Well Jow Forums. Only 4 months left to accept your collective defeat

Well Jow Forums. Only 4 months left to accept your collective defeat.

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boogie's already dead, he just pre-recorded a bunch of videos so Jow Forums couldn't be right

Even if he wins the battle by surviving 2018 he will lose the war by still being terribly obese and having a poor quality of life. I want him to get healthy and don’t want him to die though because his existence doesn’t harm mine and I like to try to be a positive person.

>tfw 2018 will end in 4 months
>tfw still a DYEL
another one bites the dust

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it does harm our existence though because he insists on being in our faces 24/7

That would be amazing enough to neutralize his obesity in my eyes

if dubs, boogie lives till 2050

Rich Piana dies, Zyzz dies, Boogie lives on. He'll probably outlive Jeff, Eric and all the other youtubers.

Stick Del Hagen will probably live forever and his daughter is already in the top percentiles of growth for her age.
She'll probably compete in the Olympics.

Don’t know what to tell you other than don’t watch his videos if they bother you. Most his subscribers have left him so they aren’t very popular anymore. There is a boogie thread maybe once every couple days, it’s not that hard to ignore and it’s always anti-boogie so if anything you should enjoy it.

> “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.”

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I don't remember posting this

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Boogie's candle has enough fat to burn for eternity

HA gotem!

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Did Jow Forums do the thing where it just replaces with a completely different fucking picture?

in boogies case its 'the candle that burns thrice as long is because of his lard'

The flame that died early because it couldn't get enough oxygen.

He's been dead inside for a while now

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After being cucked that hard there's probably nothing left of his ego.

Was he literally cucked or are you memeing? Is his ex wife with someone new now? What's going on I'm out of the loop.

She literally got blacked. Good for her though, the shit that woman had to put up with, happy that she's out of his greasy clutches.

kek, but for real a guy like him must be dead inside

what would sex with him even be like? lmao

Like riding a water bed with hot dog attached to it


The whole reason she was with him was because she's a feeder and wanted his money. She was hoping he was going to die. There's a reason she left when he got the surgery and not when he was at his fattest.

he is a raped cuck with the biggest clusterfuck of a life that I've ever seen on an e celeb, I'm not sure what kind of mental gymnastic are you making to even think he is winning something.

This, Desire had a hard marriage and she needed to break free.