I'm 5'7 at 220 and doing push/pull/legs with cardio on off days. Advice?
Good choice, SS is a meme.
OP here, what is SS?
Whats your workout schedule like?
You are morbidly obese and should focus entirely on cardio before you even pick up a weight for at least a year by the sounds of it
Not a lot of equipment or weight, but I'm working on it. Losing fat and gaining muscle (might be linemen within a year)
keep doing them
kiss you on the back
is there any point to lifting as a manlet?
Eh, I can cut fat pretty fast. Got a gf that can cook is the problem.
>Not a lot of equipment
Shit, wtf are you working with then?
Makes up for my tiny penis
post body fatty
A bench with standard barbell, 5ft 15lb. 100 lbs of plate and 2x10lb dumbs
starting strength, a workout regiment involving squats. like a year ago Jow Forums used to swear by it along with GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) but now the general consensus is to shit on both I guess
GOMAD sounds fucking retarded. Op btw
The 5 ft 15 lb part has me confused (i use freedom units as well), do you mean the bar?
I've also done ppl the first time i started working out (about a six month stretch) and made progress. Shit happened and i fell out of my routine, still dyel, almost 2 months back in right now though..
Why is it that you feel like your body can be in both a catabolic and anabolic state at the same time?
Youre supposed to train 6 days a week on PPL. If you dont, just do full body 3 times a week. The whole point of ppl is to have a 2x a week frequency per body part.
I didn't know that, thank you.
Yes, the bar is 15 freedom units.
So is cardio a no go? I really want to shred fat but gain strength.
Get more weight, id be surprised if your not already using all the weight you have for some of your lifts. I was doing 5-6 times a week like stated, doing 30 min of cardio (about 8+mph) immediately after my lifting, and almost everyday i had the chance i would do some basic stretching and core exercises for 30~ min
Do both, i started skinny at 160ish and at the end of my 6 months was around 180. Really wish i took pics or had a gf at that time to take pics for me for some extra inspiration
I don't have a spotter to lift heavier and I have issue with my muscle. Extreme spasms and other stuff. I can do all the weight obviously but fear prevents me, I'm working on that. Thank you for everything man. Gonna do runs and some rope for cardio
Do you not have 2.5 lb plates to help you progress? I dont have any knowledge about muscle spasms to give good advice other then to stay better hydrated(im typically pissing straight water half the time), better nutrition, or to do some light stretching before and maybe after workouts
I have 2x15, 2x25 and 2x10 in plates.
Fuck.. id be scared to to progress if the smallest donuts i put on both sides of the bar were 10s too. When are you gonna get smaller weights so you can stop wasting your time and start making progress?
Also although my lifting experience was limited to 6 months are there any specific questions you'd like to ask someone who also did ppl before i go to sleep?
OP here, I've gotten a lot of info tonight, thank you to everyone who gave me advice. I'm going to bed now, thanks guys.
>might be a linemen
>too short
>too fat for your height
>probably super unathletic
Linemen are 6'3+ monsters who can bench 400+ pounds
My goals are to compensate for my low height with losing the fat around my dick so it can be at 6.5" without bonepressing, getting some ass gains and forearms. If I get triceps, biceps, shoulders, pecs and abs in the process it's cool too.
Not him but I know linemen who are total manlets and fatasses the only requirement is to have strenght. Almost no one can stay fit in that job because of schedule and their diet. Maybe linemen in California and those sunshine-all-year places but the ones that do work their asses off in tornado and hurricane states barely have the time/energy to eat right and exercise.
cope. I'm same height at 150. You are fuckin fat as shit you dumbass
Cause he is obese he will be able to gain muscle for a good few months in a deficit before he hits a wall, even then it's worth going forward as he will get microgains until his bf% drops to the normal range (sub 15%)
PPL is retarded, you could just do Upper 3x, Lower 2x a week and make more upper body gains
>I’m same height
for your goals full body 3x pw is probably going to work better, itll give you opportunity for 2 days of sprints/rowing
Press 3x a week, back and legs 2x a week is superior.
lose some weight
Yeah yeah short people exist