Other urls found in this thread:
>trusting an autist vegan
1. You cycle keto, you are not on it for life.
2. It helps with epilepsy and diabetes, proven medical fact
This cultist nonsense again.
>2. It helps with epilepsy and diabetes, proven medical fact
not its not proven, its doenst help with any of them.
Diabetes gets worse every fucking time you do your little retarded "cycles".
How about you pick up a book and read it.
not even giving a fuck about his arguments and right away the ad hominem.
you guys are pathetic.
Haha VG is stupid, I am not going to bother reading those studies because they are too long and are cherry picked.
Dios mio...
It's no coincidence that most ketofags also post on Jow Forums.
Oh I gave a fuck the last fucking 15 times...
Man he was annoying when he acted like every other obnoxious condescending vegan. Glad he chilled out
why does he sound like a 11yr old boy and sometimes a 45 yr old dyke?
What the fuck is the purpose of these threads
Everyone is arguing aimlessly and infinitely
Leave this website and kill yourselves
When are his teeth going to fall out? I give it 5 more years. i hope it'll happen during one of his videos like with that crazy asian guy.
>cycle keto
so you admit it's an unhealthy state to be in
why even make the stressing ketosis adaptation if you are just gonna go back to glucose based metabolism again?
Seems like a huge waste of time.
Either go full keto or don't, just go "low carb" if it makes you feel better.
>It helps with epilepsy and diabetes
how many people have epilepsy?
also it doesn't help with any kind of diabetes lmao, depends on the type
>weight loss improved insulin sensitivity
>1400-2000 calories during the whole intervention
>Average BMI was literally over 35
>average bodyfat% was 40% at the start of the intervention
LMAO, I bet you can't even read the shit you link.
T2 diabetes(which is the type of diabetes those subjects have) is literally just fucking insulin resistance, losing fat mass and visceral and hepatic fat alone "cures" people of T2 diabetes, not the carb restriction itself.
That study literally had people that weighed over 120 fucking kilos, of COURSE they got better after the diet intervention, but it's NOT because of their keto diet, it's because they ate probably half of the fucking calories they're used to eating for weeks straight lmao.
Great argument!
Ketocels really need to stay in their lane with their pilled up dogshit cherrypicked research.
Any study that shows improvement in patients with diabetes involved weight loss, every single fucking one, unless drugs or medication are used.
It's not the carbs, it's the excess calories that builds up to fat accumulation all over, including between your muscle fibers, around your organs and inside your fucking liver.
Check what types of nutrients actually decrease insulin sensitivity irrespective of caloric intake:
Saturated fats, trans fats, fructose.
It's not carbs dumbass.
>It's not carbs dumbass.
it is
You can't even show anything that backs up your retarded notion that carbs DECREASE insulin sensitivity, dumbass.
The more carbs you eat, the more sensitivie you are to insulin, the more fats you eat, the less sensitive you are to insulin.
Fat doesn't need insulin in order for its energy to be stored in your adipose tissue, carbs do.
So at the end of the day there's always a balance, except with fat people because regardless of their fucking diet they are insulin resistant because the lipids in their artheries, the fats in around their organs and inbetween their muscles prevent proper glucose metabolism.
Most of his studies are old as shit tho.
I'm sorry you cherrypicked a few studies where it seems its not keto doing the great things
You literally linked a study you assumed was backing up your retarded notion that keto is superior for insulin sensitivity, but you didn't even know it was basically a weight loss trial.
When you lose bodyfat your insulin sensitivity improves dramatically by default, you don't even need to change your macro ratios, just your overall caloric intake.
I didn't even cherrypick ANY study at all, I am just telling you what the study you linked actually shows, that a very small caloric intake in VERY obese patients improves insulin sensitivity dramatically.
The average bodyfat% of the patients in the study at the start was fucking 40% lmao, you have to be delusional to not see how it's the fact they got less fat that improved their health.
>You literally linked
I didn't
Then why the fuck are you even replying to me dumbass?
I'm trying to save you
Who would trust a faggit vegan. Keto / carnivore is humans default diet and the bodies prefered state. Carbs cause diabetes and increase in insulin also causes fatty acid synthesis and lipolysis inhibition while increase lipogensis
>keto is humans' default diet and the body's prefered state
Must be why thyroid goes to shit on consistent long term ketosis then, or why all the ketocels need to literally supplement on minerals in order to not feel like fainting all day.
>or why all the ketocels need to literally supplement on minerals in order to not feel like fainting all day
Check some keto forums or group discussions, all of the time people complain about hair loss, bad nails, bleeding gums and feeling dizzy.
I've been doing keto for over a year now and I'm pretty fucking fine, way better than when I was eating carbs daily
you're confusing keto forums for vegan forums, brainlet
Check your thyroid and LDL
Thanks for your anecdote though, I'll be sure to save it and take it for granted, obviously people are 100% incapable of lying when they know they're wrong in an a discussion on anonymous image boards.
You posted anecdotes as well, I just responded to it the same way
No, I'm not.
This is a literal constant in keto circles, ketocels need to supplement with minerals in order to not feel like shit on a daily basis, and their thyroid goes to shit too.
he is right tho, hair loss and bleeding gums is very common among keto retards.
Are you implying you are lying then? Because I'm not, I'm not in any way shape or form lying about anything.
Look As you see ketogenic diets cause clear issues in humans.
The only humans that have adapted to a "ketogenic" diet are literally fasting intolerant and virtually unable to reach actual ketosis, like artic peoples such as the inuits that have a strong genetic adaptation to avoiding ketosis, because long term ketosis causes infertility in females.
>a few random plebbit posts
I'm sorry for you
>I know it's temporary
check any keto circle and you will find the same things, long term keto is bad, doing it short term might give benefit but it's not sustainable, even the peoples that eat the most ketogenic diet traditionally have adapted to avoiding ketosis, because it puts them in a state of so much stress that the peoples without that genetic adaptation die off because they are unable to reproduce.
As such, ketosis is not what our bodies are naturally adapted to, not even close.
>markets himself as a poster boy of vegan fitness
>looks sickly and has an under-developed body for someone who has allegedly dedicated his life to fitness.
this is the same argument logic people use against veganism.
would you defend veganism is the same matter as you do it right now?
jokes on you vegan cucks, i was already a baldcel before i ever heard of keto
except on keto you can basically eat everything that is not modern, processed, refined bullshit food
nowhere near as restrictive as veganism
keto = lots of lowcarb veggies, meat, dairy, nuts, even berries
whats not to like?
keto is basically just ditching potato, rice, pasta, sugar and flour
do you think these are motherfucking essential and die without them?
fucking think man
>except on keto you can basically eat everything that is not modern, processed, refined bullshit food
>nowhere near as restrictive as veganism
what about fruits, beans, legumes, potatoes, rice, grains, seeds
Keto is far more restrictive than a vegan diet.
All that vegans dont eat is meat and dairy/eggs lmao
seeds are ok as well, same tier as nuts
you dont need starchy veggies and grains
there's a lot of lowcarb fruit option
read my post again because it seems you didnt actually read it
I eat fresh wild meat, nuts, the healthiest veggies, fruits and dairy DAILY
tell me this is a restrictive and unhealthy diet
I fucking dare you
tell me it's on the same level as an autistic vegan diet
>keto = lots of lowcarb veggies
you really haven't been following keto circles then, most of the time people just wanna eat whatever the fuck they wanna eat that's high fat and low carbs, like cheese, bacon, eggs, steak, keto pizza, low carb ice cream, etc.
check actual keto circles and see how people actually eat on regular basis, people just wanna eat whatever tastes good to them, and use keto as an excuse.
there's a reason why the only peoples on earth with an actual reason to adapted to a ketogenic diet, are literally unable to reach full ketosis and die from long term fasting unlike westerners, because ketosis is such a shit stressing state for humans long term that they literally became fasting intolerant just to be able to reproduce and spread their genes.
its a very very restrictive and extremely unhealthy diet.
YOu dont get nearly as much fiber as you should, same goes for most vitamins specially vitamin c.
and btw, you need starchy veggies and grains. it has been proven to be beneficial for your heart to eat legumes and grains like oats daily.
But I guess you will have to learn it the hard way, you will feel sick very fast.
today I ate
>wild salmon steak, citrus butter sauce, steamed aspargus and broccoli, berrymix turmix with whey and roasted nuts, greek yogurt
>mfw according to retards like you this is an extremely unhealthy and restrictive diet
fuck off retard
>wild salmon steak
heavy metals, unhealthy fat, bad glycine to methionine ratio
>citrus butter sauce
processed shit full of saturated fat and estrogen
>steamed aspargus and broccoli
good girl
>berrymix turmix with whey and roasted nuts
would remove the whey, spikes you blood sugar and kicks you right out of ketosis lol
>greek yogurt
yeah you would do better but at least you try little girl.
imagine being this retarded
>saturated fat is bad
I'm done with you
enjoy dying early
fucking autist
holy fucking lmao
Maybe people eating literally only meat don't get enough fiber but to say everyone on keto doesn't get enough fiber is retarded considering leafy greens are a staple of the diet. Broccoli gives you pound for pound more vitamin c than oranges.
You can't name one thing you don't get on keto unlike a vegan diet.
ad hominem and ignoring leading science just because it doesnt support your narrative.
I cant wait until you grow up girl.
>vegan propaganda bullshit
Yep, it's a vegan, like every other anti keto retard.
I wouldn't live without potatoes
>You can't name one thing you don't get on keto unlike a vegan diet.
like i said, vitamin c
to add, potassium, k1, b6, b1, copper, manganese, folate, fiber, starch, also the worst omega 3-6 ratio that you can get from any diet.
Just to name a few
>fish unhealthy fats and heavy metals meme
>dairy estrogen meme
Literally neck yourself. Not even the 70s were this retarded
you can also have keto vegan diet.
dont get your point here.
most people with intelligence should advocate against a ketogenic diet lmao
>Literally neck yourself. Not even the 70s were this retarded
but thats 2010+ science my friend while you support ketosis a 1920 diet lmao
yeah I agree. How can people even think of doing such a diet.
>vitamin c
basically all the veggies
post legit source that you actually need starch you fucking retard
>worst omega 3-6 ratio
literally, factually untrue, I actually calculate this as well and never go below 1:1 on my keto, nice try retard
your move
Not on keto nor a big fan of it but
bone broth and veggies have some
useless since eggs have k2 also spinach is filled with it
cheeses have it
>b1,copper and other shit
beef and lamb liver are filled with it and fiber is also on veggies but fiber is non-essensial.
>also the worst omega 3-6 ratio
Way to show your bias retard. Stick your head deeper
I in the club lice ye
The dude isn't even ripped. WTF WHY DO WE CARE ABOUT HIM?
no they don't
lmao thats easily over 20g of carbs + your whey cum shakes.
keto ahah
>over 20g carbs
>not keto
All vegan shills here are actually 130 lbs hardio bunnies.
the point is that you still need to eat food that contains carbs
why not just eat a high carb diet and get much more vitamin and minerals than on a keto diet (proven=
the point is that you dont understand what keto is, you dont lift, and you have no arguments
kill yourself retarded vegan shillcuck
btw little faggots, 255lbs 6'4 guy here that could crush both of your ketogenic deficient bodies with a single snap.
>the point is that you dont understand what keto is, you dont lift, and you have no arguments
sure bro, make your fantasy come true.
you have no arguments and you eat the worst scientific proven diet on this planet.
you have to be extremely retarded to fall for it, its like you lost every single working brain cell and just went for whatever people told you without following any logic or reason.
good luck in your future it seems dark.
post body
>look mum imma le epik trolololole xd
fucking kill yourself already you fucking waste
Im filtering every vegan keyword from now on, idiotic imbecile retards who dont even lift
now post yours little fag
wow kid, I was right about the brain cells aii?
>mentally ill hapa
keto deniers btfo themselves
damn you are weak
you arent read for the war, you will die first
>when you eat too much soi
>he thinks his "sick tats" make up for his protruding nipples
I thought the assertion that dietary cholesterol increased endogenous cholesterol was a myth?
The video's from 2 years ago and the age of the study doesn't invalidate it's findings.
This is your brain on keto.
Why is the dude in the top middle caked in make up?