Femanons, if you felt you really loved a guy would you offer your flesh to him to be cooked and eaten...

Femanons, if you felt you really loved a guy would you offer your flesh to him to be cooked and eaten? How would you respond if he brought this up with you? Nothing lethal of course just a strip of your arm or something. Or you could go Meiwes and let them make soup out of your bones.

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iirc albert fish said that the ass was the sweetest meat

You're too far gone. Its best to just end you to relieve you of the suffering that is your life

this is quite a common fetish as i understand

This use to be my dream
I wanted a man to love me so much he would eat me

I dreamed of doing the same to my ex

I will let you eat any part of me you desire if you let me eat you too.

I agree, the actual tasting of your flesh and the whole level of trust based around this is something else. This is pretty much the ultimate confirmation of love, trust and dedication in a relationship. And of course them offering their body to you in the same way. It would be nice to take some cuts from each other and cook and eat them together.

i would love to eat someone elses flesh, but gving mine...i don't think so

I think it would have to go both ways for a proper trusting and loving relationship though, but if you desired a more submissive and dedicated partner that could work quite well too.

you don't understand pal, i want to torture them while they're alive, kill them and then eat them, i don't want any of this relatonship bullshit

fair enough but that's shit's like choosing fast food over fine dining my dude, emotional torture is good too

I'm not a cannibal and I don't really even know what v ore is

we're all going to die, so it dosn't really matters if you bond with them or not

Words of truth. We're all just meat after all.

if anyone wants to be tortured to death and then cooked, i'm free

vore communities are a notch above furfaggots and it's mostly soft shit anyway. give me my hard vore, eating people alive

>soft vore
>hard vore
you're a new one to hard stuff, ain't you?

relatively so i'd say, i'll always defer to those more experienced anyway so thanks for picking that up

I just like how people look so meaty and tasty, especially girls. People are edible things, and I can never get my mind off that. You know how giant candy things are fun, like giant gummy bears? Cuddling against a sweet girl you like is like cuddling a giant, tasty snack. The idea of her giving her body to you like that is the absolute height of love, a million times more intimate than sex. It's not that so much of a vore/guro fetish than one of taking further dominance anyway.

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you can catch STD's from ingesting other peoples blood. prions will always be present no matter how much you cook it.
3dpd is bad. Asphyxiation and cutting limbs off is fucked because the person either screams for 2 hours and passes out or begs for mercy/starts getting violent towards you. My ideal husbando wouldn't want to hurt me.

>My ideal husbando wouldn't want to hurt me.
But would you want to hurt him? Important question.

I would want to hurt them physically but not emotionally. I'd have to ask them beforehand etc. and could never cripple them/ inflict permanent injuries as they could regret it later.

Alright that sounds like a pretty standard dynamic then. I'm always surprised to see a femanon into femdom here, most seem to be an ultra-sub. You've got a healthy outlook

god please be my gf

if you amass 100 more good boy points gfdom is guaranteed.

fugg i'd better start saving up then. ppp ain't convertible i take it

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