What is the most common reason for women not being able to get a boyfriend?

What is the most common reason for women not being able to get a boyfriend?

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Being fat is prob the highest one.

Her standards being far higher than her value
>being a 3/10 and still holding out for a 9/10 guy as if she herself were also a 9/10

I have never seen a fat girl have much trouble getting a BF unless she was also a piece of absolute trash as a person too

>not being able to
this is where you messed up, OP. every woman on the planet is able to get a boyfriend. they're just lost inside their own heads trying to wait to find the best she can attract.

being stranded in the middle of the ocean, other than that, there's never a woman unable to get a boyfriend

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Too high standards and rejecting everyone.

My fat 4/10 ugly-face (female) cousin changes boyfriends every few weeks or months since years. At 18 she had like 7-8 and none of the guys was less than a 7.

Most were 8/10.

She reallt is not a hottie.
- Fat
- Bad skin
- wears tons of Make up
- so retarded she failed a year
- jew-nose

And her family is not even rich, her father died and that spoiled shit has her mom work 3 jobs so she can have a new apple product every year...

Would you remember a woman that couldn't?


origami Oregon

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Not leaving the house
but even then they can easily find a bf through discord or whatever normalfags use now

Also for any of you """fembots""" thinking that she's just being exploited or some thit or cheated on... no...

When my Grandma visited her last time she went into her room. Uppon being asked what she si doing she answered

"I'm cleaning my room."

Her idea of cleaning her room is sitting laying on her bed while telling her boyfriend how he is supposed to do the cleaing.

I'm just fucking impressed by how she is fucking pulling in more benefits than a stacy while being uglier than more for the """fembots""" here.

>What is the most common reason for women not being able to get a boyfriend?
For me its ugliness and my mental limitations.

The only reason they have is that all the Chads are temporarily unavailable.

i reckon being a dyke would make it harder.

Obese or insane.

For men it could literally just be existing

Fat chicks put out. Thats why she had so many boy friends. I wouldn't expect socially retarded robots to get this.

High standards. Men are willing to settle to get laid, women aren't.

Getting pumped and dumped from bad boys
Being fat
Waiting for Chad
Mentally ill

But at the end of the day, any women can get a bf whenever they want. Literally any women. Any time.

There are just way to many lonely men out there.

To be honest, and this is something I'm just starting to recognize as an adult. Average Men are savages, disrespectful, egotistical, selfish, two faced jerks. And this could be said for women too, I think it's more of a societal problem with how we choose to view ourselves. Who honestly loves themself in this day and age? Its fucking difficult man, I tried saying it honestly to myself in the mirror not too long ago and i shit you not it took me an hour and a half. But how can anyone else love you if you dont love yourself? Women are creatures that are soft and based on intuition, they are looking to be nurtured and protected. Most men these days can't even do that, not in the ways they should.

>Who honestly loves themself in this day and age? Its fucking difficult man, I tried saying it honestly to myself in the mirror not too long ago and i shit you not it took me an hour and a half.

I didn't love myself in the mirror until I started working out. Now I masturbate to my reflection.

Gnarly dude, but love is passive in nature my man. Remember to love yourself and not your ego, why do you workout in the first place? To better your health, or better your image? Chicks can dig a guy that is comfortable in his skin, but being well groomed vs being compulsive are two completely different things.

Idk generally, but for me it has always been the clash of interests. The most engaging conversations I had with older men, but 10+ years age gap would be too big atm.

There is no reason why a woman can't get a boyfriend. Even """fembots""" who post here only post here for the attention. They NEVER answer anyone who wants to go out with them.

The only problem women have is that 100% of women aim for the top 10% of men so it's not like they can't get a boyfriend, they're just looking for something that isn't likely to happen.

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So you simply reject all the younger ones for not being engaging and all the older ones because of vagine instincts.



I think that femanon is just looking at mental maturity, which really cannot necessarily be translated to physical maturity at all even though there is a correlation. After a certain point it really is just a matter of finding the right one, not scouring for a particular age group or something.

If you lose the fat, I'll be your BF. ngl.

>tfw the only woman who was ever attracted to me was an 8 who went for a 6 because she felt like a 4

In my experience because I'm asexual and trans, which puts off 90% of people.
The other 10% I'm searching through seems to be mostly really angrily misogynistic, alt-right, or just have a complete lack of social skills. (Last person I dated dropped an N-bomb meeting my parents for the first time)

I just want a cute person to game with and cuddle.

Being chosey about that thing still means she's chosey.

uhh honey, he asked about women

Yup! I am a woman.

> asexual so no possibility for sex literally ever
> trans so you're gay anyway if you like Xyr
> feminist because complains about misoginy
> SJW because complains about """Nazis"""
> nigger, literally an ape-human

> Still fucking get's dates.
> Still get's to be in a relationship with them long enogh to meet parents.
> mfw. going trans is viable because of how fucking powerful female privilige is.

In the OP's case he is referencing biological women.

usually either fat or shitty personality.

although the both that i mentioned can get a bf but usually its either a shit relationship or the male partner is naive and dumb as fuck

>Calling me a feminist because I don't think women deserve to be shat on
>Calling me an SJW cause I don't think either extreme is good (Alt-Left is just as annoying)
>I'm white dumbass, she just shouldn't have said that shit.

She was the first person I'd ever dated that long.
She's trans too, so it's not like "oh my god you found some qt cis girl"
OP said nothing about biology

You think you can live with someone you don't even like for the rest of your life?

Not a girl, but it's because most guys are shit. The good news for you miserable breeders is you have it on easy mode past 30 if you manage to not be shit, because your competition is trash, dating younger, and dying from terrible diets.

Yes... you do?
Not like fucking arragen marriages and marriages out of convenience (random pregnancy) were the most common for all of history.

All love slowly dies, you need resolve and hard work to keep a marriage working.

It's obvious that he was talking about biological girls because he knows that 99% of males to females fail the transition and create people that look like obese drag queens that are balding which would be unappealing to men and women alike and will only find comfort in other failures

I strongly disagree with the 99% statistic, but sure, there are lots of men in dresses out there. I'm not one of them. I'm actually pretty cute, I'm really lucky. Some Chad even asked me to party with him, which I quickly declined.

Prove it, and 99% is a bit much but its in the 90% ranges.

For me, it's definitely my mental health issues paired with having severe physical defects that will take years and money to fix.

I'll meet you in the middle and say sixty percent, or seventy-five if you're saying they have to be cute, and not just look like a girl.
Even if it wasn't against the ruurus I wouldn't post a facepic.

I'm sorry to hear that original oregano oregon :(

Standards higher than their looks.

being really ugly, having severe mental issues or never going outside and lacking a social live. pretty much the same reasons as people on this site

Living completely isolated without any means of communication.

Men are shallow shitheads

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And those who aren't are boring non-Chads. :^)

If she got on the treadmill I could see dating her, those milkers have potential

not existing in the only reason

>that thing gets approached
time to end myself

Her lipstick is god awful just sayin

Sometimes I see ugly or fat girls with 10/10's and I die inside. I wouldn't even want to touch beautiful men because I'd be so unworthy feeling and I'd feel gross in their presence.

probably being fat but going after skinny/fit guys.

Sorry, Debbie Cakes, go after someone your own BMI.

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Same as for men: not being good enough to attract the people you're attracted to.
They'd rather have loneliness than the beta cucks, creeps and autists that they have a chance with, just as we'd rather have loneliness than the uggos and landwhales we have a chance with.

And you see ugly men with 10/10 girls all the time. Your point being?

For me, it is this.
If I'm honest, I am a woman and I am obese, in fact my BMI is 37. So I am fat. Yet I cannot find a fat man attractive. In fact they disgust me. So, I pursue much thinner men.

Of course, I am a virgin, because I am always rejected. The last time I hit on a man (3 years ago) he was a skinny guy, like a fucking beanpole, and I thought I had a chance by hitting on him. I was less fat then my BMI was only 34 so I looked great IMO. Anyway he looked me straight in the eyes and said 'sorry, i may be a skeleton, but I don't need my own cow to get calcium for my bones' and walked off. That was it for me, I don't even try anymore, in fact I am aiming for a 50 BMI.

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>ugly motherfuckers can have sex with 10/10s but I never will
It's a soul-crushing feel.

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Post your body, wanna fap to it. We'll see if we can get boners

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well ok user

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Can't get a boner, honestly. I think you should lose weight because it is good for you.

Shame the author's name is blurred out.

>he didn't beat cheeks despite being handed an 8
God obviously is smiting you at this point.

I tried to have sex with a girl like this. I have no idea why, they ALWAYS smell bad. Like terrible body odor.


top kek

There are 10/10s working as prostitutes.

He sounds like a faggot anyway. If someone said that near me I'd cringe.

there are definiteIy not

Not for your buget poorfag

I ask myself that question everyday.
I'm not fat, but i'm kinda ugly and disgusting.
Honestly its all my fault, my personality is absolute shit and i cant even talk to boys irl

cant honestly tell if a troll or not because I've seen genuine fatties with this attitude

They themselves being fat and calling fat men disgusting but they cant understand that they are also disgusting.

They at first try to lose weight drop a tiny bit while still being obese and they get the feel good factor. they think this is enough again deluding themselves into thinking they attractive goddesses. when it doesnt work again they double down on fat positvity (for females only obviously because fat men are disgusting) it's quite sad the only potential partners they will have are people who see them as a fetish.

The comment from the skinny guy sounds like something I'd hear a fat girl make up and how she snapped back and the whole bus clapped

also I've found from personal experience fat women(obese) to be more entitled

Of course there are you idiot. I have fucked a few.

>having to pay for natural human interaction that everyone else experiences for free
Might as well kill yourself at that point.

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you'd be surprised the amount of money people pay for sex. Sometimes its just up front and others its overtime. You think girls don't try to take Chad's money too? He's just become immune to it or pays the absolute minimum(alcohol).

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>Ugly (1-3/10)

>someone isn't attracted to an ugly dude

More news at 11.

Just because you're fat doesn't mean you stop thinking attractive people are attractive. I'm not going to find some gross fat fuck attractive just because I am a gross fat fuck.

I'm not one of those girls who thinks I deserve a hot guy though. It would be nice to find someone who really loves me for me, but I think looks are important. I wouldn't even want to present my self to my ideal partner unless I was how I wanted to look as well.

But anyway, I think it's dumb to think fat people should be attracted to other fat people. That doesn't even make sense.

I think there should be a standard, and I don't want it to be fat people.

Chad goes to prostitutes and pays for them if they are 10/10s. Stop trying to distort reality.

anyway that's why I'm probably going to die alone unless I can become attractive because I know looks are important. At least, they would be in my ideal relationship and unless I can measure up, which I don't right now, I don't even want to be in a relationship.

Youre a man!

Pic related

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Being fat and disgusting, or being such a psycho cunt or insufferable bitch that her reputation is legendary or anyone who meets her leaves shortly after.

if she has a large inferiority complex, depression and never leaves her room

Chad being busy that weekend

Just lose wright if you want a bf, you fucking landwhale. Thankfully you'll kill yourself off with a heart disease anyway at this rate.

Naw. If you're gonna pick a pokemon to compare me to, pick the obvious /vp/ choice. Trannyseal.
If I had to pick one, though, I'd probably go for Mimikyu.

u described my reasons

I know there are nice guys who could accept me, but i dont know how i can find them

and probably we would hurt ourselves

>I have a COCK why don't boys like me tee hee

Would you rather date a 7/10 with a dick or ?

Fuck off with that "teehee im too dumb" shit.

Or you could not be a fat disgusting pile of triglycerides and actually take action to improve your physical health and appearance?

They reject everyone who isn't Gandy tier, but at the same time they are a 6 at best and the top males can afford to never aim lower than a 8 (without make up).

Wow, I never thought of that. Thanks for the info asshat.

and I'm not going to kill myself because having a bf isn't even my top priority and even if it was, I'd just lose weight. My heart is fine by the way and I'm healthier than I've been in literal years.

Unlike you, I still actually have some self-esteem and you can't pull the delusional landwhale bullshit because I don't even want to be a landwhale and know I look gross and want to lose weight. That's how I know I'm not a pathetic piece of shit like you who only hate on fat girls with delusions of grandeur because it's like looking in a mirror.

Neither because I can do better than both, and in the absence of something better I'd rather be alone than bang a turbo fatty or a homo. Life isn't a binary choice fag.

the boy had some damn good sense of humor

Turning down the 20 men per day who ask her out OR being very severely disabled

>I still actually have some self-esteem
>I don't even want to be a landwhale and know I look gross and want to lose weight
Clearly you have no self-esteem or it never would have reached this point. Also, stop spreading mixed messages, because in an earlier post you said you are aiming for a BMI of 50. Which is it, fatty?

yeah instead of losing weight and actually working to get your life together, you cry and try and become more obese. you don't deserve compassion, and in fact you should kill yourself. I am being unironical and serious, you're worse than any male robot present here. and it seems like you will never change, too, so do the society a favor and cease your existence.

That wasn't even me, the first post I made in this thread was this
and I do have some self-esteem, I never said I had the best self-esteem, can you into math brainlet? I was very depressed and hated myself, that's how I got to this point. Now I'm getting over it and getting my health and life back in order. Maybe you should do the same and stop being such a miserable fuck to other people just because your own life sucks.

I can relate to people who hate themselves, but I will never be okay with people who take out their issues on others. Fuck off and lift some weights and maybe Stacey will look your way one day.

What do you think about fat positivity?
why isnt it extended to fat guys(from general observation)?
why do they feel entitled to slim men?

why are they offended/enraged to incel levels when average men dont find them attractive or have standards (as they do)

>and want to lose weight
I hope what ever your weight loss plans are that they go well/ meet your desired goal