Why does the government say that steak and butter and bad for you
Why does the government say that steak and butter and bad for you
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Didn't get this pyramid debunked several times already?
Because in the 1950s President Eisenhower had a heart attack. It was big news so people started researching more about heart attacks. A guy named Ansel Keys conducted a study that looked at a bunch of countries and how much saturated fat they ate and how many heart attacks they had. He published the study and the results showed that countries that ate a lot of saturated animal fat had the most heart attacks. It was attributed to the fact that saturated fat raises cholesterol. Having high cholesterol was considered the reason why people had heart attacks.
People debated these facts for a while but in the 1970s the government decided to official confirm Ansel Keys' Lipid Hypothesis. Since then people have been instructed by the Government to eat low fat.
But Ansel Keys was full of shit. He didn't have the actual data that confirmed his Hypothesis and published his results anyways leaving out countries that didn't fit into his theory.
Literally 1 man fucked up how we eat for 40 years because he wanted the credit for figuring out why the President had a heart attack.
Because idiotic fat fucks that die in their fifties from heart disease need to be treated like children.
Not exactly a conspiracy.
Unironically this
Because fat fuckers eat a ton of meat and dairy and end up as a fucking massive burden on the health care and insurance industry.
So the government follows the advice given to them by the majority of nutrition scientists, who know more about nutrition than some retards on a Mongolian throat singing board.
Too much saturated fat is correlated with, if not a direct cause of, an increased rate of cardiovascular disease.
Having them in small amounts is okay. Eating like a fat pig an American is not
Cringe at actually believing this. There is so much evidence that high cholesterol causes heart disease these days that thinking it all stems from one guy is cringeworthy as fuck.
>government follows the advice
What magic land do you live in where the government isn't a burocratic hellhole that disregards any advice given to it in an instant?
This is a fairy tale you read in low carb diet books. It has no basis in fact.
explain how italy is the healtiest country in the world despite eating a shitton of carbs+little red meat then
Cholesterol binds to sites of inflammation. Having "high cholesterol" is a symptom of being chronically inflammed.
Little to no sugar consumption.
>Italy is the healthiest country in the world
source lmfao please
>little red meat
This is an anglo meme derived from thinking all italians eat nothing but pizza & pasta.
if i had to guess though, it'd be more to do with god tier med climate and a strong social environment, low stress
>source lmfao please
stay mad nordcuck
>This is an anglo meme derived from thinking all italians eat nothing but pizza & pasta.
nigga i'm italian and i usually eat pasta 5+ times a week. proof: internationalpasta.org
using Jow Forums logic i should be overweight and yet i never went over 15% bf even when i didn't train
Ok so tell me how high cholesterol causes heart disease? I know why you think it does, but I don't think you do.
>falling for the salt is bad for you meme
Reminder that before fridges, people used to preserve everything in salt, yet rarely anyone died of heart attack back then.
The (((government))) wants you to be sick and die without reproducing. It's called white genocide. That's why the (((government))) gives free food to blacks, tells you to eat bread and soya food and Starve to death.
High cholesterol causes chronic inflammation, not the other way around
Read up ^
yeah because unless you were the 0,1% you couldn't overeat
wow you eat pasta so everyone has to eat it too.
Italien cusine is rich on olive oil, fish, seafood, dairy and fatty meat.
Congress wants you weak, controllable, and in need of medication.
>Because fat fuckers eat a ton of meat and dairy
Please commit suicide the entire Mongol Horde ate nothing but meat and dairy and they were the fittest assholes on the planet.
>the government wants everyone to be useless and unproductive so they can lose trillions of dollars via medicaid
Yeah, that makes sense
Those fat fucks never got off their horses
They're not losing anything. You are. Most of Congress set their sights on China taking over a long time ago; and in any case neglecful misrule is the order of the day.
>the government's selling us all to the chinese!
Keep digging.
Because the government's job isn't keeping you healthy. It's keeping you alive and functional in the cheapest manner possible for as long as you can contribute to it.
I'll never understand people who actually believe a government cares.
>clearly not in English
typical tinfoilposter
So when they say to stop eating mcdonalds and eat some vegetables, they're really trying to make money and keep you unhealthy?
>eating a shitton of carbs
They don't. The whole "pasta as a complete meal" thing is an American meme, which has been reinforced by tourists demanding such meals when visiting the country.
Pastas are meant to be served as a second dish (preceded by antepasto, which consists mostly of salumi, which is red meat) before a meal that consists of mostly vegetables and a protein.
I agree with you half way. The government sees us as no more than pigs in their slaughter house to be exploited for their pleasure, profit and power.
I think they make and keep us sick, because they have become addicted to the bribes from big medicine and big pharma. (((They))) also want whites to die out, Joe biden has said this openly without the slightest shame......keep whites sick and infertile while importing and feeding millions of non whites is accomplishing white genocide at a breathtaking pace.
Are you this much of a tool or are you simply incapable of thinking more than one step? They need you healthy enough to work, and being a 300 tub o' lard hitting up Mickey D's ain't gonna cut it. Once they get you fit enough to sit in a cubicle and type away, they don't care anymore.
Because most people are fat fucks who, at most, do light cardio for exercise. The generalized food pyramid isn't made for people on SS+GOMAD.
That's the national library of medicine, you div. Any and all research that has been through peer review and published in a science journal is going to be on there. If you're getting info from a source that isn't that source, you're not getting credible information and might as well make up your own explanation from scratch of how everything works because it won't be based on anything anyway.
>I know it's true cuz the gubbamit said so!
Thinking research on NIH is "da gubbmint telling lies" is like thinking your ISP personally runs every website on the internet.
Yup, and I also think the moon landing was faked and the earth is flat. Might as well throw in as many strawmen as you can
Jow Forums is a combination of the most stupid people I've seen.
2018 and there are still people that cant accept the fucking fact that saturated fat and cholesterol is bad for you.
Oh, I'm sorry. What was your argument then, if you could remind us please? I wouldn't want to misrepresent you and unfairly imply that you were retarded enough to see a link to a study in the national library of medicine and think that because the national library of medicine is a government institution that the independent research paper in its archive was government propaganda. That would be really, really fucking dumb of you, and I wouldn't want to make you appear that fucking stupid. So please, if you would. The floor is yours.
McDonald's will keep you alive and won't necessarily make you morbidly obese or unable to work, especially a desk job. It'll even shorten your lifespan in what would normally be your retirement years, so a huge plus there. It should be the government's favorite food to push on people, right?
>No government institution could ever knowingly promote propoganda!
Because this is a diet for an average norman not powerlifter who goes to the gym to lift heavy shit 6 days a week
because you're a mutt
Again, it's the national library of medicine. Every paper from every science journal (not government entities) are archived there. To repeat, thinking it's government propaganda is like thinking all the posts on Jow Forums are made by Comcast.
Except they're not. Grains are bad for you.
Why do keto shills pretend any fat person has ever followed the food pyramid?
Because they don't even know what the food pyramid suggests. They think it says you should eat 0 fat and lots of sugar.
There is no logical reason for someone who has access to pastoral animals to eat the whole berries of a grass.
>thinking it's government propaganda is like thinking all the posts on Jow Forums are made by Comcast
With no evidence to present, my "nope" overpowers your "yes"
i eat pasta as a single dish like everyone else but sure, you probably know better than me. wait, do you honestly think everyone has time for antipasto primo e secondo after a working day?
High carb diets were used in the Soviet for torturing in order to break the mind of the subject.
What's that paranoid rambling supposed to be?
You don't have to disagree with Ancel Keys, but the man was a good scientist and didn't just pull his hypothesis out of his ass. Show a little respect for a man who was clearly your intellectual superior.
Ignore it, user. Nobody ever lies to anyone else, especially not massive, bloated institutions.
They didn't have long lifespans though. Mongolians and Central Asians suffer from cardiovascular disease due to their diet as well you know.
Because it raises your testosterone. Toxic masculinity is literally poison for society
Salt doesn't cause heart disease, but it can lead to other issues.
Incel Kys, satan
Which is mostly millet, sorghum, and barley. Grains.
No it doesn't you fucking jew
In the cited paper are 143 other research papers, all also archived on pubmed. Those research papers all cite many other research papers, all archived on pubmed. How deep does the rabbit hole go, do you reckon? How many scientists are in on this expensive conspiracy to make hundreds of thousands of bogus research papers just to cite other bogus research papers and fool their way into presitigous medical journals, in order to make a quick buck for president Trump? This could be huge
Yet almost every pastoral population has done so as a supplement to their diet.
Mongols were the exception, not the rule. Most pastoral populations eat things like bread or some sort of porridge, after trading with farmers or doing a small amount of their own cultivation.
And why eat grains? They're a good source of glucose, manganese, magnesium, silica... things lacking on an animal based diet.
Don't forget fiber.
Lol, citation needed.
Testosterone is made of cholesterol and steak and butter are great sources for it.
Settle down, user. There's no way a huge group of people could simultaneously promote the same disinformation all at once. That's literally never happened before.
"You don't have to agree"
Forget the dis-, I fucked that sentence up.
Lol no.
Another population that have historically been documented to subsist almost exclusively on a diet derived from grass-fed, free-ranging animals are the largely nomadic Mongolians. John of Plano Carpini who visited the Mongols in the mid-13th century noted:
[The Mongols] have neither bread nor herbs nor vegetables nor anything else, nothing but meat… They drink mare’s milk in very great quantities if they have it; they also drink the milk of ewes, cows, goats and even camels.28
Smith reviewed the literature regarding the health of the Mongols from the 13th century and noted that a number of unfavorable cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity and gout were both common disorders. Smith went on to state:
Cardio-vascular problems, although not then subject to diagnosis, may be suspected as well.29
In 1925, Kuczynski reported on the nomadic pastoralists of the Kirghiz and Dzungarian Steppes in Central Asia and northern China that were of Mongolian descent. Similar to the observations of the diet of the nomadic Mongols of the 13th century, Kuczynski observed that these nomadic pastoralists subsisted almost exclusively on enormous quantities of meat and milk from grass-fed, free-ranging animals. Other authors have also come to the same conclusions regarding the composition of the diet of the nomadic pastoralists of the Central Asian Steppes. For example, Tayzhanov asserted:
…the people [of the steppe] lived exclusively on meat, fat and sour milk. Bread was added only later and even then some households did not adopt or consume this food.30
Similarly, Barfield asserted:
In good legendary style, the pure Central Asian nomads eat only meat, marrow, and milk products {preferably ferments}. They despise farmers, farming, and grain…31
These findings suggest that the diet of these nomadic pastoralists of the Central Asian Steppes was almost exclusively animal based, virtually devoid of grains, legumes and refined carbohydrates. This should make these populations also suitable to study the hypothesis that naturally raised animal foods protect against cardiovascular disease. However, not only did Kuczynski observe that these nomadic pastoralists suffered from high rates of obesity and gout similar to the Mongols of the 13th century, Kuczynski's observations further extended to the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and other dietary related disorders. Kuczynski asserted:
They get arteriosclerosis in an intense degree and often at an early age as shown by cardiac symptoms, nervous disordes, typical changes of the peripheral vessels, nephrosclerosis and, finally, apoplectic attacks. Even in men thirty-two years old I frequently observed arcus senilis.32
It was also observed that in the 1960s the prevalence of coronary heart disease among the nomadic pastoralists in Xinjiang in northern China who consumed large quantities of animal fat from grass-fed, free-ranging animals was more than seven times higher than that of other populations both within Xinjiang and throughout China which consumed significantly less animal fat.33 These observations support the suggestion that cardiovascular disease was common among the Mongols of the 13th century who subsisted almost exclusively on a diet based on grass-fed, free-ranging animals.
Estrogen is also made from cholesterol.
And cholesterol can be produced endogenously.
All of this
In the 1920’s, Kuczynski reported on the nomadic plainsmen of the Kirghiz and Dzungarian Steppes in Central Asia and estimated that they consumed an astonishing 20 liters of fermented mare’s milk, and between 10 to 20 pounds (4.5 to 9kg) of meat per day.1 2 Lack of systematically documented dietary data however suggests that these findings could have been slightly overestimated, as evidently has been the case for early researcher's estimates of the Masai's intake of milk, meat, cholesterol and total energy.3 Nevertheless, these nomadic plainsmen consumed enormous quantities of organic pasture raised animals foods, perhaps among the largest ever documented.
Kuczynski noted that these nomads, evidently largely as a result of their diet experienced a high incidence of obesity, premature extensive atherosclerosis, contracted kidney, apoplexy, arcus senilis, and gout.4 5 In specific, Kuczynski asserted that:2
> They get arteriosclerosis in an intense degree and often at an early age as shown by cardiac symptoms, nervous disordes, typical changes of the peripheral vessels, nephrosclerosis and, finally, apoplectic attacks. Even in men thirty-two years old I frequently observed arcus senilis.
Kuczynski compared the diet and health of these nomadic plainsmen with Russian peasants, who had an apparent low incidence of these conditions while consuming a vastly different diet. Their diet was based on soup, bread, pickles, potatoes, with very little meat, but consumed large amounts of alcohol.5 In comparison to the nomadic plainsmen, Kuczynski asserted in regards to these Russian peasants that:2
> Repeatedly I found at the age of about seventy years no signs of arteriosclerosis, no arcus senilis, etc.; they were men of youthful appearance, with no grey in their still abundant growth of hair, and with their sexual functions still intact.
Perhaps if Sisson would only visit a Mongolian Barbeque restaurant he would observe a meaty diet that is not only largely comparable with his recommendations, but also with the traditional diet of the nomadic pastoralists of Mongolia, Central Asia and northern China. It has been observed however that many of these nomadic populations who subsist largely on pasture raised animal foods have high rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease, and this has been frequently associated with their meaty diets.90 91 92 Some of these observations were made at least as far back as ninety years ago.
In the 1920s, it was observed that the nomadic pastoralists of the Kirghiz and Dzungarian Steppes in Central Asia and northern China subsisted almost exclusively on enormous amounts of fermented mare’s milk and meat from pasture raised animals. Not only was a high rate of obesity observed, but also high rates of premature extensive atherosclerosis, contracted kidney, apoplexy, arcus senilis, and gout. These pastoralists were often observed to suffer from complications related to cardiovascular disease even in their early thirties. In contrast, their urban counterparts who based their diet on soup, bread, pickles, and potatoes with very little meat were observed to be slim, free of cardiovascular disease and had very good health, even into their seventies when they were still sexually active.
thank god someone has a brain. i don't get how half the posters in this thread managed to solve the captcha
It was observed that in the 1960s the rates of coronary heart disease of the nomads from Xinjiang in northern China who largely subsisted on pasture raised animal foods was more than 7 times higher than that of other populations both within Xinjiang and throughout China which had a much lower intake of animal fat.93 These findings from non-industrialized populations in Asia are compatible with the observations of a high rate of cardiovascular disease among the Inuit populations whose staple is marine animals.94 In 1940, based on decades of clinical practice and his review of reports of medical officers dating all the way back to 1838, Bertelsen, who is considered the father of Greenland epidemiology stated in regards to the mortality patterns among the Greenland Inuit that:
> ...arteriosclerosis and degeneration of the myocardium are quite common conditions among the Inuit, in particular considering the low mean age of the population.
Saturated fats and butter are actually bad for your heart
It's a meme to make morons think they're onto "what they don't want you to know" to say they're not
Basically the online fitness community dismisses all research that indicates fat can be bad for you as "90s momscience" automatically
The whole "Traditional Diets" section of this website is really valuable.
It compares the diets of a large number of different cultures and places, and using older observations too, so you can't blame creeping modernity to the same extent, nor post Ancel Keys/lipid hypothesis bias.
The site itself clearly has plant-based bias, but you can't say that of the sources he uses for traditional diets, and in any case, his beliefs are well argued and would provide a good "sharpener" for any one who follows low carb or a similar diet philosophy.
>Inb4 shill
Yeah fucking too right I'm shilling mate
If you'd blame wheat/grains, you'd do well to follow this section on the Bedouin as well:
There had been a considerable amount of research carried out in regards to diet and the health of populations within the greater Asia region that consumed a semi-vegetarian diet based largely on wheat. Examples include the Arab Bedouins and Yemenite Jews, both of which traditionally consumed on average more than 500 grams of bread per day.95 These populations are known for their exceptionally low rates of coronary heart disease and obesity when following their traditional wheat based diet. Perhaps the largest consumers of wheat that there is considerable data available for are the Bedouins from southern Israel. The great majority of the dietary intake of the traditional Bedouins comes from wheat, typically in the form of full-grain bread, which is especially the case for the poor who eat very little else. It was estimated that the Bedouins traditionally consumed on average 750 gm, or the equivalent of 25 slices of full-grain bread per day.95
The traditional Bedouins had many dietary traits besides an extremely high intake of whole-grain wheat that are considered by advocates of Low-Carb and Paleo diets as being primary causes of obesity and the so-called ‘diseases of civilization’, including diabetes and coronary heart disease. For example sugar intake was observed to be modestly high, a trait comparable to that of the populations in Colombia, Cuba and Venezuela who have traditionally had among the highest rates of per capita sugar consumption in the world and low rates of coronary heart disease mortality.96 97
It was estimated that dietary cholesterol intake was only 53 mg/day and saturated fat was less than 3% of caloric intake, suggesting that animal foods as a whole contributed very little to the Bedouins diet. Meat was consumed only about once per month, and virtually never eaten by the poor. Similarly egg and especially fish intake was very infrequent, although animal milk is frequently consumed. Fat intake only contributed to about 11% of total caloric intake, with a relatively low intake of omega-3 fat and a high ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fat. Vitamin A intake was very low, and for the many women who virtually never exposed their skin outside, blood concentrations of vitamin D would have likely been on the low side.96
It has been documented that diabetes and heart attacks were all but entirely absent in the traditional living Bedouins which had an average serum cholesterol of 4 mmol/l (155 mg/dl), and that the great majority of the population were exceptionally lean by western standards, both in terms of weight and skin thickness.96 98 The rates of inflammatory bowel disease were also considered to be very low.99 The few Bedouins that were observed to be obese were exclusively the wealthier elderly who rarely even walked. Being a semi-nomadic population that largely relied on walking as a means of transport, exercise has been suggested as one explanation for their exceptional low rates of obesity. However, many of the women were forced to stay inside their tents all day allowing for little exercise, yet these women with almost no exceptions were slim and free of vascular disease.96
Because most 'people's diets comprise of 90% carbs. Adding fat and protein onto that is retarded. High fat/protein diets are really only good if you have a very low carb intake.
These fuckers will die either way though, so whatever. Keto is life.
Researchers believe that it is the Bedouins small appetite that partly contributed to their exceptional leanness.96 Considering that about 90% of caloric intake was derived from full-grain wheat suggests that the wheat consumed was not a low satiety food, nor was it fattening. This hypothesis is consistent with the findings from a recent review of 38 epidemiological studies that found suggestive evidence that whole-grain bread intake favorably influences body weight.100 Similarly, a number of controlled experiments found suggestive evidence that wheat bread assists with satiety and weight loss in low-calorie diets.101 102 103 In addition, a recent large systematic review found that whole-grain cereals and bread are associated with a significantly decreased risk of colorectal cancer, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.104
One clear downside of the Bedouins traditional diet was a very low intake of fruits and vegetables. Although an increased intake of fruits and vegetables would likely have helped to prevent a number of potential vitamin deficiencies and improved overall health, it is clear that the traditional Bedouins were very slim and had very low rates of diabetes and heart disease despite consuming a diet that Sisson considers as a primary cause of diseases of civilization.
Fucking americans
>be italian
>eat pasta and bread everyday + meat, condiments and fruit everyday
>work while young, so little to no fat stored
>balloon up when 35+yo, whoever is already obese becames morbdly obese
>lots of people get diabetes during their 40s
>almost every old man/woman is a landwhale
Saluti from Italy
>Because most 'people's diets comprise of 90% carbs
The average American diet is about 50% carbs. How the fuck could you get 90% carbs from a diet so rich in fried foods, cheese, shortening and with a significant amount of meat?
Yup, too much olive oil and salumi.
See the effects of a wheat based diet without all the added fats here:
50% carbs is retarded. I'd consider 10% too much desu
If you really think carbs are the problem, a simple challenge would be name a food high in carbs that's bad for you, that's not also accompanied by a lot of fat
note this is basically the diet of the healthiest populations in the world e.g. skinny asians
Then you're retarded.
I can see the value in keto, especially short term, but that doesn't mean a high carb is necessarily unhealthy, it just utilises different metabolic pathways.
The healthiest populations on Earth eat a moderate to high carb diet. There are no comparable low carb populations. That's enough evidence for me to know that "high carb is bad, low carb is superior" is bullshit. That's not to say I'm wholly against low carb, but that it's benefits need to be seen in context, and that we should accept there is more than one way to health and that you can't blame a single macronutrient.
Quality of foods over quantity of macronutrients, please.
potresti voler dare una controllata alle statistiche compare. siamo pienamente sotto la media europea
This really is the core of it. When people think "carbs are fattening" they're mostly thinking of the latter. Yeah carbs are fattening in that context, but it's not the carbs being stored as fat, it's the fat you eat with them that is stored when your insulin is raised due to the carbs.
Lower your fat: little fat to store, linsulin sensitivity increases.
Lower your carbs: start burning fat, insulin lowered despite insulin resistance, and in fact the insulin resistance can be beneficial in this context
Both work for fat loss (when calorie controlled). Blaming carbs is brainlet tier. All needs to be seen in context.
Carb loving faggot enjoy your stomach cancer
>skinny asians
Cough Diabetes cough.