>he lifts for aesthetics
>he hasn't read this book
He lifts for aesthetics
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself commie, go and throw some rocks at the police
The most pretentious art teacher I ever had worshiped this book wholeheartedly.
Reading books in 2018 is legitimately for homosexuals.
so is posting on Jow Forums
>he pretends to like shit tier Frankfurt school thinkers out of spite only because he sees people in the right constantly dissecting it
I like the Frankfurt School. Why are they bad?
>why are they bad?
No you don’t. You just feel like you have to bc you see “omg Nazis!” Shitting on them so they must be good.
the way the fitness community uses the word "aesthetic" is unironically infuriating desu. you niggas need to drop the pretence and just use more appropriate descriptors like "conventionally attractive".
Does this pass the aesthetic check?
Shockingly, someone who just makes obnoxious shitposts can't back up their opinions when directly asked. I'm assuming that in actuality you haven't read them, given that your repulsion seems to be entirely based on the assumption that anyone who likes or finds value in them must be using it as an in-group signifier.
2deep4me literally. I'm a brainlet when it comes to humanities and I can't really understand any philosophy work
Start with simpler stuff, try Stoicism or the Greeks first. I heavily recommend reading "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius (Gregory Hays Translation is my favourite), good way to start the jump into philosophy.
SJW culutre and everything embarrassing about that shit comes DIRECTLY from critical theory. All those gender studies and ethnic studies meme course that breed that are directly from The Frankfurt School and the horrid damage control for the failures of Marxism that it was
I realize you think you’ve got some edgy and escoteric new meme ideology to play around with after you first started reading about this a few months ago, but pretending to like an obvious dogshit school of thought out of apite, especially when it’s years down the line and we can all observe directly what fruits it has given us, it’s really sad and pathetic
Based and redpilled
You know how there are some people who do nothing but scream about Nazi boogeyman? And who claim that anyone that voted for Trump or who isn’t left wing is literally a Nazi? That was Adornos main contribution to philosophy. He, along with all the French post war post modernist, were all bitter retards.
>lol all you can do is shitpost in response!
>proceeds to do nothing but shitpost
It’s amazing just how quickly the pseudo intellectual facade of leftypol crumbles the moment you call them out on their shit. Go ahead pretending you give a shit about Adorno because you see people who lean right constantly shit on him. I garuntee you are about to unironically post that Adorno was “one of you rightist!” Because he didn’t like jazz music you predictable bafoon
So literally no actually substantive critique, got it.
I'm not even particularly into the Frankfurt School but I've at least read a few of their books. Can't wait until you Jow Forums dipshits to move onto the next leftist boogieman. I recommend The Situationists or Baudrillard. It'll be funny as hell to see you pretend you've read them.
is3.Jow Forums.org/wsg/1535003182046.webm
Stop pretending like you give a shit or even know what you’re talking about. You didn’t even know who Adorno was until I started talking about him here.
And people talk about him because his shitty ideas along with the rest of the Frankfurt school have gained mainstream support and are therefore deserving of ridicule. Critical Theory has yielded absolutely nothing other than reasoning and damage control for the failure of Marxism and SJW culutre.
I literally don't need any previous knowledge on the subject to know that you sound dumb af
>no I dumb!
>were all bitter retards
These people were bitter, says the guy adhering to insane conspiracy theories because some feminist criticized his videogames.
Every response you've made has been an assmad assumption about my point of view yet you can't even answer a simple question as to what exactly you find objectionable about the Frankfurt School. The closest you've come is in saying that critical theory is bad, and as a result they are also bad, but your only argument for why critical theory is bad is that "SJWs like it," another assumption about disingenuous signifiers. You're obviously a retard who has never read a book (except for maybe by Robert Kiyosaki or any of the other undergraduate business major tripe that gets peddled on Jow Forums).
>get called out
>starts shitposting
>gets called out again
>starts ad hominem
Notice how you aren’t even attempting to level any defense for the Frankfurt school? It’s because you know I’m right. And it funny that you would call someone a conspiracy theorist while you believe the white male patriarchy is the reason you’re a loser and that anyone who doesn’t subscribe to this conspiracy theory is a Nazi. Remember this is what critical theory, the idea you are pretending to like out of spite, actually believes
I’ve stated in my first post exactly why I don’t like the Frankfurt school and it’s because it has yielded nothing but SJW culutre and was never anything other than damage control for the failures of Marxism
Keep avoiding the conversation you started because you’re a beta Bitch you pretends to like a school of thought out of spite even though you know dick about it
>ad hominem
oh I imagined you were one of those. Tons of reddit posts about how leftists just "refuse to debate me!" without a second to ponder the fact that you sound unhinged and people don't really tend to engage guys like that on a rational basis. but lots of time alone to develop your theories, i imagine
last i checked ohp isn't about readin books n shi
>still shitposting since you know you can’t discuss the actual topic
Lol great going leftypol. Why don’t you talk about how Adorno didn’t like jazz!
If you're entire argument is seriously "muh SJWs" then there's no point in continuing the conversation. All I asked was "why are they bad?" but you couldn't provide a straight answer with out resorting to your self-referential network of Jow Forums buzzwords. News flash, disphit, when someone asks you what you mean by something, you're supposed to explain, not obscure through further use of buzzwords. If you choose the latter everyone assumes you're hiding the fact that you don't actually have anything to say.
>cowering our the argument like a bitch since you know you’ve been called ou
Reminder, Critical Theory is where all these feminists gender and racial studies courses come from. And that the ONLY thing that the Frankfurt School has produced at all is SJW culutre, which again, is the direct end result of critical theory.
You’re just some faggot who saw someone on Jow Forums bitching about it so you decided to pretend to like it out of spite. Stop playing pseudo philoaopher on Jow Forums
Actually, critical theory is good.
>you know you can’t discuss the actual topic
We're not discussing the actual topic, which I'm unfamiliar with. We're discussing your views on it, which are just stereotypical narratives that monkeybrains fall for every time.
And when I say every time, I mean every time. I suggest you do some reading in what your insane counterparts of previous eras said. Before Frankfurt was even a thing the very same was said about other enemies of the status quo. In the UK, elections were changed because fake letters of an alleged conspiracy by Zinoviev. Before then, the Fabian Society was accused of being secretly behind everything. Before that, instead of Socialists, it was the Massonic Jacobins who were behind everything, and writings of Babeuf that, out of context, preach a "secret conspiracy" were circulated by whatever the equivalent of right-wing vloggers in 1820 were as evidence of its existence.
You need to understand, this is a cliché, in the most literal sense, that people have used to scare the plebs since forever. Scratch "Frankfurt School" and write some other schol of thought seemingly chosen at random but also specific enough to impress the targeted simpleton, and you have summed up reactionary political pamphleteering all the way back to the English revolution summed up. Nothing changes. I read a conspiracy theory book written about the First Socialist International right after its dismissal once that even repeated the whole "they've given up open struggle and now operate behind doors, secretly influencing everything" line that was used to sell Cultural Marxism to idiots like to you.
So yeah, it's not Frankfurt School theory I'm debating, because I'm not qualified to debate it. I never read Adorno. Although if someone said quantum mechanics if witchcraft I wouldn't need to know quantum mechanics to know that person is a complete retard. What I'd tell them, and what I'm trying to tell you, is to stop believing in witchcraft.
Jesus christ you third world mudspawn it's fucking spelled CULTURE.
>Frankfurt School theory I'm debating, because I'm not qualified to debate it. I never read Adorno
Yeah, no shit. It was painfully obvious but I’m glad you finally admitted it. Didn’t read the rest of your Whitney bullshit post btw
Sure thing
You leftypol faggots raid /his/ all the time and are predictable with the same stupid shill points over and over. You try to portray yourselves as some internet intellectuals, but cave into shitposting the moment you are called out on the ideas you pretend to know about
I'm the other guy he's been arguing with, the OP. I actually have read Adorno which is why I asked what his specific point of disagreement was with the material. Unsurprisingly, he has yet to provide one aside from saying it's an SJW feminist jew conspiracy. I doubt the person you're replying to has read any Frankfurt School or any Marxism (of which you would need at minimum an understanding of the terminology to engage with the Frankfurt school).
Ah yes, the wikipedia for a field of study I'm already familiar with. You got me.
Oh look, you’re being a bullshit liar and claiming I went on some rant about Jews when you’re the first person to even bring that up! I guess you have read Adorno since all you’re able to do is shitpost and call anyone you don’t like a Nazi. You’re also too stupid to grasp the very basic idea that SJW come directly from critical theory.
I want you to try and explain something positive Adorno has contributed to philosophy and saying “lol he don’t like jazz music!” isn’t one
Prove it wrong.
I'm not going to answer your questions until you answer mine. What, substantively, do you find objectionable about Adorno's writing? Saying he calls everyone a Nazi is hilariously dumb and not reflective of anything he has actually written.
>thinks you can prove a negative
lol come on this is freshman philosophy stuff
>I’m not going to answe your question
I know. It because you’re a really stupid little boy who has no idea what he’s talking about and has been called out on it. You haven’t even attempted to discuss the Frankfurt school at all in this thread because you have no fucking clue what it is.
>saying he calls everyone a Nazi is dumb
To you, a person who has not read anything by him, it might be. But to a person who has read Authoritarian Personality where he basically says anyone who disagrees with him is a fascist it makes perfect sense what I’m talking about
That’s not a negative. I’m saying all these meme gender and racial studies courses come from critical theory
Now prove that claim wrong or admit you’re just shitposting
>Reminder, Critical Theory is where all these feminists gender and racial studies courses come from
Indeed, the western capitalist appropriation thereof.
Adorno = Marxist Spengler with shades of Heidegger.
I read baudrillard years before I read adorno. I was reading this crap just after highschool, before Google existed.
We can all be pompous sounding if we try, but your pompous tone does nothing to either make a counter argument to that user if you wanted to justify your position, or defend your views or achieve anything else. You are adding nothing to this thread.
We've all read books, cunt
Easy, I am dissatisfied because this world is horrible and I was thrown into it without my consent and now I have to endure it but so does everyone else, only the absolute winners of the birth lotto have it otherwise, one of which was the very man who supossedly spoke that quote.
He was a goddamn king, what the fuck does he knows about waking up before the sun rises, working your ass the entire day and not going back home until the sun has long been gone only to catch what little sleep you can just to repeat the next day?
But that's not the worst part, far from it, the worst part is that even I am part of the lucky ones, I got time for vidya and beer, I got friends, many people live and die without ever knowing anything other than suffering.
Yeah fuck this life and anyone who even dares to say I should be content or satisfied can go fuck himself.
Everybody arguing about Critical Theory and the Frankfurt school, noone actually talking about the contents of the book itself, or even giving a bloody quick rundown on the book.
This place is hopeless.
Marcuse even specifically critiques this shit. It's like the people who shit on the Frankfurt school dont even read their stuff.
No he didn’t
>I don't know anything about stoicism or Marcus Aurelius: the post
Alright, we can talk about another huge stoic philosopher, Epictetus. He spent most of his life as a crippled slave. Life is a gift given to us on borrowed time, it would be a waste to spend it being a nihilist.
lol wait a second. i havent even ready any of adorno's politcal writings but dont all thinkers from the frankfurt school boogeyman subscribe to varying strains of anti-capitalist thought? why would they be mildly okay with gay pride of all things?
what are you even asking me?
I read meditations and quit by the third time he mentioned how hard it was to not fuck young boys like it was the nofap of Ancient Rome
I want you to think about the fact that being gay was a crime in the USSR and that it isn’t tolerated at all even today in China and the fact that western commie LARPers are more than likely some sort of trans queer other kin and wonder why this divide exist and why it exist only in the western world and not in the former Soviet controlled areas of Eastern Europe
Yes, it was a common occurrence in the Roman empire and was a symptom of the empire's rising degeneracy. It's pretty fucking dumb to apply modern standards to Rome, they considered giving a woman oral sex as far more gayer than nailing some boy in the butt.
dude could you try to be less long-winded. all ive garnered from you so far is that bigoted socialists and commies exist.
>admit you have no idea what this shit is all about
>call it a boogeyman anyway
>get proposed something to think about
>”lol I don’t know you’re saying too much”
This is the second time someone not only up front admit they have no clue what the Frankfurt School is and then proceeds to tell me I’m wrong about it or don’t know what I’m talking about either
>just imagined that this was the love of my life that I had just married and we were on our honeymoon, because she's so wholesome she loved the idea of being out in nature for it and I'm just watching her while she looks out on the lake, just having that moment where I know I fucking made it and this is the person I'm meant to be with
>come back to reality and I'm posting on a turkish frog-catching forum
hold me bros
how about you just put your point forward in the most simple and unambiguous way you can think of? no more conspiracy style thought journeys through strawmanland please.
now explain to me why you saw it fit to so closely tie the frankfurt school, an infamously anti-capitalist branch of social theory, with pride; the latest means employed by capitalism to subsume the lucrative queer populace?
>communists posting on Jow Forums again
>they don't post a current body pic to win an argument
really makes you think
Only a pleb wouldn't. Imagine a world without musical contributions like this: youtube.com
>calls others conspiracy theorist in the same post where you talk about the capitalist conspiracy to mind control gay people
adorno's aethetics is a doozy desu. the prose and approach seem more towards the analytical side but cue hegelian notions of art in the wake of capitalism and nuggets like the "social antithesis of society" and youre in for a confusing ride.
no one said anything about mind control but im glad youre making your stupidity all the more noticeable.
>admit you don’t know dick about the topic at hand and then call someone a conspiracy theorist right before you unironically claim that gay pride parades are part of a vast capitalist conspiracy
Why are leftypol shitposting always such rat coward pieces of shit that have to pretend they are these impartial observers rather than just being upfront with their views?
>tfw two retarded for adorno
I literally cannot even disprove Zeno of Elea, I am such a subhuman fucking brainlet
>the capitalist conspiracy is why we are losers!
youre gonna make it
>they considered giving a woman oral sex as far more gayer than nailing some boy in the butt.
They weren't wrong senpai.
im not sure whats so hard for you to understand here. its not a conspiracy theory. consumerism is not a heterosexual affair. nor is the market economy at large. its really that simple. corporations dont refuse money on accountant of sexuality. my point is literally that commonsensical.
It's not like they didn't have legitimate points, but their entire work and philosophy *was* tainted by the fact they were filthy degenerate marxists and they were looking for ways to tear the west down, neatly skirting issues even Nietzsche with his syphilis addled brain could work out.
So the short answer is they were bad people
>inb4 what is bad, morality is subjective