Are crunches worth it? I was able to get myself up to 200 a day pretty easily...

Are crunches worth it? I was able to get myself up to 200 a day pretty easily, but they take so long to do and it seems like I keep hearing they're not ideal for your core.
What should I be doing?

Attached: goodform_l.jpg (404x297, 20K)

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Only crunch on a decline bench with a 45lb plate on your chest if you are gonna crunch, otherwise do hanging leg lifts or decline hanging leg lifts.
No leg swinging you stop before your feet get below you and do it until you might puke.
Activate your abs in other heavy compound lifts like bent over rows, deadlifts, squats, leg press. Crunches just waste time once you get to a certain point.

Sloping V Ups should demand a little more of you.

If you can do 200 you’re not doing them right

Do sit-ups but do them on this

Attached: 91B959C9-F506-4A4C-A069-CA9EB63A4029.jpg (700x700, 67K)

i prefer leglifts

This. If your abs aren't burning like hell after 10-15 reps you're just wasting time

do some, but do resistance training cable crunches

Alternatively, do these

Attached: E21A1634-C4D3-4704-8313-FB4B4E42F413.jpg (600x395, 24K)

heard they can fucked up your spine or some shit. why not do leg raises?

>Doing 5000 badly done whatever instead a set of properly weighted 5x5

>Fuck up your spine
Only if you do them like a retard

That's how fit usually does yeah.

Get an abwheel. Also, do weighted chinups.

Is this a meme? I did 100 situps in 2 mins as an armyfag...

If you're doing close to one a seconds your tempo is garbage and your form probably too.

Its 2k18
Squats and deadlifts barely activate your abs

It’s not a meme, you won’t be able to do many when you’re correctly 1) contracting just your front abdominals and 2) holding and squeezing at the top of the movement. It’s not actually a sit-up motion.

Related question: How can I make my lower abs more visible?

how come I never get that satisfying burn in my abs when doing proper crunches? I just can't bring myself up to do one after a while but with no burn. however if I do them wrong and just HNNNNGGGG my way through them it feels amazing afterwards.

V-ups and side planks are the Chad ab exercises.

Refute this.
>protip: you can't

rip your lower back my man.

lose weight

No meme, you should educate yourself before you hurt your spine
Same goes for OP
The only way to do crunches

Decline crunches are very bad for your spine

Aside from bad form on the situp, the other reason sit-ups and leg lifts can be bad for your back is they hit the hip flexors much harder than the abs and can cause imbalances.