I can't believe they gave him a regular person-sized grave. I don't think this is what he would've wanted...

I can't believe they gave him a regular person-sized grave. I don't think this is what he would've wanted. He definitely deserved better.


Attached: gravestone of thr natty king.jpg (960x720, 368K)

>tfw the worms and maggots have been eating his gains

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I still can't believe he died

>not dabbling in stonemasonry so by the time you die you've built your own mausoleum of such skill and craftsmanship it becomes a local landmark and nobody takes it down

He’s probably one of those people who was in serious debt because he was a douchebag who wanted to live a rich douchebag lifestyle that he couldn’t afford, and now that he’s dead, no one gives a shit and this is all they could afford

Literally every person you see with some brand new truck a McMansion, boats, dirt bike ect. Is really a poor fag in deep debt trying to impress strangers

He's just your average ghetto rich debtslave american white.
Dude was a fucking millionaire from all of the gear he was shilling and he couldn't even afford to pay anything.

Yeah, a lot of Americans are really trashy and financially retarded

>Dude I make 50k a year now! Better go lease a new Mclaren and take my girlfriend to Caesar’s palace in Vegas!

>visiting his grave
>taking out your shovel
>you unearth the urn
>you open it
>snorting 3 scoops of that rich ash
>unlimited gains

Imagine digging up those joocy worms and maggots though. And using them in your own protein shake

If you're referring to the gravestone, not many people his age have made plans for when they die.

His remains still require an insane amount of calories so they attached a vent to pump shakes in

Of course not considering it was murder

>guy casually walking over graves instead of taking the designated path
This fucking video

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Guess he won't be eating 1000000 meals a day anymore

The worms are massive sized now. They are now mutant worms. Soon, a new breed of worms will rise up.

what's more Jow Forums, being buried or being cremated? kinda bothers me knowing I'll be eaten by maggots when i die, being left to rot in a box. with cremation you can send your son or grandson on a quest or whatever to dump your ashes somewhere special

It doesn't matter, you're dead anyway. But if you decide to be buried, some archeologist 1000 years in the future may find your bones and discover neanderthals haven't gone extinct that early after all

>Someone hads most likely died where you are sitting right now.

>not wanting to pass on your gainz to the maggots who consume you and life ahead of you

I just think being preserved and buried is wasteful of the land. I wanna be cremated or, if I have money, cryogenically frozen and try to ensure people in my family throughout generations keep up on it and make sure they only try to revive me when possible


>take my girlfriend to Caesar’s palace in Vegas!
I just spent 3 days in Vegas and spent

Bro you would imagine his gravesite to ahve like 8feet tall jacked as fuck angel wrestling a lion while being completely covered in fake gold

>not being part of the circle of life and being cucked into cremation
Absolute faggot

Your not thrown in a wooden box and buried. You are enclosed in an outer sarcophagus made of concrete ffs. Look up exhumation videos. Alot of corpses are in remarkable condition even 50 years under the ground

viking burial is the only true funeral

fucking cringe. Americans obsession with this shit is lamer than FDR's legs. How many hours of Skyrim do you have logged queer?

underrated post

I vote cremation for the same reason. Also that way nobody can do weird shit to your corpse, you're just back in the cycle of nature fertilising new life as ash and thus becoming everything. I'd have them spread the ash in multiple locations

grow up mate

is that what graves look like in the US?
legit disgusting

Attached: cemeterypoland.jpg (600x461, 49K)



Depends on the denomination and location and all that. Those "minimalist" gravestones that are flush with the ground seem to be a relatively modern trend. I'm not a fan of it at all.

I got a reservation in an old catholic cemetary in philly. great-grandparents got a mausoleum way back in the day that others in my family are interred in, and there's still room for me

>tfw absorbing rich's power through the worms
Tremble before me humanity!

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Being cannibalized by your family so your gainz can live on

It hurts every day. I enjoyed every one of his videos. Too fucking soon, I never saw it coming. Too fucking soon

Everyone's taking the cheap way out and just getting cremated these days. Fuck that though. They're chumps and they're not leaving an immortalized testament of your presence. The people who get cremated? Unless you're especially famous, you're not going to be remembered once your grandchildren die. Memories only with no physical marker left. I can still visit graveyards and see the graves of my ancestors. But not so with the people who get cremated.

thanks for the info
sounds comfy m8

>TFW you didn't mean this when you wished for bigger arms than Rich

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