

420lbs for an easy triple
225lbs for a grindy single

I'm assuming you mean proportional to the difficulty, and 1RM.
Best - 175 OHP
Worst - 315 DL (Most I've ever done is 365 but that was too long ago to count)

Yikes, your legs must look ridiculous on your body.

Fucking hot. I want that ass, no homo/10.

fuck off

how is this possible

>fuck off

4pl8 Front squat
275 benchpress

My OHP and weighted pullups aren't even that bad so it's not even like I have a shitty upper body. I just don't bench as much as I should now that I've gotten more into oly lifting. I might adjust my next mesocycle to include some more bench work because of it. Trying to program oly lifting and powerlifting at the same time while also incorporating strongman shit gets fucking complicated though.

>best lift
125 kg push press
>worst lift
140kg front squat

What's your ratio on back squat to front squat work? It depends on your goals obviously but I try to keep it about one to one. Also nice on having a push press as high as my 1RM benchpress.

Not him, but the guy who can't squat heavy because of back issues.

On symetrical strength I'm advanced, near exceptional for dips, chest looks pretty meh, and then just proficient for squats (barely above novice) and my legs are huge. All about high reps and leg extension/curl pump supersets

lmao my deadlift is 150kg but overhead press is 65kg

My back squat is like 220, did 230 with wraps once. Did 175 × 6 just now with belt and sleeves.

Its just my front squat that suck. I put it back into my program now like a couple of weeks back. Trying to focus my training on squats now that my pressing strenght is going the right way.

Nice. Yeah the front squat doesn't really let you get away with just okay form like the backsquat does. I've made a lot of improvements with 5 sec pause squats in order to help getting out of the hole easier / develop full ROM. How did / do you program your OHP and BP?

Yeah Ive been cheating a lot during the years with depth. Making leg strenght my priority now tho.

I dont really care for bench anymore so I just use it as an accessory now and then. I do strict presses 5-8 reps for like 4 sets and tricep pushdowns twice a week, and I do push presses with different implements(I do strongman) once a week. So pressing three times a week.

>I do strongman
Goals right there. I've started putting log clean and presses into my press days when I'm not doing traditional push press / power jerk / split jerk as my first lift. That thing is fun as hell. Super weird at first but it really does force you to brace the entire body in order to get that thing over your head.

What? Bad/slightly decent dead lift and a bad bench? How does that relate to t-Rex arms? It's the exact opposite. Small arms are good for the bench, long arms are good for dead lifts.

4pl8 deadlift/1pl8 ohp
70Kg bench

71kg; 178cm

Best: 232kg/511 lbs trap bar deadlift
Worst: 105kg/231 lbs bench press

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>trap bar deadlift
I tried this one day to switch things up instead of doing normal deadlift or clean pulls. Ended up hitting a 3RM 10lb higher than my 1RM barbell DL. I then never used it again because it felt like cheating.

Best: 80kg *5 Bench
Worst: OHP 50kg or so, don't do it as often bcause popping shoulder

best: 200 bench
worst: 210 squat
>when you listen to your local curl bro
go ahead make me feel like an idiot

T rex in term of having big legs and no upper body

>Best Lift
140lb OHP
>Worst Lift
185 Bench

6'0 191.6 as of this morning

>115kg squat
>55kg bench
4 months lifting. My chest is shite

>OHP 30kg
>Squat 30kg

180 bench
225 deadlift
lifting for 8 months

stop being a fag, if he was weak to begin with and he's only just started then having a 20kg bench is well within reason. No doubt that it will drastically improve in the future if he is persistent, as I'm sure yours did

50kg ohp is just as good as an 80kg bench imo

DL 405
BP 190

What's worse 190 BP or 120 OHP?

>170 kg deadlift
>120 kg binch

>Best lift
165 kg bench press
>worst lift
220kg deadlift

My deadlift is 5 kg away from my full squat, 30kg below my half-squat (which all the gym bros call a squat) and 70kg below my quarter squat.

I cannot get the bar off the fucking floor. Like, the bar bends but the plates don't even budge. It's frustrating, because I can rack pull 300kg from below the knees, but drop the weight to mid shin and it's bolted to the floor.

>best lift
diddly 132 kg
>worst lift
ohp 40 kg

Man 220kg is a big deadlift. How can you get strong enough to do that, and still have shoulders so weak you're doing 50kg OHP? wtf do you look like with those tiny delts and thick torso

Fuck me...Does it look like two bits of string hanging down from your shorts?

Shit could get...

Best : deadlift 270kg beltless
Worst: squat 160kg
Long limbs,short torso masterrace

315 lb squat for 5
185 lb Row for 5

Bad: 125 lb OHP for 3
185 lb bench for 3

I'm T-Rex/almost flying squirrel mode but have noodle arms.

>320 lbs deadlift
>205 for 5 squat
I just want to get up to 2 plates god damn it

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5-6 inch Deficit deadlift
Snatch grip deadlift
Box squat
Thank me later

>bench press

148lbs bodyweight 5'8"

If you don't have a spotter but have solid form just don't lock the weights in so you can tip them off

Best: deadlift 160kg x 6
worst: squat 80kg x 7

I am you,but stronger
Ive had literally the same numbers two years back

Did all of them. I usually do my training deadlifts from a huge deficit. Snatch grip deadlifts are barely diffrent ROM-wise.

Never had a box to squat to.

>250lbs bench
>100lbs Deadlift

My knees and back are fucked beyond repair. Feels bad man

I have no best lift
My worst lift is the BP, been stuck at 185 for a few months now. Literally all my other lifts have improved in that time period except my BP and I'm afraid I'm starting to get worse at it.

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>115kg bench
> 95kg squat

>lmao4pl8 deadlift
>62.5kg ohp

Attached: a38.jpg (1024x962, 75K)

1x1@90% regular
5x3x80% deficit deadlift (80% od your normal deadlift)
5x3x70% snatch grip (70% of your normal deadlift)
Box squat 5x5 paused at height you start your deadlift
RDL /leg curl-5x10
Add 5 -10pounds every workout
This took my deadlift from 230 belt to 270 beltless

That's fairly normal.

and to clarify neither my chest or my legs are big, I've been doing shit dieting for 2 years to get to 115kg bench and I look like a regular joe

my ohp is 65kg and my deadlift is at 120kg, training bench/ohp for 2 years and squat/dl for the past 6 months

Also if you are using bendy bar ,use stiff every other workout

Is this that inner strength I hear so much about?

Attached: CyFyMRL.jpg (800x1199, 257K)

>275 bench
>275 squat
>Still have thicc legs somehow

My diddy is 360 freedom units

>270 lb for deadlift
>0 for overhead press because I'm terrified of tearing my shoulder

> Best : OHP 165
> worst : DL 305

That's a pretty big indication that your glutes and/or back are lagging. Your trap bar lift will generally be higher but not by that much if you don't train it. The main advantage of the trap bar is that you can use more quads and there is better leverage for your back.

Unless you were using the handles, in which case no shit reducing the ROM makes it easier. Block pulls aren't cheating either, it's just another exercise.

160kg deadlift
85kg touch n go bench

64kg 1.71m
my brothers

>205lb bench
>220 dead

What mode am I?
