Get home gym

>get home gym
>your workout session took ~1 hour in the gym
>same workout takes 2 hours at home due to wasting time on setting up equipement for next exercise
i got memed into fucking oblivion, worst decision i've ever made

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You get good at setting up though

if you use anything more than a barbell and dumbells you are wasting your time

Face it, you thought you were the sort of autist that would flourish in isolation, but you're really just another whore. (I envy you)


Nah man, I'm loving my home gym
>Can do my faggy little lifting circuit
>Can blast whatever music I want whether it be synthwave, eurobeat, boomer rock, or Everytime We Touch
>Never have to worry about if a rack is open
>Never have to worry about there being enough weights
>No thots to deter you
What's not to like? Just set everything up before you start lifting

>get home gym
>go for bench pr
>stuck under the bar until dad gets home from work

>he doesn't enjoy lifting naked while listening to anime music
Come on man.

You using clips? Don't if you're benching alone. If you're worried about dumping weight and fucking up the floor, get some foam mats.

>benching at home without safeties
foam won't do shit against falling plates

>played sports
>dad had free weights i used when I was young
>got a 100$ bench second hand for one christmas
just got a gym membership and i mog most people

OP i do both homegym but mostly real gym, i'm tired as fuck, leave work in 15 mins and thinking about the 5-6pm monday crowd - thinking tonight will be a homegym night

This is true. Get some horse stall mats. They have thousand pound animals stand on them.

Wtf do you have that you have to set it up for as long as it takes to do the exercise?do you build your squat rack and take it apart every day?

>Everytime We Touch
>not blasting Jow Forums's anthem, Call Me Maybe

Do you not?

Be me
Bought a home power rack, 300lb Olympic barbell set, 5 position bench, Olympic dumb bell bars and curl bar, 10-80lb adjustable weight vest, cheap ass bike/elliptical combo

Never hardly used any of it

Ceiling is too low to use pull-up bar on rack but could probably put barbell weighted down on j-hooks and just hold my lower legs up behind me for pull-ups???

What's a good plan to get in shape and not hurt myself with what I have?

Won't go to normal gym because I have bad anxiety about people watching me while I do shit.

Seems like its more of a motivation issue than gear issue.

You could just do 5x5 benchpresses/deadlifts/squats/ohp

Basically just starting is more important than having a plan that hits all your specific needs. Most people drown themselves in unnecessary info and get lost in it when all that comes with time spent doing it.

Don't overwhelm yourself. Small steps.

Yeah, it is. But now that I'm unemployed I figure what better time than now to turn a new page on my physical appearance/health, and I hope in doing so that it'll improve my mental health as well. So is 5x5 all 4 of those lifts every other day or 3 days a week or do you split it?

Also I'll have to do seated overhead because of low ceiling. Is that safe?

>Implying I don't blast CRJ as well
>Implying I don't blare How Deep Is Your Love
Get on my level

user you better be talking about the beegees