Dip Brahhhs unite

What is you preferred dip or nicotine administration method of choice, Jow Forums ?personally I'm partial to cope Wintergreen and blu ecig pods. Vuse vibe was a life saver before it got recalled.

Also how much do y'all smoke or dip or vape or whatever per day?
I limit myself to one can but can't seem to actually make it through a full day with one, I either run out early or have to space it out

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I vape everyday, ocassional cigar. Used to smoke a pack a day then Vaped then Copenhagen for a couple years now back on the vape. Still will take a big ol dip when I go fishing or hunting or just for the hell of it. Really bad for gums and causes heartburn though that's why I dropped it. Vaping is nice but ooses it's nicotine buzz.

Smoking a bowl of pipe after the gym is the shit brother.

I smoke Malboro 27's when i go out to drink, and generally have a Juul on me that i don't use much. Smoked for 6 years, only like cigs now when im drunk.

Dip is losing it's nicotine buzz for me and in my mind, I don't even dip much at once, even if I dip more if feels the same. What you dipping tho brahhh and what you vaping???

Unironically starting to get more worried about the calories and sugar involved in dipping as opposed to the cancerous aspect

Just quit smoking and can’t vape or dip on the job so snus is a lifesaver.

I usually go through 4 or 5 portions a day.

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Used to dip Wintergreen Copenhagen mainly, and original. Used red seal original a lot cuz it was friends brand. I vape 3mg typically sometimes 6mg. Horchata and peanut butter cup are the best flavors I keep getting.

all tobacco Is pipe tobacco if ur brave
>Not smoking Skoal mint

What country is this from brother? Never heard of 24 portion tins.

I Vaped mainly 2.4% citrus, orange, menthol and mints, stuck pretty basic but damn do I like citrusy and tingly shittt
One brand I got once, and never saw again sold a really good blood orange, and I also got a sour cotton candy from them too. Nothing ever compared

Generals is Swedish my guy

The 'best damn liquids' is the best brand I've tried. They have some shitty flavors too though. Fruit is good but I find cinnamon has the most longevity before the flavor gets stale to your tongue

Or are you asking what country I got it from?

What country are you able to purchase it in? This murifags never done seen it. All gas stations have the basics, grizzly, skoal, Copenhagen

The American vaper here. In WV we have generals in lots of gas stations. It's fairly common.

Nothing beats the feeling of being a new vapist and not preparing your coil, unwrapping a fresh new vape pen, adding juice and trying to vape instantly.
I notice most menthol based ones have good longevity, in terms of becoming immune to taste, almost all mints or spearmints I've tried tasted like biting into a fucking altoid

Is it better than Camel polar large pouches though???

I got in in Alaska Yes

Camels are relativelynew to snus

Yeah but they're pretty decent for dry pouches, definitely win in the flavor department, but lack as much nic as say grizzly pouches

Cope straight all day, I usually dip about a can a week. Unless i'm really stressed or bored.

How do you make one tin last SEVEN days? I can't make it last one brah. On some real shit

Packing only one fat ass hammer a day guarantees a killer buzz (for me at least).

>Snus General mint
Patrician taste

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Agreed, generals has more nac

Hell yea boi

dipped on and off for about 7 years but I had to quit because I noticed my gums had receded pretty badly

I’ve been dipping for over three years and have tried to quit numerous times without any luck. Recently switched to this fully loaded chew. It’s non tobacco but it has nicotine in it. So you get your nicotine without the negative effects of tobacco

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So who else feels like having a dip in while doing deadlifts is the only way to deadlift ?

Tobacco free? Yet has nicotine? Why is this user. What is this post about?

Also it packs well and feels like real dip when it’s in your lip.

So it’s basically zen

U are all fucking gross for taking dip. Take snus instead, its like dip but in a little bag u place behind ur right or left upper lip.

You can read more about it on their website. It’s been awesome so far and I’ve been using it for about 3 weeks or so now. They have 0 nicotine, 50% strength, and full nicotine.

Just used my last pouch of snus. I've used it to quit smoking twice before, 6 months each time. Would think I had the willpower to have a smoke here or there and start again. Been 8 days of no smoking and used camel This time. Wish I had General though, amazing stuff

>snusing mint
>be a faggot
pick 2

Vape erry day. Suorin air checkin in

First dip in 2 days no buzz at all will i make it guys?

All day, everyday. Who else here natural?

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Underrated. Hardly ever find it. Natural and southern blend are rare gems indeed...

Copenhagen also makes the only snuff I can handle. Roight in the nostril she go!

Based, too bad that shit costs 6 bucks a can for me.


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It's either these or Southern Blend. The pouches are great if you're on campus or at the library.
t. Collegefag

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Sure is so᠍y in here.

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got the camo mint pack in front of me rn. i dip long cut though i don't like pouches.

Long cut definitely gives a better buzz, but I can't do it when classes are going on. You ever deviate from mint?

God damnit I bought 3 cans of snus and one of dip from northerner and, after two fucking months to arrive, I'm almost done with two cans of snus after 5 days. Feels fucking bad