I've decided on never bothering with modern women again, and instead focus my energy on something worthwhile. However, my sex drive needs a culling. Is there a pill I can take that absolutely kills it, but without major side effects?
If you had a demon inside you telling you constantly to fuck your life up, you'd want to get rid of it too, willpower or not.
Kevin Davis
freeze sperm, but i can tell you right now we're not getting artificial wombs in the next decade because muh morals and muh soggy knee. just get a surrogate if you're going the avoid all women route
Tyler Taylor
>just get a surrogate Considered it, but the legal system in my country allows surrogates to do takebacks in case they bond with the kid during the pregnancy, legal contract or not.
Juan Howard
i don't see anything wrong with keeping your sex drive and just not getting into an actual relationship with women. if you castrate yourself you'll lose your main source of testosterone and fuck your lifts and health in general. besides, sex is good for boosting test. just don't get attached like an idiot and you'll be fine
Jaxson Baker
all gay ass replies in this thread. hop on paxil, effexor, or any other strong SSRI. Prepare to be castrated
Camden Brooks
I used to think of my sex drive as a demon too. Then I slowly had the realization that's it's just like a dog tied up that is constantly hungry and desperately trying to get that bowl of food that is just barely beyond reach. That animal isnt just some force pushing you around, it's a part of you just like your eyesight or sensation of touch. Even if you could get rid of it you would just be destroying a part of yourself. Dont think of it as a demon, that part of you needs to be trained, its need discipline and honor.
Ryder Ortiz
No, the dog needs to be put down.
Justin Martinez
research their track record, she's not going to throw away her business for a kid, and if she did, she'd want a husband with it
Jayden Nelson
>she's not going to throw away her business for a kid 3 years down the line when she's all dried up and need a new way of income? Yeah, she can get the kid back, then. Actually, she can claim it back any time until it's 18yo.
Ryan Kelly
did it get you in trouble somehow OP? or is it the fear of banging a chick and getting accused of rape? in which case just start recording retarded voice memos the week before and when you go to fuck her make one, but "accidentally" leave it running. there's decisive evidence in that case that she was lying and she'd get fucked
Jayden Wright
Both, and the fact that I'd have to bug my house for some meat sleeve.
Nathan Reed
Have some compassion for yourself. Grow from the hunger, dont try to control it, or kill it. Besides, your sex drive isnt so simple where you can selectively disable it, it would be similar to a lobotomy where large parts of the brain become damaged and you still wouldn't be happy.
Gavin Foster
Julian Foster
>you still wouldn't be happy I am actually happy, which is why I want to remove the thing tempting me to fuck it up. Also why the SSRI suggestions would do a fuckload more damage than intended.
Josiah Reyes
well that's fucked. i can tell you're a mgtow/trp type and i can tell you i was there once. moved past it once i realized that even if i get in a divorce (assuming i even legally get married), I'll have kids and visitation rights to raise them. in my off time i can just fuck women all i want throughout my 30's without a care in the world. all the horror stories you run into on reddit are the .001% worst cases. that's like hearing about a plane crash on tv then never flying again. go read the rational male and get enough pua game to avoid ever being divorced in the first place. get to know a girl for at least 3 years before engaging her, then wait another before marrying her. any bumps on that road (past boyfriends or whatever turning up) dump her immediately and get a new girl. family life is comfy and if you can make it happen it'll be the best feeling in the whole world
Ryan Davis
Why not just get a fleshlight. Everything here will have side effects because sex drive is natural
Dylan Gray
Props to you, but I'm 25 and way past the point of securing a proper woman. I don't know if you're from the Western world or not, but here in Scandinavia, thots and SJW's are the norm nowadays. Even when you think you've found a down to earth gal, it turns out she's either a slut or feminist to a degree. I've tried, my friend, for years, but it's hopeless.
I wank daily. Doesn't really do anything.
Julian Bennett
if you're concernes about losing your house in the process, as long as it's in your name alone, you will be able to keep it even with kids involved. as a bonus, the courts will likely decreed you the fit parent assuming she's just crashing with her friends or new bf after the divorce. meaning the one who goes is her and not you, essentially getting precisely what you wanter out of it: kids
Asher Miller
You could try men. Honestly, heterosexual relationships don't even come close in terms of compatibility. You'd still have a warm place to stick it too.
Jeremiah Martinez
maybe you're just looking in the wrong places for women? you could always join a book club or a church, or even go volunteer for something. there's no way any thot is going to spend her time in those places
Easton Cruz
i think OP's main goal isn't companionship, but kids
Leo Jackson
just masturbate you daft cunt
Aaron Martin
>eastern europe >or go to a catholic church it's not over
Leo Hall
>there's no way any thot is going to spend her time in those places ahahaha Those virtue signalling activities are breeding grounds for thots.
William Baker
Run nandrolone on cruise or take letro as a nattyà
Jaxon Hughes
they can't really virtue signal over books, maybe they'll go once to make a "haha I'm so nerdy :3" instagram post but they'll be gone the next. the only religion sjws support is islam so the only reason they'd be at a church is to protest or something. volunteering could go either way i suppose, but that's more like the book club example where they'd make an instagram post about what a good person they are for it
Joseph Gray
user have you ever been to a catholic church? legit I went to one a week ago and I saw like 30 people, late twenties, all of them paired off and with at least one kid. And there are donuts after church.
Xavier Lee
Carson Jones
How can I trust someone who needs the threat of eternal damnation to be a good person?
Aiden Reyes
Enslave your body, do not destroy it. It knows no better than to do what its instincts command.
Gabriel Cooper
bitch what threat? ever heard of cultural Catholicism? you can be agnostic and Catholic. >eternal damnation if you're not a good person ever heard of confession? people make mistakes. there are a lot of drunk and sinful catholics. not every catholic is sister mary who spends all her time feeding the homeless.
Oliver Turner
>there are a lot of drunk and sinful catholics. not every catholic is sister mary who spends all her time feeding the homeless. Thanks for killing the church argument.
Chase Rogers
yeah but the women aren't drunks, all the girls I know who are catholic are waiting for marriage just fucking try it you wanker go in and go for donuts afterward and talk to the priest and you'll meet someone
Sebastian Williams
Eat pork in Saudi
Jaxson Ramirez
You can start smoking cigarettes, they've been shown to cause major erectile dysfunction if you're willing to go that far...
But really I think you just gotta hang in their and with time your sex drive will go down anyway. I'm a 28 year old boomer and I'm starting to really feel it.
Hunter Davis
It'd be moral suicide; joining an ideology I got nothing for just for the chance of meeting a girl.
Brody Martin
>catholicism >ideology it's not fucking islam, and you don't know anything about it. why don't you read a bit about the religion first.
listen, i'm gonna let you in on a little secret. a lot of women adopt the views of their men. it's just what happens. i see it all the time. conservative friend + liberal/center girl = conservative couple. if you really want to find a nice gf, go to church, tell her you're fine with waiting for marriage, and maybe as you get more into the relationship imply that you don't want to go to church as much or something. it's not hard.
Isaac Roberts
Double dose of propecia aka finasteride you won't care about bitches and your hair will be juicy
Josiah King
Mentally ill thread
Leo Morales
Cyproterone Acetate or spironolactone
Daniel Clark
Wrong on both accounts. Fin has very diminishing returns past even 0.5 mg, and it's the bare minimum you can do for hair.
Jaxon Walker
>eastern europe >literally camwhore and gold digger central how about no?
Nathaniel Johnson
Just go no porn + no fap for 3 months and then no porn + fap when you feel horny (get a flesh light and only use your imagination NO PORN EVER). You’ll be amazed how much your sex drive cuts back...
Luke Perez
>t. ugly inbred westerner who has never been outside of his beautiful muuulticultural country 1. don't be a fat 50 year old american or britbong 2. try to learn the language 3. don't go to clubs
Nathaniel Young
Learn to harness your sexual energy. Or, if you came from r/incels then go the fuck back there
Gavin Peterson
William Martinez
Finasteride or Dutasteride Had the side effect that you’ll never go bald either
David Sanchez
Anti depression pills will work.
Small amount of zoloft or something will do the trick.
If it doesn't entirely kill your sex drive it'll lower it, and make it difficult to cum so you'll give up fapping anyway.
And if there does come a time where you have a nice lady friend sat on your cock, you'll last a very long time, so you'll be able to rail the shit out of her without worrying about PE
Landon Thomas
Alcohol and vaping
Thomas Ortiz
Chemical castration is just code for take an anti androgen like spiro which doesn’t do anything permanently really besides make you think and feel like a low test beta male
Joshua Reed
>What is will power? that's just human physiology
it' like saying >oh man, i need to take a huge shit! >use your willpower to stop it you just can't
Julian Flores
You know every pill that kills your sex drive, like finasteride for example if you're one of the unlucky guys, also makes you a fucking beta pussy. In the end testosterone and dht the important male sex hormoes are what makes you horny. You'll never be able to artificialy kill your sex drive without side effects
Jonathan Miller
Amphetimines can really fuck with your sex drive. 90% of the time not horny and can distract myself cleaning my room or organizing but 10% of the time you’re wanking a limp dick to porn for 6 hours.
Dominic Stewart
Kayden Rogers
You literally cannot be a good person without Christ’s love.
Juan Sullivan
I've been on fin for 6 months and my libido is as good as ever mate
Leo Sanchez
>that's just human physiology >t.Excuses for being a little bitch I'm on day 39 of nofap. But I guess I'm just the biggerman.