Tips on debating/rhetoric

Let's share some practical tips on improving rhetoric when arguing with libs


>Liberal: "We can't do X, it goes against western values"

So you really believe that something opposition to the death penalty is a "western value"?

>Liberal: "Yes"

In that case, put it to a referendum. Cultural/civilizational values are something shared by a clear majority of the population.

Attached: libs2.png (875x467, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread: Macintyre.pdf

There is nothing contradictory about the two statements. The reckoning only applies to racists who are butthurt because a brown guy is walking with a white girl when he went out today.

kys incel

But its the modern liberals who go against western values, user.

You really think the majority of the west supports the death penalty?

Don't make a distinction. Liberalism always ends up where we are today. Any philosophy based on the idea the individual is some noble, atomized, paramount unit above the family was always going to produce this level of dysfunction. Locke and Mill are just as culpable as Rawls and Derrida.

That's a qualification you've added ex post facto to make yourself seem more consistent. Continue to seethe though.

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Yes, polls should clear majorities support capital punishment for crimes like child-killing and rape-murders. What sort of bubble do you live in? I'm genuinely interested, is it a particular part of some urban agglomeration, like Williamsburg in New York or Islington in London?

>butthurt because a brown guy is walking with a white girl when he went out today.

I don't think white guys are as butthurt as other races about this. Asian guys have turned their butthurt into a cottage industry that even gets its own little slice of scholarship (aspects of Asian-American studies) for example. That said, I think it's reasonable for white men to get angry seeing white women with non-white men.

We believe our women are the best, and people like you unconsciously agree with us about that. You also think our women are the best and most desirable. With this in mind, isn't it perfectly understandable why a white guy would get mad about seeing superior genetic stock watered down, or knowing that's one less white girl on the dating market for him?

You can bring up non-white women's preference for white men, but the truth is very few white men actually prefer non-white women, let alone want to settle down with them.

white women are the best

white """"men""" are not


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Try to simplify your points and keep them easy to understand and to be useful in arguments. If you do that, brainlets like me will be easy to persuade.

First off man, you're a pseud. Second, I have no idea who's ass you're pulling thus information out of or which Jow Forumstard shat it out onto a plate for you to conaume with gusto, but support for the death penalty is on the decline and the majority are against it.

>Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose Death Penalty for Overdose Deaths



>Support for Death Penalty in U.S. Falls to a 45-Year Low



>Support for Death Penalty at Lowest Level Since 1972

Pew Research Center


>Public Support for the Death Penalty Drops Below 50% for First Time in 45 Years

American Values Survey


>A majority of Americans prefer life without parole to the death penalty, according to the 2015 American Values Survey by the Public Religion Research Institute.

Put the thesaurus down and give your head a shake my guy.

>I don't think white guys are as butthurt as other races


I think most people want to kill anyone who does anything lewd with a kid or maybe even just thinks about doing it.

The reminds me of Quintin and the smoker

I'm not participating in your e-campfire though

Really? You think Western societies are the equivalent of say, Gulf Arab ones, where an Emirati woman can't even marry a non-Arab Muslim man without approval from tribal councils and the head of state in some cases?

All of those are responses to if you ask them in the abstract about the death penalty, if you start asking specific questions (e.g. "Do you support it in the case of child murder?") then clear majorities emerge.

Incidentally, what do you make of the argument that it's more of a severe and thus deserving punishment to sentence someone to life?

>will claim race mixing is bad unless it's a white male involved
Bullshit. White men are the harshest on other white men for not dating a white woman. If you're not white, you'll never understand the implicit pressure on us to date and marry other white women. The rest of you niggers, slopes and spics get praised for dating outside of your race by your family/friends, and seen as a success - at least if you're male. It's the complete opposite for us.

Such a weird thread so I'm gonna share some really good info that's hidden away by the Greeks
tldr - It is not enough to say the logical thing, but we must be persuasive, sophists.

I've got a couple of great books on kairos. It's something I've never heard of and I've read a lot, so I'm sure most of you won't have heard of it.

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Kairos fits into the Sophistic scheme of rhetoric in conjunction with the ideas of prepon and dynaton. These two terms combined with kairos are their keys to successful rhetoric. As stated by Poulakos, Prepon deals with the notion that "what is said must conform to both audience and occasion."[6] Dynaton has to do with the idea of the possible, or what the speaker is attempting to convince the audience of. Kairos in the Sophistic context is based on the thought that speech must happen at a certain time in order for it to be most effective. If rhetoric is to be meaningful and successful, it must be presented at the right moment, or else it will not have the same impact on the members of the audience.

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>white guys are not butthurt
>white guys are butthurt because nonwhites be stealin our women and causing me to be a virgin

>White men are the harshest on other white men for not dating a white woman. If you're not white, you'll never understand the implicit pressure on us
>x is true but i'm not going to provide an argument for it because of this convenient excuse i just made up

This is a redpill thread now

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Non gulfies BTFO'd

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That's right stay angry nigger hahahahaha

It is really quite ironic that poltards are using orwell quotes to prove their points

Your women are so easy to get.
Anyways thanks for the post men! When I bang my white blond fuck buddy I'll have this in mind as I cum buckets all over her white pure skin

>The rest of you niggers, slopes and spics get praised for dating outside of your race by your family/friends
Fucking retarded cracker

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If that tinder study thing was right then your comment is retarded also I can tell you now majority of men from other races (maybe not Hispanics) only see white women as short term partner so you don't have to worry about them taking white women forever.
>You also think our women are the best and most desirable
Your over rating white women way too much lad
>With this in mind, isn't it perfectly understandable why a white guy would get mad about seeing superior genetic stock watered down, or knowing that's one less white girl on the dating market for him?
Your joking right?

Read: Macintyre.pdf
Or for the hard of seeing:

If you complete this book you will be positioned to absolutely fucking flex on 99% of the planet in moral arguments. All of the rhetoric in the world counts for shit if your arguments aren't built on a sound foundation. Aristotelian/Thomistic/MacIntyrean thought is the final boss of moral philosophy. Literally nothing can defeat this school of thought.

When libtards try to debate me I just put them in my cringe compilation.

>ITT:OP shows his critical thinking skills
On a side note, do you actually support the death penalty?

>liberal debating on the basis of western values

No left leaning person is going to appeal to your dog whistle philosophy

If by western value you mean values held by people from Europe and America, then you can literally justify anything because at some point someone in America/Europe believed it.
If you need a clear majority then you're just arguing ad populum which isn't a good reason to follow anything.
Is this really peak conservative intellectualism?

OP your pics are a tier above ms paint comics, strawman harder next time.

The #1 tip is to do rather than to talk. Arguing never accomplishes anything. You don't like women? Then don't marry them. You don't like minorities? Then be a boss and don't hire them. Then again, I suppose robot losers aren't able to do either to any effect and that's why they argue.

Me, I dislike robot losers who hide behind their computer screens and talk trash. Instead of arguing with them, my solution is to date fembots because every fembot I date is a fembot who is out of the market for robots.

>Cultural/civilizarional values are something shared by a clear majority of the population
Not exactly. It's easy to think this way but it's more complex than this. The values of a given culture are not something that is decided by the immediate thoughts of the current generation. They are something that were formed by the past, current and future generations and their internal hierarchies. A simple approach to this: if you ask a family about their family values, who has the most say in the matter, the parents or the kids? Another argument to make is that western countries don't have direct democracy, meaning that western values aren't directly democratic either.

debate me on anything by the way, i will blow youer socks off with my intelligence