post them + feedback
pic related is mine
post them + feedback
pic related is mine
that looks retarded
nice 12 inch cep you twink dyel
try lifting
Pls no bully, I just started working out like 3 months ago.
fugg be
How am i doing guys
>posting someone else
lmao pathetic
Based and redpilled
Your biceps would look better if you weren't sitting on the ceiling :/
>lifting 3 weeks, all compounds
>have major fap arm where right arm is noticeably bigger than the left
Will it even itself out over time or should I do some curls just so my left arm can catch up?
Learn to left hand fap seems to be the obvious solution.
If your biceps were any shorter they'd make nice piping for your delts
Only decent 'ceps in the thread.
I don’t get it
accidental reply to
Why forearm so puny?
I dont work the bicep so pretty sad stuff. Also unpumped.
I'm Hella dyel T.T
Lol r u me?
I’m u but stronger
I’m trying :( I just started 3 months ago
You are but a small baby. Eat your braps and remember to say “grow, grow, grow” before you go to bed and you will be strong
I’m aware. Just have to keep making long term progress
Me about a month ago, no changes since then, why wont i grow?
Sitting on the toilet at work
No I'm not a crossing guard
eat boy EAT
What are you then? Not a construction worker with those arms
Other one on the toilet
Poor Varg. Dude is now making videos about not going to school because WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY. Why are artists always this fucking retarded ?
lol my dad just gave it to me since he works for the city.
Lol wtf
I have 16 inch arms when flexed but it doesnt look like it cause 6'4
whatchu' readin there senpai
thats the three volumes of the gulag archipelago there but thats not my current reading.
pls tuck me in bby
thats a good biceps
This is a man.
Thats a dude
pls be my gf
nice gyno lol
how to get big freaky arms?
Im in the middle of a cut right now.
Got about 20 lbs more to lose.
keep on with the cut and work tris more to balance out your arm aesthetic
Great biceps.
Are you trying to fart?
Nice gyno by the way.
Humble brag
Nice tats and ceps brah. I'm mirin
What to do?
Have you tried lifting?
>all these stretchmarks
Me too bros
started lifting a month ago still in dyel mode
Bulk you madman
nice gyno fag
I'm up like 8 pounds
check out this sick lack of peak
Way to go being a cunt
safety patrol???
Because going to (((school))) and supporting the (((system))) is great isnt it schlomo
1.5 months, pls no bully
R8 plz
Manlet proportions and high bf% but good size
u are right :'(
I'll bite, first post so let me have it good or bad, all appreciated
Should I even bother lifting with these bicep insertions?
>Inb4 tricep
I have tris but they don't really show on the bottom of my arm, they kind of stick out from the sides laterally like wings
Weighted chin ups will help you grow around the elbow joint.
Thanks brah 17.5’s
6'2" 75kg
And the left
Look at how big your hand looks compared to your arm you fucking alien. Did you think cause ur so skinny u can actually see your tiny muscle that actually meant you were fit, u fucking anorexic female?
15” I think?
Praying for some real definition when I finish my cut in a few more weeks
Oops, pic
oh boy
Sun's out guns out
16" with pump
ditch the gay shirt, clean your room you sperg, wash your hopefully non gay clothes and throw in a lot of tricep excercises
Im a 5'9' turbo manlet, bald, bear mode so don't feel too impressed m8s
who took the pic? your grandma with parkinson's and a 2 megapixel cam?
Zoomed out to like 8x using an android and zoomed back in on this shot
>prime, unbridled autism
Lot work 2 dodo
hi poole