Current bicep thread

post them + feedback

pic related is mine

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that looks retarded

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nice 12 inch cep you twink dyel
try lifting

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Pls no bully, I just started working out like 3 months ago.

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fugg be

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How am i doing guys

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>posting someone else

lmao pathetic

Based and redpilled

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Your biceps would look better if you weren't sitting on the ceiling :/

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>lifting 3 weeks, all compounds
>have major fap arm where right arm is noticeably bigger than the left

Will it even itself out over time or should I do some curls just so my left arm can catch up?

Learn to left hand fap seems to be the obvious solution.


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If your biceps were any shorter they'd make nice piping for your delts

Only decent 'ceps in the thread.

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I don’t get it

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accidental reply to

Why forearm so puny?

I dont work the bicep so pretty sad stuff. Also unpumped.

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I'm Hella dyel T.T

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Lol r u me?

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I’m u but stronger

I’m trying :( I just started 3 months ago


You are but a small baby. Eat your braps and remember to say “grow, grow, grow” before you go to bed and you will be strong

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I’m aware. Just have to keep making long term progress

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Me about a month ago, no changes since then, why wont i grow?

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Sitting on the toilet at work

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No I'm not a crossing guard

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eat boy EAT

What are you then? Not a construction worker with those arms

Other one on the toilet

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Poor Varg. Dude is now making videos about not going to school because WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY. Why are artists always this fucking retarded ?

lol my dad just gave it to me since he works for the city.

Lol wtf

I have 16 inch arms when flexed but it doesnt look like it cause 6'4

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whatchu' readin there senpai

thats the three volumes of the gulag archipelago there but thats not my current reading.

pls tuck me in bby


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thats a good biceps

This is a man.

Thats a dude

pls be my gf

nice gyno lol

how to get big freaky arms?

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Im in the middle of a cut right now.
Got about 20 lbs more to lose.

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keep on with the cut and work tris more to balance out your arm aesthetic

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Great biceps.
Are you trying to fart?
Nice gyno by the way.

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Humble brag

Nice tats and ceps brah. I'm mirin

What to do?

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Have you tried lifting?

>all these stretchmarks

Me too bros

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started lifting a month ago still in dyel mode

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Bulk you madman

nice gyno fag

I'm up like 8 pounds

check out this sick lack of peak

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Way to go being a cunt

safety patrol???

Because going to (((school))) and supporting the (((system))) is great isnt it schlomo

1.5 months, pls no bully

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R8 plz

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Manlet proportions and high bf% but good size

u are right :'(

I'll bite, first post so let me have it good or bad, all appreciated

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Should I even bother lifting with these bicep insertions?
>Inb4 tricep
I have tris but they don't really show on the bottom of my arm, they kind of stick out from the sides laterally like wings

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Weighted chin ups will help you grow around the elbow joint.



Thanks brah 17.5’s

6'2" 75kg

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And the left

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Look at how big your hand looks compared to your arm you fucking alien. Did you think cause ur so skinny u can actually see your tiny muscle that actually meant you were fit, u fucking anorexic female?

15” I think?
Praying for some real definition when I finish my cut in a few more weeks


Oops, pic

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oh boy

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Sun's out guns out

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16" with pump

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ditch the gay shirt, clean your room you sperg, wash your hopefully non gay clothes and throw in a lot of tricep excercises

Im a 5'9' turbo manlet, bald, bear mode so don't feel too impressed m8s

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who took the pic? your grandma with parkinson's and a 2 megapixel cam?

Zoomed out to like 8x using an android and zoomed back in on this shot
>prime, unbridled autism

Lot work 2 dodo

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hi poole