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ur w8 is my 1rpm
That bowl is like 200g so that's only 62g of sugar. Is this supposed to be informative?
>what is a tare
food scale CICO-lets utterly BTFO
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Looks like someone has never weighed their food before.
You do understand that even if you're a brainlet and are trying to factor in the bowls weight, that would mean that you would need about 4 times that amount if sugar to equal 263g, which would be even worse looking right
Ohhhh Jimmy Moore. You're the one that finally proved Keto was bullshit all along.
>80% mussel
Great, now I'm hungry
Imagine being such a fat lazy pile of scum you toss all your shit on some old person for your smoke break.
are you fucking retarded
Why does this picture always bring out the most retarded of people.
225 is still pleb w8 m8
Try one of my real heavy brother /fat/s on for size
>People STILL falling for the sugar bowl bait
Jesus Christ niggas
that's why you go to the gym
>not eating the bowl as well
Never gonna make it.
B-but neither of her bodies was good...
When you lower your standards, anything can be good
D-do I fit in yet guisee?!?!
That’s what we call C O P E, user.
Like what youre doing
why the hate? this person lost weight. good for them
Because most of fit are beta losers who projects thier insecurities in anything
Not an argument
>implying this is an argument
but it's funny, you fat fuck
There's been a lot of you apologists around these days, huh. I bet you post photoshopped fatties in the /wheyfu/ threads too, don't you?
t. U
This is exaggerated/fake right? How the fuck does she drink that much or fit in two whole loaves of bread in one day?
0x0=0 idiot
They basically eat every hour once their body digests enough so they can eat more
>95% carbs
carbs are truly evil
My meals basically have two rules and really helps against eating a shitload of carbs
>Every meal has a protein portion
>Every meal has a vegetable portion
I can eat chips or whatever as long as I eat them with some meat and vegetables. Helps me eat less junk since the protein and vegetables take up a lot of room
>does absolutely nothing to anyone
>hurrr apologist
>implying the fat content isn't the bigger worry
Post body
Post yours
Eat all day and night.
Sugar is not as bad as people claim. I work for Coca Cola and the recent anti sugar sediment is flustrating
>N-no u
Yep youre a fatty, unless you post a pic that proves otherwise
I mean back in the day niggas ate yuge amounts of bread
Granted that was often ALL they ate
>work for coca cola
cmon guy, that isnt helping your case
it would further cement my distrust in you to be frank
>high amounts of sugar is good for you!
t. coca cola
Coconut oil is very bad for you, too. You should buy more sunflower oil.
By the way, I own shares in a sunflower oil company, so that's how you know that I know what I'm talking about is trustworthy and factually accurate.
Coconut oil is bad for you though. It’s high in saturated fat
t. olive oil salesman
Honestly outside of /fph/ threads every kind of progress is well received on Jow Forums.
>had to sit across from a fat person eating their bodyweight in fast food
>they eat with their mouth open and sound as if they struggle to breathe while doing so
Absolutely rage inducing.
>he falls for counter bait
Lmfao you sound like a retard. This is the person giving weightloss advice on Jow Forums
Is this true? Been on OMAD for about 2 months. Eating way under my daily calories and I feel like I'm losing. Lost about 10ish lbs. But I was always worried about that in the back of my mind.
Bro it's real. Cut to 0 calories and after your body adapts your bmr will be 0 and you'll never have to eat again.
Slight OC
>be me
>otter mode
>live in tourist place
>public transport for work every day
>tourists galore
>the occasional hambeast to chuckle at
>spotted one with overhanging knee fupas just last week
>regularly spot boomers with dead eyes, a hambeast wife, and a couple of kids going the way of the hammy wife
>today two 300 pounders get on
>not be them, obviously
>they get off at my stop
>bumped one of them on purpose to get through
High bodyfat impacts the brain like nothing else, they're literally all retarded.
No one ever starves of hunger, that's just what the media wants you to believe. It's a huge fat shaming conspiracy.
t. full metal retard
I don't get it.... I can't hate someone trying to improve themselves
>80% mussel
She likes seafood, okay?!
Fat people are sick more often.
Other people have to pay for their health care.
Fat people do harm.
>She likes seafood, okay?!
That's what whales eat, no?
Requesting the one picture book edit about the dead mother
As you get lighter, weight loss will slow because you're burning less calories.
It takes less energy for a 250 lb person to walk around and get through their day than it does for a 300 lb person. The 300 lb person is burning more energy - they're carrying an extra 50 lb per step!
So over time you need to adjust. Either get mentally prepared to lose at a slower rate and/or exercise more and/or be ready to cut calories further
I bet you eat the plate when you bulk too faggot
>he doesn't buy paper plates and eat them when he's done for roughage
Enjoy your cancer I guess
>anti sugar sediment
seems all that sugar is having an effect on your brain, user
My weight is 128 lbs, so I don't realy have a reason not to belive you.
That's true. I weigh 300 right now. But I have a maintenance job. So some days I walk 15 to 20 miles in a foundry. Or some days I do nothing but sit at my desk and write code. So i go to the gym to compensate when i can between classes. It's just 60 hours a week and 2 classes makes me fucking exhausted from all that. I'm just worried I wont have the energy to get through the day sometimes. I need to get a good diet plan for three good meals I think.
Every time a fatty tells me they're just as healthy and can do anything a fit person can, I post this vid without comment. Can you imagine a landwhale tumbling through the air like this?
You're heavier than this guy. Get a fucking grip on your diet, jfc. Just admit that you're addicted to carbs. That 15 to 20 miles sounds like horseshit, but you're going to ruin your knees if you keep that up at your weight.
just think about how much sugar there would be if he took out the weight of the bowl
I actually have one of those bowls and weighed it myself. It weighs 324g, so we’re looking at -62g of sugar in that bowl.
you're a few dozen posts too late m8
>OMAD for 2 months
>Only lost 10lbs
They fuck are you eating for your one meal, senpai? I lost 5-10lbs a week doing OMAD and only stopped when I got my target weight.
I would 100% recommend this shit to anybody.
What if he zeroed out the scale first?
Real shit, why in the world does America recommend a person eat around 300g of carbs each day? That seems like way to fucking much.
Well I would hope the scale was at zero before he put the bowl of sugar on it or else this is all just a waste of time
You just admitted that you're a shill
You can see the great genetics buried in all that fat. What a waste
The one with the "queer socialist" sign had his peepee chopped off.
I do admit that. Cut back on a lot of that. Used to drink 3 20oz mt dews a day. Now none. Drink 2L of water. 15 to 20miles on a hard day, just walking. Nothing super intensive. Most days it's like 5. And it's in a 12 hour shift. So not all at once.i have to wear knee braces when I run. Because I'm a fat fuck. I'll watch the video after work.
I've finished my work 4 hours ahead of schedule and have nothing better to do than browse Jow Forums in the airport, also here's my shitty fatperson story from earlier
>waiting to board smaller propeller airplane, rows are 2 by 2, max capacity about 30
> captain advises the flight is fully booked but the cargo hold is basically empty
>requests people hand over their hand luggage for storage as the plane is too front heavy (legal reasons I think)
>need to wait an extra 30 minutes while they calculate the weight in the back
>family of hambeasts look at each other
>all other passengers look at hambeast family
I kekked
Post your body.
Have you ever been in the center aisle with obese guys on either side of you? I had to take a 4h flight for work last week, and even though that's relatively short it was LITERAL fucking hell.
>society conditions us to think smaller = better
We're just making fun of the weak willed and lazy user, there's no need to get upset
this meme is already stale
Had a flight last week with a stage 3 paiju next to me, only a 45 minute flight thankfully, the guy was basically oozing over on to my side
Seems like painfully obvious bait to me, you kids are getting dumber, must be all that fat
what the fuck do you think you're supposed to fill the rest of your day's macros with? or are you one of those idiots who thinks they need 150g+ of Protein a day?