/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

Approved Intermediate Programs for PLG

>Bro Tier (must try hard and have sex)
5th Set (frequency isn't everything)
5/3/1 (non 2009 base template)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate (best for early intermediate)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (best in a good gym)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
TSA 9 Week
Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method 3-Day
Texas Method Trappy Version
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Heavy Light Medium (not a program, just a loose DUP template).
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 total Redditor)
Hepburn (8x2-3s)

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)

*all of these programs work (except PH3), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important

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Worship Totoro to lift more.

Attached: Totoro.jpg (800x600, 73K)

my arms definietly grow

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Eat a lot of protein.
Squat heavy.
Push heavy things.
Have sex.
Love life.

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>do 5th set
>8, 6, 5RM squat went up by a lot
>anything below that is the same as 4 months ago
Can't fool Hatfield's Laws.

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is there anyone in PLG who diddlies more than stefi besides the guy whose eyes pop out of his head when he's lifting?

stop spamming this obnoxious attention whore

i came to this yesterday, cheers for the reminder

Did you do the peaking mesocycle?

Be str8
Dont h8

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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how does she deadlift without gear, a bendy bar, straps and bumpers


4 months with no 1RM improvements is pretty lame, sorry to hear friendo. What do you think went wrong friendo?

The more I read up on 5th set, the more I think it's catered to the advanced and the very late intermediates.


5th set blog
Microcycle 3, Binch

• 5th Set 4x2@265 +amrap 9reps
• Feet Up CG Pin Press 2x15@155 (add 5)
• OHP 2x18@85 (>20 reps)
• BB Rows 3x12@145 (add 5)
• BPaps 2x35

Good session. Hit 9 for my amrap for third microcycle in a row. Body weight is holding steady. Upper body felt very inflated today.


310kg from the floor
340kg from a 2 inch block

u guys are full of shit. probably couldnt deadlift what she does at a heavier weight with all the stuff that you say helps her so much

If you can call that a "peaking cycle", first day was yesterday, straight to "finding 100% max single". I missed a rep with what I thought was less than 85% of my new 1RM based on estimates. Fuck, and I even thought I was lowballing it because of the doubles before AMRAP sets.

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You dont use bumpers or straps in a comp?

what the fuck do bumpers even matter if the weight is being lifted from a dead stop?

That doesn't sound like the peaking mesocycle. Aren't you supposed to work up to 100% on cycle 1, a bit over 90% on cycle 2, then some work at a t or 85% on cycle 3, then a taper week?

It matters if you're using a whippy bar.

i'm meming, but there are still dipshits who say "she pulled 600"
yeah she did for instagram with a noodle bar and bumpers

Why are you stressing over it? She's an attractive woman doing her thing. Just watch it, enjoy it, and you do your own thing

Wait, are the maxes you just got from the initial 1RM test he advises before the peaking cycle? Because if you've had no improvements there then that's not unexpected, the whole point is over the next month you strip the fatigue.


You're a fucking idiot

is there any kind of benefit to doing, say, 3 sets to failure of push ups as an accessory for a lacking chest? it seems kinda useless beyond a certain point.

I've heard that thrown out there by a few dudes who know what they're talking about, probably works for a while; give it a go.

I dont know if it will help with chest hypertrophy, but pushups are great for shoulder health and prehab.

Okay needle-dick, are you really that intimidated by her deadlift that you're going to get upset over a pretty legit pull that she did for Instagram?

beacuse you can only fit 325kg of bumpers on eleiko bar, similiar with this one, they took to much space

you are into boys, arent you?


Hardly anyone in plg can pull 600, even with bumpers and a dl bar, nevermind at 60kg bw

what is /plg/'s favorite version of the basic Starting Strength template

Watch it Jakob, I've heard that you're into the horse face ladies

If you wouldn't put your pee pee in stefi cohen then you gay

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but does bumpers really matter? Its just to thicc for competition for big guys, they wouldnt be able to fit on bar what they want. I tought thats the only reason

>fucked this one girl beacuse she had great ass and now getting memed all along
Never heard anyone memeing Weronika or Roksana even tought they even speak with them

Favorite template? It doesn't matter. You're only going to be doing it for 3 months anyways.

Wider the plates on a dl bar the further you can pull without all of them off the ground

Its why comp plates are thinner than regular cast iron

whats going on with that giant fucking nose holy shit9

That's what it says, find your training max. I was doing 5kg jumps becuase it didn't even cross my mind that I would fail so son.
Yes, but fuck man, so low, I thought I had made great gains. Where I said "below 85%" I actually meant 81%, I got a 15rep set after last deload. I know estimates off such high-reps are shit but what the fuck.

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Bumpers are usually higher as well so it's like pulling from small blocks.

Sounds like a mindset issue to me.

but there is shit ton of top elite guys who lift on normal iron cast or some meme company like technogym plates and dont care. All I see from Sarychev is using same technogym plates I use which are some meme tier

>oy vey

You're a numpty mate, he literally says in the book that at the first 1RM test you're probably going to be hitting your old numbers and to trust the process. Come back to us in four weeks after the peaking cycle when you can actually the see the improvement or lack thereof, then I'll be interested.

Its only autists online in places like plg that want to put loads of arbitrary super specific criteria on things in order to find them impressive

In the real world, weight on bar is all people care about


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*posts some guy in everything matching sbd outfit*

If all the criteria of the bar and the weights was spot-on, and she was pulling conventional instead of sumo, they would still bitch because they're convinced that she's running two grams of gear

Bucket of needledick crabs.

is SBD Belt the /plg/ approved belt?

If you have the money to waste. For no benefit.

There's almost zero difference between a good belt and a cheap belt, it's all just 13 millimeter leather

Hey man what is your programming now a days like? I remember you doing something like just working up to a 3rm of a variation and then hitting lifts that compliment that variation. And then switching when ur not increasing your 3rm anymore.

Could you do a small write up of that because it sounded really interesting and simple at the same time.

Maybe I first try the belts at my gym, there are like 7. All at various stages of disintegration.

The Isley approved belt. He must be proud that they're UK-based or somethin.
Cool kids wrap themselves in Inzer swag.

Attached: isley retard.webm (640x360, 2.39M)

ask gbro about belts from what I know he used a bunch, I use low quality ones that are cheap but Its enough for my lifting

Gimme a little bit im in a call atm

When he descends, why is his back so round? Wont he pop his spine

he wont, he got retard strength

>Wont he pop his spine
No, hes not sean, lmao

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thought it was unsafe, sry
guess it varies from person to person then.

Fuck off retard

It is unsafe and not optimal, its just retard strength forgives everything

How do I know a good belt from bad belt

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As long as it's 13mm leather, it'll be fine.

Ok sir, thanks.

How much can stefi do conventional? 150kg?

more than most in /plg/

interview for a job I don't want in 9 minutes time with a few hours sleep

I hate this I hate being born a human

OK senpaitachi, I've been running this slavic swole meme for over a week now, and it's fun as fug, the skill days are invigorating (I'm running option 2, because it seemed like less taxing overall), but the volume days leave me sore for days, and yesterday my skill day went pretty bad because of that. I decided to take a break today and skip training altogether. Am I being paranoid and too much of a pussi, or am I doing it right?

>she slaps your boyfriends dick
What do you do?

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slavic swole looks like burn out and snap city territory

ask yourself if you need this level of commitment to progress, what are you current stats

what the fuck is slavic swole

starting strenght but bench 3x week and curl 2x

think you're thinking of something else

basically a bulgarian off shoot by nuckols

Cultural appropriation. As usual western cuck wishes he was a slav so names a program pretending he is one.

so basically 28 meme has ended and now its lmao slavic swole?

na slavic swole isn't really one of nuckol's mainstream programmes, that'd be probably average to savage


I need a bad bencher to go through bench press tutorial, and bad deadlifter to go through deadlift tutorial

any video tips?
youtube is full of vidoes of short armed goat benchers telling how ez the form, technique is etc. and it dont really help me

I don't need it, but I think I can afford it for a while. I wanna make a quick comeback after a very long cut, have pretty good life logistics (work and gym close to home), can afford a lot of sleep. I plan to run it for one cycle, see where I stand and proceed according to that- if I feel it was too much and time was wasted, switch to something more reasonable, and if I find out the progress was great and I don't feel too beat up, maybe give it another try.

for bench press, dave tate

for conventional deadlift, unironically rippetoe

Bench pressing is easy when you have muscle. Spend more time doing push ups and bodyweight dips after your bench pressing until you start to feel more stable. Learning bench by only doing bench is tough if you don't have muscle

Tate is bad Bencher? It was a while ago since I watched his tutorial series, I will rewatch it. Thank you.

I'm pretty skinny alright and I feel like dips are way easier.

Uhh, for deadlifts for me fix was really eazy

1. Make sure bar is over midfoot
2. Make sure you apply pressure to midfoot
3. Hinge
4. Grab bar
6. Lenghten your arms
5. Squeeze your shoulder blades down(not together)
7. Squeeze your chest up as hard as you can as you want to lift it up
9. Press away from the floor with your legs
10. Profit
>there was no point 8 and 5&6 switched places

Bench is llike
1. Lay down
2. Setup your bulldog grip
3. Make sure your feets are in place and you apply pressure on your fingers, try to move into the wall not up
4. Arch using barbell, squeeze shoulder blades together and down
5. Keep glutes tight, brace
6. Spotter gives barbell
7. Make sure wrist, forearm etc are in proper line, brace harder
9. Make sure you try to push your chest into wall behind you (aka chest up all the time)
10. Mantain all tightness and lower the bar
11. Press it up pushing with your legs, making sure you arch, remaing tight etc.
Basically try harder and fuck excuses embrace fact you are weak and probably need a lot more tricep work (tricep work did wonders for me)

I could not get my lumbar straight if my life depended on it if I just bent over to the bar, instead of hinged. I also can't get a big breath at the bottom.
I prefer
>rooting feet
>breathing big at the top
>hinging to grip the bar
>knees out
>chest & eyes up and pull.

plus slow down on your bench descent helps me a lot, fast = I get loose but thats probably beacuse I have no motor pattern yet

this is how I do it too t.

for me what fucked my deadlift was that when I strated pulling I moved from midfoot to my heels and my torso rounded beacuse no space, so remain midfoot was most crucial for me

No but hes probably the best coach of the bench there is

He is kyphotic and the suit pulls you in

>I strated pulling I moved from midfoot to my heels
happens to me rn.

i thought i was supposed to push through heels like that desu

It would've been so much better if he just a gave thumbs up after he fell and cut off the video.

To make sure I'm in my best position when I step to the bar I like to practice I'm about to do a vertical jump, so I hinge transfer power from heel to toes and back, and it sort of reminds me where I should apply pressure during the lift.

I heard push thru your heels a lot but this always made my position fucked, even on setup, if Im not pushing on midfoot in setup I cant even get my back straight
What I do to make sure im on midfoot is that I first push as hard in to ground as I can and than try to feel heavy on my fingers - this is cue that I got from seminar and it really helped with a lot of stuff for me, not only dl but squat too

Aight thank you

It fluctuates, nothing is set in stone, i write down everything ive done after training instead of planning in advance, then i beat it when it comes back around

Monday & Wednesday are heavy upper/lower, ill do multiple doubles with a challening weight, or work upto an all out top set, single, double or triple. With reps and sets ill stick with it until i cant keep adding weight, this generally takes 3 weeks. Every 4th variation will usually be something im strong in, to give me a better idea of where the comp lift is sitting and how much stronger ive got.

There will always be a secondary which are waved again, usually increasing reps/sets rathee than weight, these will be 5-8 reps. It will either be the same as the main movement or something to target where i am weak

Then its just bbing style assistance to hit every muscle group involved in the main lift

Friday/sat are different, the heavy upper movement on friday is replaced by a bench movement into bands with the intention of moving it as fast as possible, then the rest of the session is the same as monday

Saturday is always a box squat, rotating the bar every 3 weeks, into bands to try and move it as fast as possible. After squats i do my 'heavy' deadlifts, usually a 4 week block, reducing volume and upping weight. The variation changes every 4 weeks. Assistance is the same as weds.

Progression on assistance is just as and when i feel i can do the reps clean with more weight, so if its 1 or 2 sets with a heavier weight than last time and i need to drop the weight back then thats fine, its still more work. I generally stick with assistance movements longer, eg ill never drop ghrs because theyre so good for hams

Any questions feel free to ask

That was the worst interview I've ever done and I'm going to hang myself

thanks for the tips, ill try both of them