Controversial Opinions Thread

>Lunch is for fatties
>Keto's for brainlets
>Diet Soda's for girls

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Lifting weights is mainly for people with self esteem issues. Mainly being a key word.

>this thread is stupid

Diet soda can taste good, at least for coke and pepsi.


the human body was clearly designed for a vegan diet

>b8 the thread

Also if your maintenance calories are so low you can't eat lunch you're a skelefag

Is that why they all look emaciated?

Preworkout supplements are stupid.

I'm a yuropoor so I don't get this diet stuff and I always wanted to ask a burger what does that actually have in it so I'll ask away: is diet soda regular soda with reduced sugar? And if so then why the fuck do people bother with it, when we've had zero sugar soda since forever? If you're willing to ruin the taste you might as well go all in. You'll learn to like the zero coke as well.

Is that why we have canines and incisors

Imagine actually thinking this

>Israel has a right to exist

facts scare you?

bodybuilding is stupid

>goes vegan
>extreme aging, teeth falls out, hair thins

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Diet coke has no calories and no sugar coke zero has no aspartame in it

Could you stop failing to mention that we're a Satanic cult? You should lead with it. It's the best part of your shitposts.

>goes carnivore
>overweight entire life
>can't breathe when walking up stairs
>arteries clog and have heart attach at 40 years old
>gotta get them gains though

It's like a balanced fucking diet is healthy or something

>implying I even brought up carnivorism.

Good thing about being a rational human bean is that I can eat both chicken and broccoli. Although I'd love for you to find me a single person that is obese that has been carnivore 5+ years. It's fucking impossible to get obese eating only meat.

drinking babies blood isn't vegan.

These are both strawmans. Vegans aren't typically (((emaciated))) and carniwhores aren't typically fat. Fuck off with your neutrality lebowski.


Eating 'healthy' is overrated and most people overindulge on healthy foods like fruit smoothies and get fatter than they would have if they just switched to a diet soda.
SS is a meme.
There is no excuse for skipping cardio.

>claims eating healthy is overrated
>says everyone should do cardio

You can't pretend like health doesn't matter in one sentence then it does in another. I don't do cardio because I hate it.